Page 47 - Feb BNP ALL
P. 47
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2017 Page 47
Community Calendar
11 ��� Valentine’s Day Dance—Music by 19 ��� LuLaRoe Bingo, Woodsboro Myersville. No early pick-ups will be experience w/two performances
“Back Roads Band’, Thurmont Senior American Legion, 101 W. Elizabeth filled. by award-winning & nationally
Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. St., Woodsboro, MD. Doors open 24 ��� Ellie Jenkins Dept. of Aging, acclaimed singer-songwriter and
5-8 p.m. Admission by donation; noon; games 1:30 p.m. Play & shop— Thurmont Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main folk musician Chris Vallillo. Benefits
refreshments available. Snow date: 10 LuLaRoe Vendors. $25 (includes St., Thurmont. Call or stop by & sign Catoctin Furnace Historical Society,
Feb. 18. 301-271-7911. 24 games, multiple jackpots & $300 up for half-hour appt. to discuss Dept. Inc. Elizabeth A. Comer 443-463-
LuLaRoe jackpot). Food & drinks of Aging Programs for Seniors and/or 6437 or ecomer@catoctinfurnace.
11 ���Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co. Country available. Allison 301-473-0723 for Medicare: 301-271-7911. org.
Butchering, 13527 Motters Station tickets & for free entry into early bird 25 ��� Barkers 4 Blood Cancer, Leukemia lincoln-in-song.
Rd., Rocky Ridge, MD. Pancake special. Proceeds benefit American & Lymphoma Society Light the 27 ��� Thurmont United Methodist Church
breakfast 6-10 a.m. in activity bldg. Legion Auxiliary’s Community service Night Fundraising Team Hosts 6th Clothes Closet, 13880 Long Rd.,
Orders must be picked-up between projects. Annual Dance 4 A Cure Zumbathon, Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. Free clothing.
6-10 a.m. Orders must be placed AMVETS Post 7 in Thurmont. [email protected].
before Feb. 11. Cindy 301-271-4057; 19 ��� Community Breakfast, Our Lady 2-4 p.m. Minimum $10 donation 27 ��� Mackenzie’s Light (a bereavement
Gertie 301-271-4253; Helen 410-775- of Mount Carmel Parish Center, accepted between February 1-24 & drug awareness support group),
2758; Paulette 301-271-4252. Thurmont. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. $8/adult; $4/ or you can donate at door. Event Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E.
ages 4-10; Free/ages 3 & under. open to public; all ages & skill Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m.
12 ��� Luxury Bingo, AMVETS Post 7, 26 levels. Multi-prize raffle held to raise Meets last Monday of each month.
Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. Doors 20 ��� Mommy Monday Meet-up, Children’s additional funds. Info.: http://pages. Colt Black, owner of Black’s Mortuary
open 12:30 p.m.; Bingo 1:30 p.m. Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, in Thurmont, will speak on “Grieving
Mary 717-968-8026. 1611 N. Market Street, Frederick, barkers4bloodcancer; www.facebook. a Lost Loved One.” Anyone impacted
MD. 9-11:30 a.m. Meeting place for com/barkers4bloodcancer/events; by family drug abuse or loss of a loved
12 ��� Willy Wonka the Musical, Other coffee, conversation & socialization email Kelly [email protected] or one is welcome. Info.: Becky 301-524-
Voices Theatre, 244 S. Jefferson St., to parents or care-givers w/infants & call 240-674-6444. 8064 or Facebook.
Frederick, MD. 2 p.m. Featuring toddlers. Children play/explore music, 25 ��� Thinking Money: Open STEM Lab, 27 ��� Zumba Gold for Seniors, Thurmont
a brunch on Feb. 5 before show. art & games of the area. $1/child Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,
Tickets: www. (infants & toddlers). 301-600-2743; Thurmont. 2-4 p.m. For ages 3-18. Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/eight [email protected]. Children under 8 must be accompanied sessions or $5/class. 301-271-7911.
by an adult. Explore math & money 28 ��� Harriet Chapel’s Shrove Tuesday
13 ��� Playgroup Monday, Children’s Museum 20 ��� Zumba Gold for Seniors, Thurmont concepts in the STEM Lab. 301-600- Pancake Supper, 12625 Catoctin
of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611 N. Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main St., 7212. Furnace Rd., Thurmont. 5-7 p.m.
Market Street, Frederick, MD. 9:30 Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/eight 25 ��� Thurmont Main Street Matinee: The $6/adult; $4/ages 5-12; Free/ages 4 &
a.m.-Noon. Unstructured free play sessions or $5/class. 301-271-7911. Secret Lives of Pets, Main Street under.
throughout the Manor house at a special Center, 11 Water St., Thurmont. 2-4 28 ��� Line Dancing, Thurmont Senior Ctr.,
rate. Bring your playgroup & friends. 20 ��� Teens from the Thurmont Library, p.m. Free movie and popcorn. www. 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10-11
Ages 2+. $2/child. 301-600-2743; Thurmont Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main a.m. Free. 301-271-7911.
[email protected]. St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Teens 26 ��� Abraham Lincoln in Song and Oh 28 ��� Mardi Gras Party, Thurmont Senior
celebrate Presidents Day w/seniors: Freedom, Songs of the Civil Rights Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 11
13 ��� Zumba Gold for Seniors, Thurmont crafts, etc. & snacks. 301-271-7911. Movement, Springfield Manor Winery, a.m.-1 p.m. Come & celebrate “Fat
Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main St., 11836 Auburn Rd., Thurmont. 1:30-4 Tuesday.” Wear beads & a mask if
Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/eight 21 ��� Line Dancing, Thurmont Senior Ctr., p.m. $8/each performance or $20/both you have them, otherwise, some will
sessions or $5/class. 301-271-7911. 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 performances. Celebrate American be provided. 301-271-7911.
a.m. Free. 301-271-7911.
13-18 �Frederick County Agriculture Week, Val e nt ine’s D ay Fun Fac t s
Francis Scott Key Mall, Frederick, 21 ��� Thurmont United Methodist Church
MD. Theme: 365 Days of Agriculture. Clothes Closet, 13880 Long Rd., Based on retail statistics, about 3 percent of pet owners will give
Many displays & events planned; Thurmont. 10-11:30 a.m. Free Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets.
contests; demonstrations & much clothing. Office@thurmontchurch. About 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. This
more. Ted Albaugh 240-446-3054 or org. makes it the second largest seasonal card-sending time of the year.
[email protected]; Katie In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see
Albaugh 301-600-3037 or kalbaugh@ 22 ��� Seton Center’s Build Your Resources who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned onto Program Workshop, 16840 South their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the
Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6-7:30 p.m. expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve.”
14 ��� Line Dancing, Thurmont Senior Ctr., Stop Pushing My Buttons: How to Physicians of the 1800s commonly advised their patients to eat chocolate to
806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 Establish More Effective Boundaries, calm their pining for lost love.
a.m. Free. 301-271-7911. Presented by Sherry McKlurkin NCC,
LCPC. Free & open to general public The Catoctin The goal of The Catoctin Banner is to provide good
14 ���Maryland Public Television Salutes (no income limitations to attend). community news and information for residents of
Vietnam Veterans at Thurmont Registration required: 301-447-6102, Northern Frederick County, Maryland—promoting a
Regional Library, Moser Rd., ext. 17.
Thurmont. Compelling exhibit sense of community pride and spirit.
featuring images of 16 men and women 22 ��� Regular Bingo, AMVETS Post 7, 26
w/their recollections of incidents from Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. Doors Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland Published on or before the beginning of each month. Publish
the war. (Exhibit through March 26.) open 5 p.m.; Bingo 7 p.m. Mary 717- 515B E. Main Street • Emmitsburg, MD 21727
968-8026. date will be early if holidays or events warrant adjustment.
15 ��� 50/50 Bingo, Thurmont Senior Ctr., Phone: 240-288-0108 Message Line AD/CONTENT DEADLINE: On or before the 15th of month
806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. 22 ��� Jewelry Fix-It, Thurmont Senior Ctr., 301-447-2804 Store • Fax: 301-447-2946 prior to issue month. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15.00
Open to public. Must be 18 to play. 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.
$5 to play, specials, pickle jar; $1 Bring your jewelry that needs fixing & The Banner Crew: Barbara Abraham; Jeanne Angleberger; Theresa
coverall last game. 301-271-7911. Teresa will try to fix it. 301-271-7911. email: [email protected]
Dardanell; Anita DiGregory; Nicholas DiGregory; Joan Fry; Avie
17 ��� Marie Free Doing Seated Massage, 22 ��� 500 Card Game, Thurmont Senior Hopcraft; Jim Houck, Jr.; Christine Maccabee; My Father’s Son;
Thurmont Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 7-10 CIRCULATION: 12,500 copies mailed to all John Nickerson; Valerie Nusbaum; Erin Dingle; Maxine Troxell; Buck
St., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. $1/ p.m. 301-271-7911. homes in Thurmont, Lewistown, Rocky Ridge, Reed; Denise Valentine; Lisa Cantwell; and Robert Warden.
minute. 301-271-7911. Cascade, Sabillasville & Emmitsburg, MD and
22 ��� In Their Own Voices, Catoctin handouts in surrounding areas.
18 ��� Turkey, Ham & Oyster Dinner, Furnace, 12625 Catoctin Furnace Grace Eyler and Allison Rostad, Advertising Design; Michele Tester,
Thurmont Ambulance Company Road, Thurmont, MD. 11 a.m. Published as a project of Managing Editor and Layout Design; Alison Bailey, Advertising Sales;
Event Complex, Lawyer’s Ln., Living history & heritage food event James Rada, Jr., Contributing Editor; Deb Abraham Spalding, Publisher
Thurmont. 12:00-6:00 p.m. $16/ commemorating Black History Month. E Plus Copy Center & Promotions
person. $18/carryout. Actors from Silver Oak Academy
portray workers/servants in vignettes POLICY: The publisher of The Catoctin Banner reserves the right to revise, reclassify, or reject any advertisement or any article for any
18 ��� Yard Sale, Fort Ritchie Community based on events in the village, followed reason, at any time, and to omit all copy when not submitted in time to conform with deadline. The views expressed in advertisements may
Center, 14421 Lake Royer Dr., by lunch researched & prepared using not be those supported by the staff of The Catoctin Banner. The deadline for submission is no later than the 20th of the month prior to the
Highfield-Cascade, MD. 8 a.m.-1 traditional recipes. Benefits Catoctin issue month. Information and advertising copy received after the deadline will be accepted at the discretion of the publisher. The publisher
p.m. Furnace Historical Society, Inc. assumes no liability for misinformation, misprinting, or typographical errors. The publisher reserves the right to edit all submitted material.
Free (reservations recommended).
18 ��� Dance & Silent Auction, Thurmont Elizabeth A. Comer 443-463-6437 or
American Legion, Thurmont. 8:00 [email protected].
p.m.-midnight. $15/person or $25/
couple. Tickets: Janet cegfraley@ 23 ��� Wolfsville Ruritan Club Spring Pork Benefits CHS Class of Butchering Ordering. Place your order
2017 Safe & Sane. by Feb. 23 or request a price list: Billy
301-293-2426 or RuritanClubMD@
18 ���Turkey, Ham & Oyster Dinner, Pick up orders: March 3
Thurmont Community Ambulance (5-7 p.m.) & March 4 (8-11 a.m.) at
Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Ln. Wolfsville Ruritan Community Park,
Thurmont. 12:00-6:00 p.m. $16/ 12708 Brandenburg Hollow Rd,
person, $18/carryout. 301-271-2923.
Community Calendar
11 ��� Valentine’s Day Dance—Music by 19 ��� LuLaRoe Bingo, Woodsboro Myersville. No early pick-ups will be experience w/two performances
“Back Roads Band’, Thurmont Senior American Legion, 101 W. Elizabeth filled. by award-winning & nationally
Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. St., Woodsboro, MD. Doors open 24 ��� Ellie Jenkins Dept. of Aging, acclaimed singer-songwriter and
5-8 p.m. Admission by donation; noon; games 1:30 p.m. Play & shop— Thurmont Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main folk musician Chris Vallillo. Benefits
refreshments available. Snow date: 10 LuLaRoe Vendors. $25 (includes St., Thurmont. Call or stop by & sign Catoctin Furnace Historical Society,
Feb. 18. 301-271-7911. 24 games, multiple jackpots & $300 up for half-hour appt. to discuss Dept. Inc. Elizabeth A. Comer 443-463-
LuLaRoe jackpot). Food & drinks of Aging Programs for Seniors and/or 6437 or ecomer@catoctinfurnace.
11 ���Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co. Country available. Allison 301-473-0723 for Medicare: 301-271-7911. org.
Butchering, 13527 Motters Station tickets & for free entry into early bird 25 ��� Barkers 4 Blood Cancer, Leukemia lincoln-in-song.
Rd., Rocky Ridge, MD. Pancake special. Proceeds benefit American & Lymphoma Society Light the 27 ��� Thurmont United Methodist Church
breakfast 6-10 a.m. in activity bldg. Legion Auxiliary’s Community service Night Fundraising Team Hosts 6th Clothes Closet, 13880 Long Rd.,
Orders must be picked-up between projects. Annual Dance 4 A Cure Zumbathon, Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. Free clothing.
6-10 a.m. Orders must be placed AMVETS Post 7 in Thurmont. [email protected].
before Feb. 11. Cindy 301-271-4057; 19 ��� Community Breakfast, Our Lady 2-4 p.m. Minimum $10 donation 27 ��� Mackenzie’s Light (a bereavement
Gertie 301-271-4253; Helen 410-775- of Mount Carmel Parish Center, accepted between February 1-24 & drug awareness support group),
2758; Paulette 301-271-4252. Thurmont. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. $8/adult; $4/ or you can donate at door. Event Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E.
ages 4-10; Free/ages 3 & under. open to public; all ages & skill Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m.
12 ��� Luxury Bingo, AMVETS Post 7, 26 levels. Multi-prize raffle held to raise Meets last Monday of each month.
Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. Doors 20 ��� Mommy Monday Meet-up, Children’s additional funds. Info.: http://pages. Colt Black, owner of Black’s Mortuary
open 12:30 p.m.; Bingo 1:30 p.m. Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, in Thurmont, will speak on “Grieving
Mary 717-968-8026. 1611 N. Market Street, Frederick, barkers4bloodcancer; www.facebook. a Lost Loved One.” Anyone impacted
MD. 9-11:30 a.m. Meeting place for com/barkers4bloodcancer/events; by family drug abuse or loss of a loved
12 ��� Willy Wonka the Musical, Other coffee, conversation & socialization email Kelly [email protected] or one is welcome. Info.: Becky 301-524-
Voices Theatre, 244 S. Jefferson St., to parents or care-givers w/infants & call 240-674-6444. 8064 or Facebook.
Frederick, MD. 2 p.m. Featuring toddlers. Children play/explore music, 25 ��� Thinking Money: Open STEM Lab, 27 ��� Zumba Gold for Seniors, Thurmont
a brunch on Feb. 5 before show. art & games of the area. $1/child Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,
Tickets: www. (infants & toddlers). 301-600-2743; Thurmont. 2-4 p.m. For ages 3-18. Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/eight [email protected]. Children under 8 must be accompanied sessions or $5/class. 301-271-7911.
by an adult. Explore math & money 28 ��� Harriet Chapel’s Shrove Tuesday
13 ��� Playgroup Monday, Children’s Museum 20 ��� Zumba Gold for Seniors, Thurmont concepts in the STEM Lab. 301-600- Pancake Supper, 12625 Catoctin
of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611 N. Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main St., 7212. Furnace Rd., Thurmont. 5-7 p.m.
Market Street, Frederick, MD. 9:30 Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/eight 25 ��� Thurmont Main Street Matinee: The $6/adult; $4/ages 5-12; Free/ages 4 &
a.m.-Noon. Unstructured free play sessions or $5/class. 301-271-7911. Secret Lives of Pets, Main Street under.
throughout the Manor house at a special Center, 11 Water St., Thurmont. 2-4 28 ��� Line Dancing, Thurmont Senior Ctr.,
rate. Bring your playgroup & friends. 20 ��� Teens from the Thurmont Library, p.m. Free movie and popcorn. www. 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10-11
Ages 2+. $2/child. 301-600-2743; Thurmont Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main a.m. Free. 301-271-7911.
[email protected]. St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Teens 26 ��� Abraham Lincoln in Song and Oh 28 ��� Mardi Gras Party, Thurmont Senior
celebrate Presidents Day w/seniors: Freedom, Songs of the Civil Rights Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 11
13 ��� Zumba Gold for Seniors, Thurmont crafts, etc. & snacks. 301-271-7911. Movement, Springfield Manor Winery, a.m.-1 p.m. Come & celebrate “Fat
Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main St., 11836 Auburn Rd., Thurmont. 1:30-4 Tuesday.” Wear beads & a mask if
Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/eight 21 ��� Line Dancing, Thurmont Senior Ctr., p.m. $8/each performance or $20/both you have them, otherwise, some will
sessions or $5/class. 301-271-7911. 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 performances. Celebrate American be provided. 301-271-7911.
a.m. Free. 301-271-7911.
13-18 �Frederick County Agriculture Week, Val e nt ine’s D ay Fun Fac t s
Francis Scott Key Mall, Frederick, 21 ��� Thurmont United Methodist Church
MD. Theme: 365 Days of Agriculture. Clothes Closet, 13880 Long Rd., Based on retail statistics, about 3 percent of pet owners will give
Many displays & events planned; Thurmont. 10-11:30 a.m. Free Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets.
contests; demonstrations & much clothing. Office@thurmontchurch. About 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. This
more. Ted Albaugh 240-446-3054 or org. makes it the second largest seasonal card-sending time of the year.
[email protected]; Katie In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see
Albaugh 301-600-3037 or kalbaugh@ 22 ��� Seton Center’s Build Your Resources who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned onto Program Workshop, 16840 South their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the
Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6-7:30 p.m. expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve.”
14 ��� Line Dancing, Thurmont Senior Ctr., Stop Pushing My Buttons: How to Physicians of the 1800s commonly advised their patients to eat chocolate to
806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 Establish More Effective Boundaries, calm their pining for lost love.
a.m. Free. 301-271-7911. Presented by Sherry McKlurkin NCC,
LCPC. Free & open to general public The Catoctin The goal of The Catoctin Banner is to provide good
14 ���Maryland Public Television Salutes (no income limitations to attend). community news and information for residents of
Vietnam Veterans at Thurmont Registration required: 301-447-6102, Northern Frederick County, Maryland—promoting a
Regional Library, Moser Rd., ext. 17.
Thurmont. Compelling exhibit sense of community pride and spirit.
featuring images of 16 men and women 22 ��� Regular Bingo, AMVETS Post 7, 26
w/their recollections of incidents from Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. Doors Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland Published on or before the beginning of each month. Publish
the war. (Exhibit through March 26.) open 5 p.m.; Bingo 7 p.m. Mary 717- 515B E. Main Street • Emmitsburg, MD 21727
968-8026. date will be early if holidays or events warrant adjustment.
15 ��� 50/50 Bingo, Thurmont Senior Ctr., Phone: 240-288-0108 Message Line AD/CONTENT DEADLINE: On or before the 15th of month
806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. 22 ��� Jewelry Fix-It, Thurmont Senior Ctr., 301-447-2804 Store • Fax: 301-447-2946 prior to issue month. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15.00
Open to public. Must be 18 to play. 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.
$5 to play, specials, pickle jar; $1 Bring your jewelry that needs fixing & The Banner Crew: Barbara Abraham; Jeanne Angleberger; Theresa
coverall last game. 301-271-7911. Teresa will try to fix it. 301-271-7911. email: [email protected]
Dardanell; Anita DiGregory; Nicholas DiGregory; Joan Fry; Avie
17 ��� Marie Free Doing Seated Massage, 22 ��� 500 Card Game, Thurmont Senior Hopcraft; Jim Houck, Jr.; Christine Maccabee; My Father’s Son;
Thurmont Senior Ctr., 806 E. Main Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 7-10 CIRCULATION: 12,500 copies mailed to all John Nickerson; Valerie Nusbaum; Erin Dingle; Maxine Troxell; Buck
St., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. $1/ p.m. 301-271-7911. homes in Thurmont, Lewistown, Rocky Ridge, Reed; Denise Valentine; Lisa Cantwell; and Robert Warden.
minute. 301-271-7911. Cascade, Sabillasville & Emmitsburg, MD and
22 ��� In Their Own Voices, Catoctin handouts in surrounding areas.
18 ��� Turkey, Ham & Oyster Dinner, Furnace, 12625 Catoctin Furnace Grace Eyler and Allison Rostad, Advertising Design; Michele Tester,
Thurmont Ambulance Company Road, Thurmont, MD. 11 a.m. Published as a project of Managing Editor and Layout Design; Alison Bailey, Advertising Sales;
Event Complex, Lawyer’s Ln., Living history & heritage food event James Rada, Jr., Contributing Editor; Deb Abraham Spalding, Publisher
Thurmont. 12:00-6:00 p.m. $16/ commemorating Black History Month. E Plus Copy Center & Promotions
person. $18/carryout. Actors from Silver Oak Academy
portray workers/servants in vignettes POLICY: The publisher of The Catoctin Banner reserves the right to revise, reclassify, or reject any advertisement or any article for any
18 ��� Yard Sale, Fort Ritchie Community based on events in the village, followed reason, at any time, and to omit all copy when not submitted in time to conform with deadline. The views expressed in advertisements may
Center, 14421 Lake Royer Dr., by lunch researched & prepared using not be those supported by the staff of The Catoctin Banner. The deadline for submission is no later than the 20th of the month prior to the
Highfield-Cascade, MD. 8 a.m.-1 traditional recipes. Benefits Catoctin issue month. Information and advertising copy received after the deadline will be accepted at the discretion of the publisher. The publisher
p.m. Furnace Historical Society, Inc. assumes no liability for misinformation, misprinting, or typographical errors. The publisher reserves the right to edit all submitted material.
Free (reservations recommended).
18 ��� Dance & Silent Auction, Thurmont Elizabeth A. Comer 443-463-6437 or
American Legion, Thurmont. 8:00 [email protected].
p.m.-midnight. $15/person or $25/
couple. Tickets: Janet cegfraley@ 23 ��� Wolfsville Ruritan Club Spring Pork Benefits CHS Class of Butchering Ordering. Place your order
2017 Safe & Sane. by Feb. 23 or request a price list: Billy
301-293-2426 or RuritanClubMD@
18 ���Turkey, Ham & Oyster Dinner, Pick up orders: March 3
Thurmont Community Ambulance (5-7 p.m.) & March 4 (8-11 a.m.) at
Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Ln. Wolfsville Ruritan Community Park,
Thurmont. 12:00-6:00 p.m. $16/ 12708 Brandenburg Hollow Rd,
person, $18/carryout. 301-271-2923.