Page 11 - December Banner 2018_Neat
P. 11
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper December 2018 Page 11
Thurmont Becomes a Stop for
Trains Once Again
James Rada, Jr.
It has been decades since The Thurmont train garden will
Thurmont had a train station; have three garden trains running
however, this December trains will along the floor, an N-scale layout on
once again stop in the town. tables above, and Hagerstown and
Of course, each train is only a Frederick trolley running back and
couple feet long. forth. The trains will weave between
The Frederick County Society of buildings, trees, parks, and other
Model Railroad Engineers will host features.
a weekend train garden throughout “This is our first time doing a
December. The group will use the show outside of our clubhouse,”
empty storefront at 5B East Main Owens said.
Street in Thurmont. The trains will The train garden will be open
first arrive on December 1. throughout December: Saturdays at
“The mayor contacted us because 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.; Sundays
he wanted to have an extra event at 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Holtzople
at Christmas in Thurmont that Owens was unsure of just how
would engage the community,” said large the final display would be. The Heating & Air Conditioning
Dylan Owens, vice president of the society has a van that can be packed
Frederick County Society of Model with track and trains.
Railroad Engineers and the member “We were told to use however
in charge of the Thurmont project. much we could legally fit and go for
The society began in 1966. It is it,” explained Owens.
housed in a 70-foot-long, six-door The garden will be free to visit,
Chesapeake and Ohio horse car in although donations will be accepted.
Frederick. The car houses a 56-foot “If it’s a big hit, we will try to do
HO scale layout, showing off the it as a yearly thing,” said Owens. with purchase of an HVAC service contract. *
imaginary Catoctin Central Railroad The society sees the Thurmont
(CCRR) that crosses Frederick project as a way to reach out to Visit for more details.
County and the Catoctin Mountains, younger people and interest them in *Restrictions apply.
where it connects with the HOn3 creating their own model railroad
scale Catoctin Mountain Lines. layouts. Quality is not expensive, it’s priceless! Call Today! 866.500.HEAT