Page 4 - January Banner 2018_Neat
P. 4
Page 4 January 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
T o wn H all R epor ts “It’s always a lot of fun,” said The new dealership will be at the
D e c emb er 2 0 1 7 Maggie Doll with Gateway Candy corner of Moser Road and Frederick
and Gateway Liquors. “The kids Road.
by James Rada, Jr. always get into it out there, and
we get pictures on Facebook with Town Gets a Clean Audit Report
everybody dressed in pink. It’s a good The Town of Thurmont received
Emmitsbur g cause, and we’re happy to be a part its annual financial audit report
of it.” from Zelenkofske Axelrod, LLC.
Fewer Residents Paying Water Bills expected to be built in the spring of Nicki Eyler with the Eyler Stables The auditor looked at the finances
Late 2018. Flea Market said that ribbons were for Fiscal Year 2017. The town’s
hung throughout the flea market and
net position improved by $615,507,
Emmitsburg Town Manager The Thurmont Civitan Club, many vendors donated a percentage while its debt decreased by $737,316.
Cathy Willets reported to the mayor which spearheaded the new fully of their October sales to the fund. The total revenues for the year
and commissioners that by changing accessible playground for special “We also had a donation jar were nearly $12.8 million for all
the due date for the quarterly water needs children in Thurmont, has on our counter, so our customers government services, while expenses
bills, fewer people are paying their expressed interest in creating a participated as well, and we actually were $12.15 million.
bills late. The change began with similar playground in Emmitsburg. quadrupled what we did last year,”
the quarterly bills that went out Emmitsburg currently has Eyler said. Town Gets Colorfest Update
September 17, 2017, and seventy enough money set aside to build Dr. John Moles dyed his beard Hosting Colorfest each year
fewer later notices had to be sent to a playground in Emmit Garden. pink for October and donated $1.00 costs the Town of Thurmont tens of
residents. However, since it will be located in a for every patient who got pink on her thousands of dollars in security costs,
This meant that residents saved on floodplain, the Maryland Department braces. sanitation, town staff overtime, and
late fees and town staff saved on time. of the Environment needed to Promotional items such as t-shirts, bus rentals. The town pays these
“We can attribute that mostly to approve the project. pinwheels, and tote bags were sold at costs primarily out of the vendor
changing our due date to the fifth,” the Thurmont Town Office. permit fees, but also from a portion
Willets said. Brookfield Subdivision Lots Sold All of the donations raised by the of the parking fees each year.
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs
Emmit Garden Playground Gets announced in December that town and town businesses amounted For Colorfest 2017, permits and
Approved Richmond American Homes had to $15,000. Total donations over the parking brought in $63,222. The
four years the town has participated
town paid out 59,570 for all of its
The proposed Emmit put a contract in to purchase the in the Gateway to the Cure have expenses. This left the town $3,652
Garden playground—which the remaining forty-seven home lots in amounted to $43,000. in the black, which is not always the
commissioners would like to see as the Brookfield subdivision. As part of case. Also, Colorfest, Inc. donated
a handicapped-accessible one, like the purchase, the developer will also Criswell Gets Site Approval for $5,000 to the town’s general fund
the new playground in Thurmont— have to level out a crest on Irishtown Expansion and $1,500 to the Thurmont Police
received state approval for its plans. Road. Once that is done, there can be The Thurmont Planning and Department out of its earnings.
The next step is to get the town two-way traffic between Brookfield Zoning Commission conditionally “The town does not try to
permits for it. The playground is and Pembrook. approved the preliminary plans for make anything,” said Thurmont
Criswell Chevrolet to add a Chrysler, Commission Marty Burns, during a
For more information on the Town of Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. Dodge and Jeep dealership in town. recent town meeting. “We just don’t
gov or call 301-600-6300. A major concern about the new want to lose money.”
dealership is the additional outdoor It was a good year for Colorfest,
lighting that it will add to the area with seventy-two more permits being
T hur mon t and how it will affect residents. issued over 2016. Chief Operating
However, the lighting also needs to Officer Jim Humerick also pointed
be bright enough for surveillance out that there appeared to be record
Cpl. Duhan Promoted for the Green Homes Challenge cameras to function properly. B&R crowds on Saturday.
Thurmont Police Cpl. Tim Program, an online tool to help Design Group presented a plan that For the most part, things ran well.
Duhan was promoted to the rank of people save energy. The tool can help reduces the intensity of the lights Friday evening before Colorfest,
lieutenant on November 3, 2017. He estimate energy savings, gasoline from 150 watts to 104 watts, which the town started experiencing some
is the Thurmont Police K-9 officer and savings, carbon emissions savings, is roughly the lighting intensity at the power problems in the park. Town
has been with the department for five and other metrics. Thurmont McDonald’s. staff fixed it only to have another
years. Prior to Thurmont, he served as Town Planner Chris Jakubiak felt problem on Saturday that had to be
a Frederick City Police Officer. Gateway to the Cure Results that the intensity of the lights over addressed. There was also a minor
The Town of Thurmont made the employee and customer parking issue with U. S. Postal Service and
Power Saver Retrofits Program its presentations from its October area could be further reduced since Kountry Kitchen employee access to
Update fundraising efforts for the Patty those areas are empty at night and do certain areas, but there’s a plan in
The Thurmont Mayor and Hurwitz Fund. not have inventory that needs to be place to deal with them next year.
Commissioners were updated on Catoctin High School Football protected. The commissioners also discussed
how well the Power Saver Retrofits held its 2 Annual Pink Out Game. Town staff will continue working whether dogs were causing a problem
Program has been doing in the T-shirts were sold during the game, with B&R Design Group to further at the event, but they were split on
town. The program has been around and $1,447 was raised. Five football reduce the lighting and to decide this.
for five years and was introduced players from the school made the on the trees and shrubs to use for The most significant problem that
to Thurmont in 2016. Homes in presentation to Patty Hurwitz. landscaping along the Moser Road needs to be dealt with for this year’s
the program are given an energy A number of town businesses frontage. The site plan also includes Colorfest is to add some additional
audit to find where improvements participated in the Gateway to the privacy fences to separate Criswell port-a-potties at Criswell Chevrolet
can be made to make them more Cure with donations and promotions. from the bordering residential areas. and Deerfield Church.
energy efficient. The program can For instance, at Gateway Candyland,
then provide $7,000 to $10,000 to anytime a special chocolate breast For more information on the Town of Thurmont, visit
qualifying homeowners to make cancer lollipop was sold, a $1.00 or call the town office at 301-271-7313.
those improvements. Currently, fifty- donation was made to the fund; next
five homes have used the program. door at Gateway Liquors, anytime
Homes that qualify for this a bottle of pink wine sold, a $1 P a tr onize Our Adve r tise r s!
program also automatically qualify donation was made to the fund. The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.