Page 3 - January Banner 2018_Neat
P. 3
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper January 2018 Page 3
Commissioners Hear Lagoon Odor Abatement Plan
James Rada, Jr.
The problem of an odor coming was the big reason why there was Oliver also said that a new
from the wastewater treatment the odor in town,” Oliver said. bacteria was being tested in Georgia
plant lagoon that the town rents to The best preventative in stopping lagoons to control solids and odor.
Enviro-Organic Technologies (EOT) the smell was the development of It was showing promise, and if the
during the winter appears to be an 8-inch crust on the top of the data continues to be favorable, it
under control. lagoon, using straw laid over the might be pilot tested in Emmitsburg.
After many residents complained lagoon. So now, any stirring that is The one possible problem, though,
of the horrible smell caused by the done, can be done under the cap, is that the lagoon will need to be at
food process residuals that were with very little odor escaping. least 45 degrees for it to work.
being stored in the lagoon, the town PVC piping was laid down the EOT pays the town $80,000 to
and EOT took steps to address the slope of the lagoon and under the use the lagoon. The rent will help
problem. cap. This allows the lagoon to be offset some of the operating costs of
The lagoon had not been used filled or material removed directly the new wastewater treatment plant.
since the new wastewater plant to and from the truck, with little to
went into operation. EOT currently no chance for the odor to escape.
hauls the town’s sludge, but it was The time frame for filling the
in need of a place to store a wash lagoon can take place on twelve
water product from processing work days, from December 15,
poultry. 2017, to February 28, 2018.
With the lagoon being filled In the spring, it can be removed
once again for winter storage, over twelve days, from March 1 to
Town Manager Cathy Willets May. The preference is to remove the
and EOT General Manager Mike material as soon as possible before
Oliver updated the mayor and the temperatures warm up, increasing
commissioners on what would be the chance of an odor problem.
happening at the lagoon for the The trucks won’t travel through
next year to keep the smell to a Emmitsburg, which will reduce the
minimum. chances of odors reaching residents,
The problem is that the material should there be a problem.
stored in the lagoon has been A field operator will be onsite
creating a hydrogen sulfide type of when the material is being removed
smell. “They mixed last year, which to deal with any problems quickly.