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Page 12 March 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
A Friendship to Remember “Take Care of
Seana and Gilley Courtesy Photo Business” at
were paired up
through the horse the Thurmont
buddies program at Business
the Frederick County
4H Therapeutic Riding Showcase
Program, held at
Silverado Stables in The 2016 Thurmont Business
Lewistown. That was Expo will have some exciting
the beginning of an changes, starting with the name.
amazing friendship. This year, the event will be titled
Seana learned how the “Thurmont Business Showcase”
to take Gilley’s vitals, and will be held Saturday, April 23,
groom her, and train 2016, from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
her. During training, They have a new and exciting
they would practice location as well! The Thurmont
multiple things: whoa, Seana is shown riding on her much-loved Gilley at the Frederick Business Showcase will be held at the
walk-on, lunging, and County 4H Therapeutic Riding Program. Also pictured is the horse brand new Thurmont Community
going through obstacles leader, Holly Feather; side walker (on left), Joy Jenkins; and side Ambulance Event Complex. By
walker (on right), Megan Bogart.
to keep Gilley fresh holding the event on a Saturday at
for the TRP riding program. They introduced different noises and items to a larger venue and for longer hours,
familiarize her with things that could spook her in the field and in the ring. local businesses can get a bigger
Seana’s favorite thing during training was lunging Gilley. She loved grooming “bang for their buck!”
her, just to spend time with the horses. Seana did not, however, like cleaning They need your help to make
Gilley’s feet: “Too much smelly yuk!” Of course, her favorite part was giving the Thurmont Business Showcase
treats after they were done grooming and training. awesome. They heard the many of
Sadly, Gilley passed in January. “It has always amazed me how gentle you who expressed that it was time
Gilley was with Seana, always going her speed and listening to her commands. for changes, and they want you to
She will always be remembered,” expressed Debbie Endlich of the Frederick know that they did not take your
County 4H Therapeutic Riding Program. suggestions lightly: new venue, new
If you would like to volunteer with the Frederick County 4H Therapeutic day, and new times! They would like
Riding Program, email [email protected] or call 301-898-3587. Check them every business in the 21788 area to
out on Facebook and visit their website at come back and help them make this
event something prosperous and
successful for everyone!
The Showcase will feature hourly
demonstrations, such as do-it-
yourself projects, fitness, cooking,
and more! If you are interested in
participating in the demonstrations,
please email Vickie Grinder at
[email protected]. Any
business/non-profit with a 21788
mailing address may participate. The
Thurmont Business Showcase is a
Main Street Community event.
Shop Local!
Support Your Community
Pratronize your local
A Friendship to Remember “Take Care of
Seana and Gilley Courtesy Photo Business” at
were paired up
through the horse the Thurmont
buddies program at Business
the Frederick County
4H Therapeutic Riding Showcase
Program, held at
Silverado Stables in The 2016 Thurmont Business
Lewistown. That was Expo will have some exciting
the beginning of an changes, starting with the name.
amazing friendship. This year, the event will be titled
Seana learned how the “Thurmont Business Showcase”
to take Gilley’s vitals, and will be held Saturday, April 23,
groom her, and train 2016, from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
her. During training, They have a new and exciting
they would practice location as well! The Thurmont
multiple things: whoa, Seana is shown riding on her much-loved Gilley at the Frederick Business Showcase will be held at the
walk-on, lunging, and County 4H Therapeutic Riding Program. Also pictured is the horse brand new Thurmont Community
going through obstacles leader, Holly Feather; side walker (on left), Joy Jenkins; and side Ambulance Event Complex. By
walker (on right), Megan Bogart.
to keep Gilley fresh holding the event on a Saturday at
for the TRP riding program. They introduced different noises and items to a larger venue and for longer hours,
familiarize her with things that could spook her in the field and in the ring. local businesses can get a bigger
Seana’s favorite thing during training was lunging Gilley. She loved grooming “bang for their buck!”
her, just to spend time with the horses. Seana did not, however, like cleaning They need your help to make
Gilley’s feet: “Too much smelly yuk!” Of course, her favorite part was giving the Thurmont Business Showcase
treats after they were done grooming and training. awesome. They heard the many of
Sadly, Gilley passed in January. “It has always amazed me how gentle you who expressed that it was time
Gilley was with Seana, always going her speed and listening to her commands. for changes, and they want you to
She will always be remembered,” expressed Debbie Endlich of the Frederick know that they did not take your
County 4H Therapeutic Riding Program. suggestions lightly: new venue, new
If you would like to volunteer with the Frederick County 4H Therapeutic day, and new times! They would like
Riding Program, email [email protected] or call 301-898-3587. Check them every business in the 21788 area to
out on Facebook and visit their website at come back and help them make this
event something prosperous and
successful for everyone!
The Showcase will feature hourly
demonstrations, such as do-it-
yourself projects, fitness, cooking,
and more! If you are interested in
participating in the demonstrations,
please email Vickie Grinder at
[email protected]. Any
business/non-profit with a 21788
mailing address may participate. The
Thurmont Business Showcase is a
Main Street Community event.
Shop Local!
Support Your Community
Pratronize your local