Page 40 - April Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 40             April 2018                                         The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
            Scouting News

            Thurmont Troops Take Highest Awards                                                  Make It Easy

               The Francis Scott Key                                     Courtesy Photo
            District encompasses
            scouting troops in all of
            Frederick County. The                                                                The Supermarket Gourmet
            district holds an annual
            dinner to present awards                                                                    by Buck Reed
            to troops, packs, and
            crews, and to thank
            volunteers for outstanding
            service to scouting.
               This year’s Cub Pack
            of the Year was Cub Scout                                                     What is cheating exactly? In life,   product in order to use it to make
            Pack 270. Crew of the                                                      we are taught not to drive on the     things not only easier, but better as
            Year was Venturing Crew                                                    shoulder to avoid a traffic jam. But   well. That goes for working dishes
            270, and Outstanding        Carie Stafford, associate advisor of Venturing Crew 270, is   who is to say that you shouldn’t do   made from scratch, as well as using
            Unit was awarded to       pictured accepting Venturing Crew 270 Crew of the Year Award   that? Why can’t we just ignore the   a short cut.
            Boy Scout Troop 270         from Bill Desmond, District Chairman of Francis Scott Key   rules, throw caution to the wind,   For instance, take box cake mixes.
            for the Francis Scott Key                     District.                    and just save ourselves some time     There are a lot of mixes that make
            District.                                                                  and keep moving forward? Because      cakes, but they are seldom as good
               Awards are rigorous and are based on a point-system, on areas of        some things are just wrong. The       as ones baked from scratch. But, if
            administration, advancement of youth, recruitment and retention, program   culinary world is no different. There   we take a little time and do a little
            planning and execution by youth and district, and national participation.    are just some things you do not do,   research, we will find several ideas
            Congratulations to the Thurmont area scouts for their achievements, and    and there are some things that are    that can kick that mix up a few
            thank you to all the adults who make these programs for our youth possible.  just not that bad.                  notches. Try adding an extra egg to
                                                                                          Take Yankee pot roast. I have      the mix and using mayonnaise instead
            Acknowledging Appreciation                                                 a crock pot of it going right now.    of vegetable oil. Also try substituting
                                                                                       I could make it from scratch, but I   milk for the water, or even better, if
             Courtesy Photo                                     Girls Scouts in        opted for the Lipton Onion Soup       you are making a chocolate cake, use
                                                             Frederick County take     recipe. This recipe is so standard    coffee or cola. Adding a couple of
                                                             pride in recognizing      for this dish that they don’t even    dollops of sour cream will help make
                                                             area businesses           print the recipe on the box anymore.   your cake moist. For the price of a
                                                             and community             Sure, I can take the time to purchase   few extra ingredients, you can have a
                                                             organizations that        all the ingredients, measure them     significantly better product.
                                                             support the Girl Scouts   out and prepare it from scratch. But     Short cuts are no different than
                                                             of America program.       what would be the point. Lipton       lining your pans with aluminum foil
                                                                Area businesses        makes a product that not only         before you turn them into a mess. If
                                                             and community             makes an okay soup, but a really      you learn how to properly use short
                                                             organizations allow       good pot roast as well. I would       cuts, you might find yourself cooking
                                                             troops to meet at their   go so far as to say a better pot      more often.  And if these ideas do
                Patty Green and local Brownie Troop present a ten-year   place of business, giving   roast than one made from scratch.   save you a little time, use it to look
             appreciation plaque to the Lewistown Fire Hall. Accepting the   the Girl Scouts a safe   Clearly, no one is going to culinary   up some ideas for your next short
                        plaque are Karen and Steve Stull.    and comfortable place     jail over this dish.                  cut.
                                                             to meet and grow.            Is it cheating if it makes a better    What is your culinary cheat/
            This year, Service Unit 37-4 in Frederick County recognized Lewistown Fire   dish or is it a question of having   shortcut? Is there a product that
            Company for ten years of continued service. Their continued support of the   the time we save for something else.   comes in a box that helps you
            Girl Scout program has allowed for many activities and programs to come to   Sometimes, we must take the time    in the kitchen? Let me know at
            fruition at the Lewiston Fire Hall. The Girl Scouts extend their gratitude for   to learn how to properly utilize a   [email protected].
            ten years of committed service to the Girl Scouts of Frederick County.
                                                                                        Advertise With Us! [email protected]
            Practice Makes Perfect

              Boy Scout Troop 270 participated in the
            58  Annual First Aid Meet Competition in
            Walkersville on March 3, 2018 (pictured
            right). The scouts compete against other
            youth from troops in the Francis Scott Key
            district, which covers all of Frederick County.
            The scouts are given hypothetical emergency
            scenarios to evaluate, then develop the correct
            care plan and respond. The competition
            teaches and allows scouts to do practical
            first aid as a team, under pressure, making
            it as close to a real situation as possible.
            Two patrols from Boy Scout Troop 270
            participated and took fourth place and
            seventh place, respectively, out of twenty-
            three competing groups.
                                            Courtesy Photo
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