Page 24 - November Banner 2017_Neat
P. 24
Page 24 November 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Cornhole 4 A Cause Fundraiser
Hazel Mills
Celebrates Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma
100 Birthday!
The Cornhole 4 A Cause Courtesy Photo
Hazel Howard Mills of fundraiser, benefiting the
Thurmont, formerly of Quince Leukemia and Lymphoma
Orchard, celebrated her 100 Society (LLS) and hosted by
birthday on October 8, 2017, Frederick Light the Night
with family and friends. Team Barkers 4 Blood
Cancer, was held at the
Thurmont American Legion
Courtesy Photo 2017. Tournament winners
on Saturday, September 30,
were: 1st place—Team Tall
n’ Small (Mike Kitzmiller
and Denny Miller); 2nd
place—Team Michael Vic
(Vic Heberling and Mike
A special thanks to
everyone who attended,
donated, volunteered
their time, and made this
a successful fundraiser. Pictured from left are Vic Heberling, Denny Miller, and Mike
They raised almost $1,000 Kitzmiller, and Mike Rabine (kneeling).
for LLS at this event. They
hold two tournaments a
year, along with a Zumbathon fundraiser, Paint Night fundraisers, and many
restaurant fundraisers. For more information about their fundraisers or joining
their cause, visit their fundraising page at
Rocky Ridge 4-H Club Happenings
Katie Glass, Reporter
The Rocky Ridge 4-H Club held Community Service project was
its monthly meeting in August at Pocket Change for Pete, to support
the Thurmont Community Park. a local citizen who is struggling with
At the meeting, members were heart issues.
busy preparing for the upcoming During the month, several
Thurmont & Emmitsburg members met on a Sunday morning
Community Show and the Great and traveled to Frederick Memorial
Frederick Fair. Signs for the Hospital (FMH) to drop off the July
Fair were being finalized, and Community Service project, which
Club Leader Brenda Seiss went was collecting newborn clothes. The
over member responsibilities clothes were donated to the FMH
and expectations. The monthly Birthing Center.
Courtesy Photo
Pictured are members of the Rocky Ridge 4-H Club with their Pocket Change for Pete bucket.