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Page 6 February 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

The Catoctin Banner’s New Year’s 2017 Play Our Games

Resolution Contest

Catoctin Banner Resolution 2017 Each month, you’re invited to participate in our Where Am I? Photo Contest
Spotlight #1 and Hidden Object Game. The winners of each game are announced in the next
issue of The Catoctin Banner newspaper. Winners are given a gift certificate
Being a new contest, identifying our resolution contestants has been to the advertiser of their choice. To participate, call 240-288-0108 or email
an adventure. We’re introducing our first contestant in this issue, and [email protected] to record your guesses by the 15th of each month.
we will introduce another in our next issue. Then, we’ll give progress Please don’t forget to spell your full name and leave your phone number.
reports through the year to measure progress and capture their story.
Where Am I? Photo Contest
Rachel Mohler is a thirty-nine-year-old artist and mother of three small
children (four-and-a-half years, three years, and seven months). She moved to For the “Where Am
Sabillasville last November and has resolved to paint one tiny painting a day I?” Photo Contest, take
that is inspired by the view out the window of her new home. Each painting is a look at the photo to
created on a 2 1/2” x 3 1/2” piece of watercolor paper. the right and tell us
where it was taken. It is
She has defined her objectives as: (1) to try and stay creative in the wake somewhere in or around
of small children, sleep deprivation, and all the chaos that comes with being our Northern Frederick
a mom, wife, and business owner (she and her husband own a land surveying County Area, which is
business); (2) to remind her to pause each day and take in the wonder that is defined as Rocky Ridge
nature and to be grateful for such a lovely place to live; (3) to watch the colors to Cascade, Lewistown
of the seasons change and to learn nature’s palette; and (4) to be open to the to Emmitsburg, Foxville
lessons this resolution has to teach and to have a record to share with her to Creagerstown, and
children when they get older. everywhere around and
Rachel has already begun her daily paintings as of January 1 (see samples
below) and is looking forward to sharing her progress with the readers of The Last month’s “Where
Catoctin Banner. Am I?” photo was taken at Thurmont Community Park.

The winner of the “Where Am I?” Contest for January’s issue is Donna

Submit Your Ideas for The Catoctin Hidden Object Game

Banner Mascot Contest Last month’s Hidden Object was a spool of red thread and needle. It was
located on page 10 in the Stavros Pizza advertisement. The winner of the
For years, we have wanted a mascot character to represent Hidden Object game for January’s issue is Ginger Graybill. Please contact The
this good-news community newspaper at events and parades. Catoctin Banner to claim your prize.
At one point a few years ago, John Nickerson (AKA Gnarly
Artly, who draws our monthly cartoon) created a newspaper This month’s Hidden Object is a bumble bee . Good luck!
character as a mascot for us, but it was not used due to the cost
of creating it as a costume. Note: Hidden Object is hidden in one of our advertiser’s display ads.
Now, we’d like to reach out to our greater community to submit your ideas
and artistic renderings of a fun character that can fill this role. What will it TTeesstt YYouo ru Wr oWrdoPr odwPero w e r
be? An animal, a cartoon character, an object? You choose it, create an artistic
rendering, and submit your entry to us by April 30, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. The ((AAnnsswweerrss oonnppaaggee4466) )
winner will receive a cash prize and the artistic credit for the creation.
Submit your art to us via Deb Spalding (The Catoctin Banner) on 1. R e c o m p e n s e [rek-uh m-pens] (v.) 4. R a n c o r [rang-ker] (n.)
Facebook, email to [email protected], submit a contact form a) Analyze; examine critically a) A feeling or fear that something is going to
from our website, or stop by to enter in person at E Plus Copy Center in the b) Decline in excellence or prosperity; happen
lobby of Jubilee Grocery Store in Emmitsburg. We know there is an abundant deteriorate b) Deadbeat; moocher
amount of talent throughout our communities. Let your talent shine! c) Pay or give compensation for; reward c) Bitter resentment or ill will; hatred

Who is that Actor? Answers on page 46 2. M o d i c u m [mod-i-kuh m] (n.) 5. C o n t r i v e [kuh n-trahyv] (v.)
a) A moderate or very small amount a) Assert strongly; state with assurance
1. What famous actor failed the audition for the TV show Fame, b) In a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility b) Evade or ward off; turn aside
because he was not “pretty” enough? c) An oversight; forgetfulness c) To bring about or effect by a plan; devise

3. O b s e q u i o u s [uh b-see-kwee-uh s] (adj.) 6. S e l f - e f f a c i n g [self-i-feys-ing] (adj.)
a) Shocking; staggering a) Cautious; careful to avoid potential problems
b) Obedient; dutiful; submissive b) Not claiming attention to oneself; modest
c) Of delicate beauty; dainty c) Courageous; not deterred by danger

2. What actor studied as a priest then an architect before 7. Which word above would work best in this sentence?
becoming an actor? Jamie’s project was extremely boring and did not even display a ________of creativity.
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