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Page 10 March 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
C o m m u n i t y news
Selfless Volunteers Build New Commissioners Consider Raising
Playground in Mount Tabor Park Colorfest Fees
A wonderful group of volunteers from Mt. Tabor Churches donated their James Rada, Jr.
time, labor, and tools to build a new playground in the Mount Tabor Park.
Courtesy Photo For the last four years, the commissioners are considering
amount that Thurmont receives raising the following permit fees:
from parking fees and vendors fees Non-profit food vendors: $27 to
has not covered the costs that the $30; Craft vendors: $35 to $50;
town has incurred to host the annual and Information-only booths by
Colorfest festival. This includes location: $50.
the cost for bus transportation for These increases, if approved by
visitors, trash pick-up after the the commissioners, would raise
activities, Sani-pot rentals, personnel more than $8,700, based on the
to help with traffic, and other 2015 permits. Even with a 10
Colorfest-related items. percent decrease in permits, revenue
“We need to make sure that we would still increase by nearly
at least break even,” Mayor John $7,900.
Kinnaird told a group gathered for a Also, as the attendees at the first
workshop on the issue. workshop urged the commissioners
In 2015, the town spent to look at cutting expenses the town
$61,588.74, while bringing in only pays for, Buehrer suggested cutting
$49,153. transportation, sanitation, and
Kinnaird suggested raising the security by 20 percent. He believes
recommended charge for parking it is an achievable number when the
from $10.00 to $15.00. He also said detailed spending for each of those
Volunteers from Mt. Tabor Churches complete spreading 64 cubic yards of playground mulch and that increased parking enforcement
installing borders and railings: (back row) Mike Harris, Travis Sanders, Marrie Sanders, Charles items is considered.
Riggs, Shirley Sharrer; (front row) Bill Dinterman, Regina Dinterman, Kevin Sharrer, Pat Riggs, was needed to make sure that Kinnaird suggested that
Jeff Sharrer; (kneeling) Daniel Hobbs. Not Included: Larue Long, Alex Sumner, Tyler Sumner, John people weren’t parking where they transportation might even be cut
Sanders, Ben Sanders, and Kathy Sixx. shouldn’t and that all cars parking more than 20 percent. “I think we
were being reported. could do away with a third of the
“We have latched onto parking buses,” he said.
fees multiple times over the past Town staff ran projections based
decade,” said Commissioner Marty on these recommended numbers and
Burns. “It’s starting to get almost presented them to the commissioners
too steep.” on February 9. Reducing the number
He pointed out that the number of portable toilets around town by
of permits for crafters selling goods 39 and increasing the number of
at the festival has dropped over the handicapped-accessible portable
years, which can have a big impact toilets by two represents a savings of
on revenues. $2,725 for the town. Reducing the
As part of the workshop, number of buses running each day
Kinnaird invited representatives of of Colorfest by five creates a $6,600
various organizations that make a savings. Using one less variable-
lot of money from the festival. They message board on Route 15 saves
urged the commissioners to find $900. The combined savings in costs
ways to reduce Thurmont’s expenses to the town would be $10,225.
before raising fees. In particular, The commissioners considered
sanitation and transportation have reducing the number of security
ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com increased drastically. personnel at Colorfest, but
Many of the representatives
Thurmont Police Chief Greg Eyler
thought that the parking fee was told the commissioners that the
already as high as it could go. current level was needed not only
Other options suggested included for security but to direct traffic at 15
requiring permits to be paid earlier intersections around town.
so that vendors can’t wait to see “I don’t think we’d see any kind
what the weather is like before of real savings by cutting four or five
purchasing permits or charging an security personnel,” Kinnaird added.
admission fee. The net benefit would be roughly
The commissioners took up $19,000, which would have more
the issue again during a January than made up for the Colorfest
26 workshop. Commissioner deficit that the town saw last year.
Bill Buehrer presented the The commissioners are also
commissioners and mayor with his talking about putting any surpluses
suggestions to serve as a starting from Colorfest into a separate fund
point for discussion. that would be used to offset any
Following discussion over years where the town does run a
multiple workshops, the deficit.
C o m m u n i t y news
Selfless Volunteers Build New Commissioners Consider Raising
Playground in Mount Tabor Park Colorfest Fees
A wonderful group of volunteers from Mt. Tabor Churches donated their James Rada, Jr.
time, labor, and tools to build a new playground in the Mount Tabor Park.
Courtesy Photo For the last four years, the commissioners are considering
amount that Thurmont receives raising the following permit fees:
from parking fees and vendors fees Non-profit food vendors: $27 to
has not covered the costs that the $30; Craft vendors: $35 to $50;
town has incurred to host the annual and Information-only booths by
Colorfest festival. This includes location: $50.
the cost for bus transportation for These increases, if approved by
visitors, trash pick-up after the the commissioners, would raise
activities, Sani-pot rentals, personnel more than $8,700, based on the
to help with traffic, and other 2015 permits. Even with a 10
Colorfest-related items. percent decrease in permits, revenue
“We need to make sure that we would still increase by nearly
at least break even,” Mayor John $7,900.
Kinnaird told a group gathered for a Also, as the attendees at the first
workshop on the issue. workshop urged the commissioners
In 2015, the town spent to look at cutting expenses the town
$61,588.74, while bringing in only pays for, Buehrer suggested cutting
$49,153. transportation, sanitation, and
Kinnaird suggested raising the security by 20 percent. He believes
recommended charge for parking it is an achievable number when the
from $10.00 to $15.00. He also said detailed spending for each of those
Volunteers from Mt. Tabor Churches complete spreading 64 cubic yards of playground mulch and that increased parking enforcement
installing borders and railings: (back row) Mike Harris, Travis Sanders, Marrie Sanders, Charles items is considered.
Riggs, Shirley Sharrer; (front row) Bill Dinterman, Regina Dinterman, Kevin Sharrer, Pat Riggs, was needed to make sure that Kinnaird suggested that
Jeff Sharrer; (kneeling) Daniel Hobbs. Not Included: Larue Long, Alex Sumner, Tyler Sumner, John people weren’t parking where they transportation might even be cut
Sanders, Ben Sanders, and Kathy Sixx. shouldn’t and that all cars parking more than 20 percent. “I think we
were being reported. could do away with a third of the
“We have latched onto parking buses,” he said.
fees multiple times over the past Town staff ran projections based
decade,” said Commissioner Marty on these recommended numbers and
Burns. “It’s starting to get almost presented them to the commissioners
too steep.” on February 9. Reducing the number
He pointed out that the number of portable toilets around town by
of permits for crafters selling goods 39 and increasing the number of
at the festival has dropped over the handicapped-accessible portable
years, which can have a big impact toilets by two represents a savings of
on revenues. $2,725 for the town. Reducing the
As part of the workshop, number of buses running each day
Kinnaird invited representatives of of Colorfest by five creates a $6,600
various organizations that make a savings. Using one less variable-
lot of money from the festival. They message board on Route 15 saves
urged the commissioners to find $900. The combined savings in costs
ways to reduce Thurmont’s expenses to the town would be $10,225.
before raising fees. In particular, The commissioners considered
sanitation and transportation have reducing the number of security
ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com increased drastically. personnel at Colorfest, but
Many of the representatives
Thurmont Police Chief Greg Eyler
thought that the parking fee was told the commissioners that the
already as high as it could go. current level was needed not only
Other options suggested included for security but to direct traffic at 15
requiring permits to be paid earlier intersections around town.
so that vendors can’t wait to see “I don’t think we’d see any kind
what the weather is like before of real savings by cutting four or five
purchasing permits or charging an security personnel,” Kinnaird added.
admission fee. The net benefit would be roughly
The commissioners took up $19,000, which would have more
the issue again during a January than made up for the Colorfest
26 workshop. Commissioner deficit that the town saw last year.
Bill Buehrer presented the The commissioners are also
commissioners and mayor with his talking about putting any surpluses
suggestions to serve as a starting from Colorfest into a separate fund
point for discussion. that would be used to offset any
Following discussion over years where the town does run a
multiple workshops, the deficit.