Page 42 - April Banner 2018_Neat
P. 42
Page 42 April 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
AS K The Four Stages of Disease
Lo by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic
Dr . & Nutritional Healing Center
How are you feeling about your So how did we get to feeling headaches, bad breath, constipation health problems do not suddenly
current health status? so lousy? Each year, we consume or diarrhea, you may have a sluggish develop overnight. These take a long
Perhaps you have high blood about four pounds of chemical liver. time, often years of improper diet,
pressure or high cholesterol. preservatives and additives. What If you experience chronic causing nutritional deficiencies and
Are you suffering from diabetes, happens to these chemicals and constipation or diarrhea, are imbalances, as well as environmental
arthritis, or joint pain? Maybe additives? If you are like most bloated, overweight, have regular influences to get you into the
its digestive issues, heartburn, people, you assume our body just gas, chronic lower-back pain, health condition you are currently
bloating, gas, constipation, or processes them. Most people never frequent headaches, abnormal experiencing.
weight issues. If you identify with consider what happens if our body cravings for food, skin problems like At Advanced Chiropractic
any of the previous, you might be does not break down or eliminate rashes and acne, you may have poor and Nutritional Healing Center, we
what I like to call “functionally ill.” these chemicals. elimination. use a technique called Nutrition
Functionally ill individuals perform Our digestive system suffers If you experience brain fog, suffer Response Testing® (NRT). It is a
all of their daily tasks but they greatly because of the diet most from itchy, watery eyes, allergies, non-invasive way of analyzing the
suffer from many of the complaints of us are eating. A lot of us eat hot flashes or overheating, frequent body to determine the underlying
I just listed. We often make up processed and packaged foods like headaches, bags or dark circles causes of ill or non-optimum
excuses or find ways to rationalize bread, dairy, meat, fast foods, fried under your eyes, and frequently feel health. NRT allows us to identify
why we feel so lousy. foods, fatty foods, cake, candy, depressed or experience low energy, nutritional deficiencies. All of our
As a country, we spend billions and ice cream, which are loaded you may have a weakened immune programs are safe for children,
of dollars annually on health and with chemical preservatives and system. elderly and everyone in between.
weight loss, and yet we still feel additives. Food affects our cells; it So how do you know where to Supporting the body’s effort to keep
lousy, in spite of all the doctors we either nourishes them or damages begin? To get healthy, you must itself healthy and running efficiently
visit and the sophisticated medical them. This can lead to disease. first identify what is hindering your is not difficult, but it will take some
equipment they use. We spend more The four stages of disease are: health or holding you back. There unlearning of wrong concepts and
on medical care than any other (1) Poor digestion; (2) Sluggish are no quick fixes, at least not learning some correct ones. Find
nation in the world, yet according liver; (3) Poor elimination; (4) lasting ones. The body has the full out if you are a NRT case. Call our
to the World Health Organization’s Weakened immune system. potential to repair itself when given office 240-651-1650 or attend one
ranking of the world’s health If you burp after meals, have the correct nutritional regimen. of our free nutritional seminars,
systems, neither Canada nor the stomachaches, indigestion, Nutritional deficiencies cause organ held on rotating Tuesdays and
United States ranks in the top 25. heartburn, or reflux, and suffer dysfunction, which can cause weight Thursdays, featuring a drawing for a
Many of us go to our doctor with from constipation, diarrhea or gain, high blood pressure, skin free footbath detox at every seminar.
complaints and are given a drug allergies, you may have trouble rashes like eczema, depression, or The center is located at 7310 Grove
that never really fixes the problem. with your stomach and digestion. other symptoms. Generally, chronic Road in Frederick.
The symptoms may be gone but If you experience hormonal
the drug we are given could be imbalances, suffer from moodiness,
hard for our liver to eliminate and irritability or confusion, have Take Us Along!
eventually cause more problems. high cholesterol, PMS, frequent
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