Page 14 - July 2016 BNP ALL
P. 14
Page 14 July 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Jim Moxley Memorial Rocket Club Takes Off
James Rada, Jr.
Courtesy Photos
Emmitsburg’s and younger
version of Cape participants
Canaveral is are allowed,
Memorial Park. although parents
Once a month this need to stay
summer, Frederick for the meeting
County deputies to help their
and youths will younger children.
meet to build “It was a
model rockets and huge success
send them soaring despite the
into the air over rainy weather,”
Emmitsburg. Rohrer said. “I
“It’s a great believe we shot
project and a lot of off a total of ten
fun,” said Deputy rockets.”
Travis Rohrer, one Not only
of Emmitsburg’s do the youths
resident deputies. get to have fun,
The rocket club The Jim Moxley Memorial Rocket Club, named after a former Emmistburg resident deputy who Rohrer said it
is called the Jim passed away last year, is pictured with Dfc Whitehouse and Deputy Travis Rohrer. was a good way
Moxley Memorial for the children
Rocket Club, and is named after a kids in the community, and to honor to interact with law enforcement in
former Emmitsburg resident deputy Moxley’s service,” Rohrer said. the right light. They come to see the
who died last year. Moxley ran a The new rocket club meets once deputies as friends they can trust,
model rocket club from 2003-2005. a month on Sunday afternoon for rather than someone to be seen as
The club would meet an hour a three hours. During that time, unapproachable or scary.
week to work on their rockets and youths, eight to twelve years old, Information on future meetings
then they would be launched on build their rockets and launch them. can be found on the town’s website
Heritage Day. The Emmitsburg deputies pay for all at
“DFC Whitehouse and I decided the materials to build the rockets. Click on Government and then
to bring back the rocket club as a The first meeting of the club was Community Deputies. Questions can
special project directed towards the on May 22, 2016, from 2:00-5:00 be e-mailed to emmitsburgdeputies@
p.m. Eight children attended. Older
Send Us Your Fishy Pics!
Wouldn’t Send in your fishing photo! Include names of those
You Rather pictured, as well as where and when the photo was taken,
and send it to [email protected].
Half Page Program(5.5”x4.25”)
We will feature your fishy pics in our August issue.
Dreaming Up the
Ideal Retirement
Is Your Job. Helping
You Get There Is Ours.
To learn more about why Edward
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Laura A Beall
Financial Advisor
Member SIPC
8415 D Woodsboro Pike
Walkersville, MD 21793
IRT-1848C-A 301-304-5712
Jim Moxley Memorial Rocket Club Takes Off
James Rada, Jr.
Courtesy Photos
Emmitsburg’s and younger
version of Cape participants
Canaveral is are allowed,
Memorial Park. although parents
Once a month this need to stay
summer, Frederick for the meeting
County deputies to help their
and youths will younger children.
meet to build “It was a
model rockets and huge success
send them soaring despite the
into the air over rainy weather,”
Emmitsburg. Rohrer said. “I
“It’s a great believe we shot
project and a lot of off a total of ten
fun,” said Deputy rockets.”
Travis Rohrer, one Not only
of Emmitsburg’s do the youths
resident deputies. get to have fun,
The rocket club The Jim Moxley Memorial Rocket Club, named after a former Emmistburg resident deputy who Rohrer said it
is called the Jim passed away last year, is pictured with Dfc Whitehouse and Deputy Travis Rohrer. was a good way
Moxley Memorial for the children
Rocket Club, and is named after a kids in the community, and to honor to interact with law enforcement in
former Emmitsburg resident deputy Moxley’s service,” Rohrer said. the right light. They come to see the
who died last year. Moxley ran a The new rocket club meets once deputies as friends they can trust,
model rocket club from 2003-2005. a month on Sunday afternoon for rather than someone to be seen as
The club would meet an hour a three hours. During that time, unapproachable or scary.
week to work on their rockets and youths, eight to twelve years old, Information on future meetings
then they would be launched on build their rockets and launch them. can be found on the town’s website
Heritage Day. The Emmitsburg deputies pay for all at
“DFC Whitehouse and I decided the materials to build the rockets. Click on Government and then
to bring back the rocket club as a The first meeting of the club was Community Deputies. Questions can
special project directed towards the on May 22, 2016, from 2:00-5:00 be e-mailed to emmitsburgdeputies@
p.m. Eight children attended. Older
Send Us Your Fishy Pics!
Wouldn’t Send in your fishing photo! Include names of those
You Rather pictured, as well as where and when the photo was taken,
and send it to [email protected].
Half Page Program(5.5”x4.25”)
We will feature your fishy pics in our August issue.
Dreaming Up the
Ideal Retirement
Is Your Job. Helping
You Get There Is Ours.
To learn more about why Edward
Jones makes sense for you, call or
visit a fi nancial advisor today.
Laura A Beall
Financial Advisor
Member SIPC
8415 D Woodsboro Pike
Walkersville, MD 21793
IRT-1848C-A 301-304-5712