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Page 8 February 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Business news
On Fleek Brow Boutique to Open in Frederick County Native Helps
Thurmont Cr eate Clean-Bur ning Wood Stove
Karen Marchese James Rada
Tamara Manahan—devoted wife, homeschool teacher, and mother of five—shares Imagine having
how she plans to use an up-and-coming cosmetic technique to make a difference. a wood stove
where all you
needed to do was
It was in Courtesy Photo add wood and
the spring of throw in a match?
2016 when
Tamara The stove would
then take things
Manahan first from there, getting
heard about
microblading, the fire going and
keeping the room
a form of where the stove is
that deposits located at just the
right temperature,
pigment as well as burning
under the the wood so
skin to mimic Pictured from left are Ryan Fisher, Paul LaPorte, and Taylor Myers.
the stroke efficiently that there is only a tiny stoves on the market now illegal to
amount of ash left.
of eyebrow “We call our stove the Catalyst,” sell after January 2020, but we’re
hairs. Unlike
traditional said Taylor Myers, a Catoctin already compliant with those new
regulations,” stated Myers.
tattooing, this Tamara Manahan is shown in her studio, using microblading High graduate and chief technical Testing showed that the Catalyst
is done using a technique on a client. officer for MF Fire. “It’s the first
has only 0.2 gm per hour of
handheld tool, automated wood stove. It uses a particulate emissions, which is
smart controller and automatically
which helps make eyebrows appear “Helping others is deeply rooted adjusts to optimize efficiency and twenty times lower than the new EPA
fuller and natural looking. When in my heart,” expressed Tamara,
first introduced to microblading “which is what has truly made the cleanliness, and it’s easy to use.” rules require. The Catalyst has a 99.5
percent combustion efficiency, which
by a friend, Tamara was intrigued process worthwhile.” Currently, Myers and his business partner, means that nearly all of the wood is
Ryan Fisher, developed the idea
but didn’t give much thought to the Tamara is completing the final level for the Catalyst while they were consumed. This creates less smoke.
technique otherwise. of her microblading certification,
Later that summer, Tamara which is timed with the opening of attending University of Maryland “We generate less than half the
smoke of one cigarette,” explained
found out that she would become a her studio. On Fleek Brow Boutique College Park in the fall of 2012. Myers.
Myers was studying fire protection
life-saving bone marrow donor for is located at 12 N. Center Street engineering and decided to compete It also releases 30 percent less
her father, who had been battling in Thurmont, where Diane “Dee”
Lymphoma. In preparation for Miller had her shop (Dee’s Hair in the Alliance for Green Heat’s carbon dioxide than a traditional
wood stove.
her surgery, Tamara spent time in Stylists) for forty years. A beloved Wood Stove Decathlon that was The Catalyst can be controlled
held in Washington D. C. He and
the waiting rooms of The Harry member of the community, Dee his partner put together a prototype from a computer or smartphone.
and Jeanette Weinberg Building passed away in September 2016
at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in after battling ALS. As a longtime of the Catalyst they called the You can remotely start your stove
and have a warm house to come into
Baltimore. It was here where she neighbor and family friend, Tamara Mulciber. They were the only
student team competing in the Wood after being outside.
developed an awareness of how plans to donate ten percent of Stove Decathlon in 2013. “You load the wood in the stove,
many people are affected by cancer her initial proceeds to the ALS
and disease, and the number of Association DC/MD/VA Chapter “We won the low-emission prize, throw in a match, set the room
and then the next year we won the temperature on your smartphone,
people that experience hair loss due and Hospice of Frederick County in and the stove takes care of the rest,”
to the effects of chemotherapy. And honor of Dee. grand prize,” said Myers.
After that success, Myers said Myers.
while some patients do experience With this new venture, Tamara Although the company’s offices
hair growth during recovery, some, hopes to give back on a larger scale. and Fisher knew they were onto
something and needed to bring are in Baltimore, the stoves are
unfortunately, do not. Coincidentally, “I believe that beauty is so much manufactured in Smithsburg.
earlier that month, the same friend more than what we see when we the stove to market. They teamed
up with Paul LaPorte to develop a The U.S. Census estimates that
had reached out to Tamara about look in the mirror. True beauty is 2.5 million homes heat with wood
a microblading workshop in reflected in the art of giving. I’m commercial model of the stove and
create MF Fire. stoves, and the Catalyst
Washington, D.C.—the first of its thrilled not only to be able to help The Catalyst can Catalyst may make the option
kind, locally. Though she initially did people look and feel beautiful, heat 2,000 square attractive to even more
not plan to attend, Tamara realized but to give back with the hope of
she had an opportunity to make a making a small difference in a world feet using standard households.
The first shipment
difference. Driven by her desire to full of need.” cord wood, and it is of the Catalyst stoves
a free-standing stove
give back, she attended the training On Fleek Brow Boutique is that can replace any is preparing to ship to
held by renowned European master set to open February 1, 2017,
artist, Dovile Zilinskaite, of Branko for scheduled consultations, with existing stove. Future customers who paid
just under $5,000 for
Babic’s PhiBrows Academy—the procedures beginning in March. For improvements might them.
include a fireplace
most prestigious microblading more information, please visit www. insert as well. To learn more about
academy in the world.
“New regulations this new way to heat
your home, visit the
Advertise! [email protected] are going to make 85 website at
percent of the wood
Business news
On Fleek Brow Boutique to Open in Frederick County Native Helps
Thurmont Cr eate Clean-Bur ning Wood Stove
Karen Marchese James Rada
Tamara Manahan—devoted wife, homeschool teacher, and mother of five—shares Imagine having
how she plans to use an up-and-coming cosmetic technique to make a difference. a wood stove
where all you
needed to do was
It was in Courtesy Photo add wood and
the spring of throw in a match?
2016 when
Tamara The stove would
then take things
Manahan first from there, getting
heard about
microblading, the fire going and
keeping the room
a form of where the stove is
that deposits located at just the
right temperature,
pigment as well as burning
under the the wood so
skin to mimic Pictured from left are Ryan Fisher, Paul LaPorte, and Taylor Myers.
the stroke efficiently that there is only a tiny stoves on the market now illegal to
amount of ash left.
of eyebrow “We call our stove the Catalyst,” sell after January 2020, but we’re
hairs. Unlike
traditional said Taylor Myers, a Catoctin already compliant with those new
regulations,” stated Myers.
tattooing, this Tamara Manahan is shown in her studio, using microblading High graduate and chief technical Testing showed that the Catalyst
is done using a technique on a client. officer for MF Fire. “It’s the first
has only 0.2 gm per hour of
handheld tool, automated wood stove. It uses a particulate emissions, which is
smart controller and automatically
which helps make eyebrows appear “Helping others is deeply rooted adjusts to optimize efficiency and twenty times lower than the new EPA
fuller and natural looking. When in my heart,” expressed Tamara,
first introduced to microblading “which is what has truly made the cleanliness, and it’s easy to use.” rules require. The Catalyst has a 99.5
percent combustion efficiency, which
by a friend, Tamara was intrigued process worthwhile.” Currently, Myers and his business partner, means that nearly all of the wood is
Ryan Fisher, developed the idea
but didn’t give much thought to the Tamara is completing the final level for the Catalyst while they were consumed. This creates less smoke.
technique otherwise. of her microblading certification,
Later that summer, Tamara which is timed with the opening of attending University of Maryland “We generate less than half the
smoke of one cigarette,” explained
found out that she would become a her studio. On Fleek Brow Boutique College Park in the fall of 2012. Myers.
Myers was studying fire protection
life-saving bone marrow donor for is located at 12 N. Center Street engineering and decided to compete It also releases 30 percent less
her father, who had been battling in Thurmont, where Diane “Dee”
Lymphoma. In preparation for Miller had her shop (Dee’s Hair in the Alliance for Green Heat’s carbon dioxide than a traditional
wood stove.
her surgery, Tamara spent time in Stylists) for forty years. A beloved Wood Stove Decathlon that was The Catalyst can be controlled
held in Washington D. C. He and
the waiting rooms of The Harry member of the community, Dee his partner put together a prototype from a computer or smartphone.
and Jeanette Weinberg Building passed away in September 2016
at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in after battling ALS. As a longtime of the Catalyst they called the You can remotely start your stove
and have a warm house to come into
Baltimore. It was here where she neighbor and family friend, Tamara Mulciber. They were the only
student team competing in the Wood after being outside.
developed an awareness of how plans to donate ten percent of Stove Decathlon in 2013. “You load the wood in the stove,
many people are affected by cancer her initial proceeds to the ALS
and disease, and the number of Association DC/MD/VA Chapter “We won the low-emission prize, throw in a match, set the room
and then the next year we won the temperature on your smartphone,
people that experience hair loss due and Hospice of Frederick County in and the stove takes care of the rest,”
to the effects of chemotherapy. And honor of Dee. grand prize,” said Myers.
After that success, Myers said Myers.
while some patients do experience With this new venture, Tamara Although the company’s offices
hair growth during recovery, some, hopes to give back on a larger scale. and Fisher knew they were onto
something and needed to bring are in Baltimore, the stoves are
unfortunately, do not. Coincidentally, “I believe that beauty is so much manufactured in Smithsburg.
earlier that month, the same friend more than what we see when we the stove to market. They teamed
up with Paul LaPorte to develop a The U.S. Census estimates that
had reached out to Tamara about look in the mirror. True beauty is 2.5 million homes heat with wood
a microblading workshop in reflected in the art of giving. I’m commercial model of the stove and
create MF Fire. stoves, and the Catalyst
Washington, D.C.—the first of its thrilled not only to be able to help The Catalyst can Catalyst may make the option
kind, locally. Though she initially did people look and feel beautiful, heat 2,000 square attractive to even more
not plan to attend, Tamara realized but to give back with the hope of
she had an opportunity to make a making a small difference in a world feet using standard households.
The first shipment
difference. Driven by her desire to full of need.” cord wood, and it is of the Catalyst stoves
a free-standing stove
give back, she attended the training On Fleek Brow Boutique is that can replace any is preparing to ship to
held by renowned European master set to open February 1, 2017,
artist, Dovile Zilinskaite, of Branko for scheduled consultations, with existing stove. Future customers who paid
just under $5,000 for
Babic’s PhiBrows Academy—the procedures beginning in March. For improvements might them.
include a fireplace
most prestigious microblading more information, please visit www. insert as well. To learn more about
academy in the world.
“New regulations this new way to heat
your home, visit the
Advertise! [email protected] are going to make 85 website at
percent of the wood