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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper May 2017 Page 45

your public library

Where Community & Ideas Connect

[email protected] • 301-600-7212 •

by Erin Dingle, Administrator, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library

Shop Local! Children’s Services Supervisor in the library parking lot. Now is
Hannah Wilkes is excited to the time to start thinking about
Support Your Community announce that FCPL’s Summer what you can swap. Pot up a plant
Pratronize your local Challenge begins May 1! From or swap garden implements, seeds,
businesses. May through August, all ages can statuary, tree seedlings, or anything
enjoy reading and exploring the garden-related. This is a swap only,
community, while earning points to no sales. Set-up is at 9:30 a.m., and
win great prizes! Visit the library the swap starts at 10:00 a.m. Share
or to register your love of gardening by sharing at
today. The fun lasts all summer the swap!
and is for all ages. Eyler’s Flea
Market, Catoctin Mountain Park, Coming up this summer, look
Thurmont Academy of Self Defense, for other series that are partner
J. Rothrock Outfitters, and Pivot programs, to be held in June, July,
Physical Therapy will be just a few and August. The Friends of the
of our local Community Partners Library are hosting Music on the
this year. Deck for the eighth year, featuring
three new bluegrass bands. Also
“We are excited that the library’s on the deck, the Thurmont Lion’s
2017 Summer Challenge Kickoff Club will be hosting a monthly
is being held in Thurmont at the “Nighttime on the Deck” nature-
Spring in the Village/Art at the themed program. New to the deck
Furnace event on May 6 and 7!” this year will be hands-on “Art on
said Wilkes. She invites you to stop the Deck” programs, designed for
by the FCPL table to register for teens and adults. Local history is
Summer Challenge, sign up for a always popular, so the library is
library card, and enjoy kids’ craft also partnering once again with
activities. the Thurmont Historical Society to
present our annual History Lecture
At 3:00 p.m. on May 6, Series. Go to today
American Girl author Valerie Tripp to see dates, times, and details, and
will present at the Furnace. Valerie be sure to pick up a copy of the
Tripp’s American Girl characters summer edition of BookMarks.
include Felicity, Samantha, and
Molly, and fans of all ages are Part of our regular lineup
invited to enjoy the presentation of programs for teens includes
and meet Ms. Tripp. This a something the Thurmont Library
wonderful family event and will recently introduced: a Mother-
feature bluegrass musicians in the Daughter Book Club for grades 6
wine garden and a unique hands- and up. Spending time with your
on-activities area that will include child is not only fun, but by reading
roping a bed, stuffing a straw the same book together, you will
tick, and washing clothes the old- share a wonderful experience, plus
fashioned way. There will also be meet others who enjoy reading
special presentation by the SAR Fife books. Hosted by Clare Bush, our
& Drum Corp. longtime teen staff member, this
is just one of many events and
We’re very excited about an adult programs we provide during the
program being hosted at Catoctin year to bring families together in the
Breeze Vineyard, a 2017 library public library. Stop by today to pick
partner. Friday Trivia Night will be up a copy of this month’s read for
held on June 16 at 6:30 p.m. The the next club meeting on Thursday,
trivia questions will be developed May 11, at 6:00 p.m. The next book
by library staff (we promise not to will be made available for the June
make it too hard!), and it’s free to meeting.
participate. Wine and food will be
available for sale. This is something And finally, the Squirrel Cam is
new and fun and being held right in up and running after a long winter
Thurmont at 15010 Roddy Road. and our girl Amelia has been making
The Thurmont Green Team is
a great partner to the library, and Frederick County Public Libraries
we’ll be working together to host will be closed May 28 and 29 for
a Plant Swap on Saturday, June 3, Memorial Day.


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