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NOVEMBER 2017     |   Vol. 22   |    Issue 11    |     Mail Run: 8,472    |     Total Print Run: 11,500

        Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995

               Catoctin Colorf est

                            For Kids, Young and Old

              Grace Eyler

               Friday, October 13, 2017,                                                                                     I can even camp out behind my
            marked the beginning of the 54                                                                                   booth.”
            Catoctin Colorfest weekend in                                                                                       Right down the path, local writer
            Thurmont. On this morning,                                                                                       and author, Jim Rada, and his son,
            the streets were busy with locals                                                                                Sam Rada, sold Jim’s books. By
            snagging a great deal at the yard                                                                                mid-Sunday, Diaries of Catoctin had
            sales that were set up all over town.                                                                            sold out. Jim took the opportunity
            The town had started to bustle.                                                                                  to sneak off and do a little shopping
            Some locals were preparing for         Photo by Grace Eyler                                                      of his own while Sam (age fifteen),
            the busy weekend by getting their                                                                                manned the booth and greeted the
            errands done early to avoid the clog                                                                             interested customers. “I love the fact
            of crowds expected to attend the                                                                                 that everything is handmade. You
            festivities beginning early Saturday                                                                             can see some really beautiful stuff
            morning. Vendors were seen                                                                                       here,” Sam reflected, as he showed
            throughout town setting up their                                                                                 his appreciation for a steampunk
            own temporary storefronts. Some                                                                                  style necklace he purchased earlier in
            even set up camp. After a few rainy                                                                              the day. It’s like early Christmas for
            days leading up to the weekend, the                                                                              Jim. He returned with a new small
            forecast was showing sun.                Mandy and Sophia Stebbing proudly display wood carvings at their Joe    metal figurine of a time machine that
               By Saturday morning, the crisp                   Stebbing Sculptures booth during Colorfest.                  was made by a neighboring vendor.
            fall air and overcast skies snuggled                                                                             Even though the Radas have only
            the area, still with no chance of rain.   Mobile” golf cart to those walking a   answered questions about the    been setting up for three years at
            By 9:00 a.m., the sidewalks were      distance.                            carvings from intrigued customers.    Colorfest, they’ve been attending
            busy on Church Street with families     By the time visitors had passed    As she enjoyed an oversized snow      for nine years. Jim makes sure he
            and their children, or groups of      the square, the aromas of the unique   cone, Sophia exclaimed, “I love     gets a new little metal robot for his
            friends, walking purposefully in      food vendors filled the air. Just    Colorfest! I love seeing all of the   collection every year.
            the same direction—towards the        around the turn, on Frederick Road,   different vendors and what they         Criswell Auto made space for a
            center of town. Individual people     area local Scott Haines beamed with   have to offer…and the snow cones     variety of vendors, while also taking
            disappeared and many became a         excitement for the first day of the   across the street are delicious,” she   the opportunity to display the best
            crowd as they swarmed in search of    festival. In the spot that was once   added, pointing to the trailer.      of their new vehicles. As husbands
            great finds like hand-crafted items,   occupied by “Gertie’s Hot Sauce        At the entrance of the grand       would gather around the decked-out
            gifts, and home decor, or delicious   Pretzels,” he and his dad, Allen, sold   Catoctin Colorfest at the Thurmont   trucks, their wives would meander
            food from diverse vendors.            wooden handmade Maryland flags.      Community Park, people waited         into the nearby craft tents. You’d
               For some ladies, Colorest is a     “I still flip the Gertie’s neon sign on,   patiently for one of the Thurmont   even hear a few razz their husbands,
            chance for a “girls day” while they   just to have people come up and ask   Community Ambulance Company’s        “We aren’t here to buy a new
            carried wooden tables, bags and       (his dad Allen) about the pretzels,”   famous apple dumplings. Some        truck,” as they moved on to the next
            carts of home decor down the street.   Scott laughed.                      attendees make it their single goal   place.
            Children passed by with colorful        Across from the park, the          to purchase one of these fresh           Away from the main Colorfest
            painted faces while indulging in      Stebbing Family displayed a wooden   desserts. “Every year I’ve come       drag, crowds traveled around
            funnel cakes. Thurmont Mayor John     forest of beautiful handmade         to Colorfest, I don’t leave until     Thurmont’s Memorial Park over to
            Kinnaird cruised the streets, kindly   sculptures. Locals Mandy Stebbing   I’ve had a dumpling,” explained       East Main Street. Hobb’s Hardware
            offering a ride on his red “Mayor     and her daughter, Sophia, busily     Brittney Wivell, as she enjoyed her   housed several vendors, including
                                                                                       dumpling while touring the craft      locals John and Kathy Dowling of
                                                                                       tents.                                Old Field Woodworking. Brenda
                                                                                          In the middle of the park, Scott   Rigby, an enthused Colorfest
                                                                Residential Customer
                                                                                       Hornbaker, a craftsman from St.       attendee, makes it a point to visit
                        E D D M
                                                                                       Mary’s, Georgia, displayed his        their display every year. She said,
                       P A I D
                                                                                       wrought iron hummingbird feeder       “It’s a great chance to get friends
                                                                                       hooks. He said he looks forward       together; we’ve made a tradition
                                                                                   Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
                                                                                   515B East Main Street
                                                                                       to Colorfest every year, “It’s great,   … Story   continued on page 16
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