Page 4 - BNP January 2016 web
P. 4
Page 4 January 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Thurmont and Emmitsburg
Town Hall Reports
From the Mayor To the rear of the fire-consumed home, of Churches are accepting donations. Kinnaird had presented the
three firefighters assisted a victim out The Seton Center is working to help council with three different policies,
Emmitsburg of the fire, while three firefighters the families find long-term housing and the commissioners selected the
administered CPR to the victim. Out
by Mayor Briggs front, three firefighters gave CPR and to replace their belongings lost in least-restrictive one, although it is not
the fire.
without restrictions. The new policy
to another victim, while firefighters Checks can be made out to the only allows for beer and wine to
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” – worked around them tending to the fire. Emmitsburg Council of Churches and be served, and it can only be served
Emmitsburg, 2015: Tuesday morning, Monday evening, December 7, mailed to P.O. Box 812, Emmitsburg, at specific events. The organization
December 1, was heralded in by the residents assembled at the square for MD 21727. Donations to the Seton sponsoring the event must have
gentle innocent voices of Mother the annual tree lighting ceremony. Center or checks can be sent to the sufficient liability insurance. The
Seton third graders, singing Christmas This time, there were no appearances Seton Center at 16840 S. Seton Ave., beer and wine must be served free
carols as they proceeded up East Main of the Mother Seton and Christ Emmitsburg, MD 21727. (otherwise a liquor license would be
Street to the Square. Under umbrellas, Community Church chorales or a visit Home Fire Safety Visits required) and attendees cannot bring
all with decorations in tote to adorn from Santa. We observed a moment Members of Vigilant Hose their own alcohol.
the town Christmas tree. The school is of silence, and Pastor John Talcott led Company, the American Red The commissioners noted that
about a quarter of a mile away. There, us in the Lord’s Prayer. From those Cross, first responders, and safety consuming alcohol in town parks is
the special season has begun. assembled, a child chosen from the advocates began going door to door still specifically prohibited.
Wednesday afternoon-evening, crowd lit the tree. to Emmitsburg residents to talk about The policy will be reviewed by
December 2, more gentle, innocent Tuesday evening, December the importance of having working the town attorney, and then town
voices were heard. This time, those of 8, Roger Wilson, Director of smoke alarms in their homes and officials will have to ask the lease
the victims of the fire on South Seton Government Affairs for the County, businesses. They will also install free holders to amend their current leases.
Avenue. With the Red Cross and and I went to a regularly scheduled smoke alarms when requested. The If they do not agree, the next time
community fire fund team members, I meeting at the firehouse to thank the effort began on December 12. For their lease is up, it will be revised
worked with the victims with regard members for their service during the more information, call Vigilant Hose with the new policy.
to their housing, clothing, and food span of less than one week. Company at 301-447-2728. Special Trash Pickups
needs. Wednesday, December 9, a second The last days to have your
Friday evening, December 4, the victim from the fire on West Main Citizens Advisory Committee Christmas tree picked up will be
town hosted eighty guests at the Street passed away. Appointment January 4 and January 11. The
Carriage House Inn for the County Thursday and Friday, December Zenas Sykes was appointed to Christmas tree needs to be at the
Chapter of the Maryland Municipal 10 and 11: We worked on sourcing the Citizens Advisory Committee on curb by 6:00 a.m.
League for the annual delegation money for the funeral of Ms. Meyer. December 7 by the Emmitsburg Town On January 16, there will be a
dinner. The theme of the evening for From everywhere, donations were Commissioners. The vote was 4-0. bulk pickup with a limit of two bulk
the leaders from across the county asked for and received. The town Commissioner Joe Ritz was not in items. If you have more items, you
was not to just serve on the current staff, businesses, individuals, Lions attendance. will need to have a special tag on the
electorate but also the “electorates Club, EBPA, Vigilant Hose Fire Co., Changes to Yard Setbacks item that can be purchased from the
of the future.” Mother Seton School and the Mount have donated. The Emmitsburg Town Council town office for $10.00.
chorale started the evening singing Saturday morning, December 12, approved draft changes to a town
Christmas carols, which quickly Lib and I participated in the door-to- ordinance that will reduce the yard Commissioners Approve Electric
had everyone joining in. Then Ed door “Emmitsburg Area Home Fire setbacks from properties in the Work
and Mary Lynn Hinde of SHIP, the Safety Visits.” The joint Red Cross Village and R-1 zones, whose lots An electric circuit in the Criswell
Student Homelessness Initiative and local fire/rescue first responders’ are less than thirty feet in width. If Chevrolet parking lot will be moved
Program, introduced their program goal was to promote having working approved, the setback will be reduced by AUI Power. AUI Power will also
to assembled municipal, county, state fire alarms. Offering to install free from six feet to three feet. The draft finish needed construction when the
leaders. Over eight hundred county smoke alarms was part of the effort. ordinances will be sent to the Planning circuit is moved.
children are classified as homeless, of Though not like “The Twelve Day Commission for its input before being The Thurmont Commissioners
which over eighty are in the Catoctin of Christmas” song I remember, but voted on by the town commissioners. and Mayor John Kinnaird agreed to
High School District. The town, because the community’s response pay one-third of the $47,450 cost or
churches, and service groups have to the fire victims’ suffering and the For more information on the Town of $15,900. Criswell Chevrolet will pay
been working with SHIP since last families was so caring and giving, the Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. the remaining cost.
May. Sheriff Deputy Ben Whitehouse elicited feelings were the same. We gov or call 301-600-6300. The cost is being shared because
was later honored with a standing have a wonderful community. Pray it benefits both the town and
ovation for his service in assisting an for the victims. I hope everyone had a Criswell Chevrolet, according to
invalid person escape the fire. Pastor Merry Christmas. Thurmont Chief Administrative Officer James
Jon Greenstone gave the blessing Humerick. Criswell needs the circuit
before dinner. Familiar “Change for December 2015 moved in order to expand.
Food” canisters adorned the room, as Emmitsburg by James Rada, Jr. The cost of the construction is
those who rely on our food bank are estimated to be $18,500.
also a part of future electorates. December 2015 Alcohol May be Consumed on Some
Monday morning, December 7: by James Rada, Jr. Town Properties View the Town of Thurmont’s website at
Over the police monitor came the The Thurmont Town or call the town office
announcement that there was a fire on Council of Churches Collecting Commissioners and Mayor John at 301-271-7313 for more information.
West Main Street. Once again, I went to Donations for Fire Families Kinnaird voted on December 7 to
the scene to assist any possible displaced Pastor Jon Greenstone is helping approve amending the town code to
fire victims. This time there were not coordinate the efforts of the allow beer and wine to be served at G ET R ES ulTS !
any, but all of the residents were injured Emmitsburg Council of Churches’ events on properties under long-term • Full Color •
by the smoke and fire. One was lost efforts to raise funds for the families lease from the town.
at the scene, while the other two were displaced by two December fires in Currently, the properties that this Affordable • Effective
sent to different special trauma centers. Emmitsburg. The funds will also help policy would affect are the Main • 301-447-2804 •
Neighboring fire companies responded the businesses affected by the fires. Street Center, Thurmont Senior • [email protected] •
to assist our Vigilant Hose Company. Both the Seton Center and Council Center, and Thurmont Food Bank.
Thurmont and Emmitsburg
Town Hall Reports
From the Mayor To the rear of the fire-consumed home, of Churches are accepting donations. Kinnaird had presented the
three firefighters assisted a victim out The Seton Center is working to help council with three different policies,
Emmitsburg of the fire, while three firefighters the families find long-term housing and the commissioners selected the
administered CPR to the victim. Out
by Mayor Briggs front, three firefighters gave CPR and to replace their belongings lost in least-restrictive one, although it is not
the fire.
without restrictions. The new policy
to another victim, while firefighters Checks can be made out to the only allows for beer and wine to
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” – worked around them tending to the fire. Emmitsburg Council of Churches and be served, and it can only be served
Emmitsburg, 2015: Tuesday morning, Monday evening, December 7, mailed to P.O. Box 812, Emmitsburg, at specific events. The organization
December 1, was heralded in by the residents assembled at the square for MD 21727. Donations to the Seton sponsoring the event must have
gentle innocent voices of Mother the annual tree lighting ceremony. Center or checks can be sent to the sufficient liability insurance. The
Seton third graders, singing Christmas This time, there were no appearances Seton Center at 16840 S. Seton Ave., beer and wine must be served free
carols as they proceeded up East Main of the Mother Seton and Christ Emmitsburg, MD 21727. (otherwise a liquor license would be
Street to the Square. Under umbrellas, Community Church chorales or a visit Home Fire Safety Visits required) and attendees cannot bring
all with decorations in tote to adorn from Santa. We observed a moment Members of Vigilant Hose their own alcohol.
the town Christmas tree. The school is of silence, and Pastor John Talcott led Company, the American Red The commissioners noted that
about a quarter of a mile away. There, us in the Lord’s Prayer. From those Cross, first responders, and safety consuming alcohol in town parks is
the special season has begun. assembled, a child chosen from the advocates began going door to door still specifically prohibited.
Wednesday afternoon-evening, crowd lit the tree. to Emmitsburg residents to talk about The policy will be reviewed by
December 2, more gentle, innocent Tuesday evening, December the importance of having working the town attorney, and then town
voices were heard. This time, those of 8, Roger Wilson, Director of smoke alarms in their homes and officials will have to ask the lease
the victims of the fire on South Seton Government Affairs for the County, businesses. They will also install free holders to amend their current leases.
Avenue. With the Red Cross and and I went to a regularly scheduled smoke alarms when requested. The If they do not agree, the next time
community fire fund team members, I meeting at the firehouse to thank the effort began on December 12. For their lease is up, it will be revised
worked with the victims with regard members for their service during the more information, call Vigilant Hose with the new policy.
to their housing, clothing, and food span of less than one week. Company at 301-447-2728. Special Trash Pickups
needs. Wednesday, December 9, a second The last days to have your
Friday evening, December 4, the victim from the fire on West Main Citizens Advisory Committee Christmas tree picked up will be
town hosted eighty guests at the Street passed away. Appointment January 4 and January 11. The
Carriage House Inn for the County Thursday and Friday, December Zenas Sykes was appointed to Christmas tree needs to be at the
Chapter of the Maryland Municipal 10 and 11: We worked on sourcing the Citizens Advisory Committee on curb by 6:00 a.m.
League for the annual delegation money for the funeral of Ms. Meyer. December 7 by the Emmitsburg Town On January 16, there will be a
dinner. The theme of the evening for From everywhere, donations were Commissioners. The vote was 4-0. bulk pickup with a limit of two bulk
the leaders from across the county asked for and received. The town Commissioner Joe Ritz was not in items. If you have more items, you
was not to just serve on the current staff, businesses, individuals, Lions attendance. will need to have a special tag on the
electorate but also the “electorates Club, EBPA, Vigilant Hose Fire Co., Changes to Yard Setbacks item that can be purchased from the
of the future.” Mother Seton School and the Mount have donated. The Emmitsburg Town Council town office for $10.00.
chorale started the evening singing Saturday morning, December 12, approved draft changes to a town
Christmas carols, which quickly Lib and I participated in the door-to- ordinance that will reduce the yard Commissioners Approve Electric
had everyone joining in. Then Ed door “Emmitsburg Area Home Fire setbacks from properties in the Work
and Mary Lynn Hinde of SHIP, the Safety Visits.” The joint Red Cross Village and R-1 zones, whose lots An electric circuit in the Criswell
Student Homelessness Initiative and local fire/rescue first responders’ are less than thirty feet in width. If Chevrolet parking lot will be moved
Program, introduced their program goal was to promote having working approved, the setback will be reduced by AUI Power. AUI Power will also
to assembled municipal, county, state fire alarms. Offering to install free from six feet to three feet. The draft finish needed construction when the
leaders. Over eight hundred county smoke alarms was part of the effort. ordinances will be sent to the Planning circuit is moved.
children are classified as homeless, of Though not like “The Twelve Day Commission for its input before being The Thurmont Commissioners
which over eighty are in the Catoctin of Christmas” song I remember, but voted on by the town commissioners. and Mayor John Kinnaird agreed to
High School District. The town, because the community’s response pay one-third of the $47,450 cost or
churches, and service groups have to the fire victims’ suffering and the For more information on the Town of $15,900. Criswell Chevrolet will pay
been working with SHIP since last families was so caring and giving, the Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. the remaining cost.
May. Sheriff Deputy Ben Whitehouse elicited feelings were the same. We gov or call 301-600-6300. The cost is being shared because
was later honored with a standing have a wonderful community. Pray it benefits both the town and
ovation for his service in assisting an for the victims. I hope everyone had a Criswell Chevrolet, according to
invalid person escape the fire. Pastor Merry Christmas. Thurmont Chief Administrative Officer James
Jon Greenstone gave the blessing Humerick. Criswell needs the circuit
before dinner. Familiar “Change for December 2015 moved in order to expand.
Food” canisters adorned the room, as Emmitsburg by James Rada, Jr. The cost of the construction is
those who rely on our food bank are estimated to be $18,500.
also a part of future electorates. December 2015 Alcohol May be Consumed on Some
Monday morning, December 7: by James Rada, Jr. Town Properties View the Town of Thurmont’s website at
Over the police monitor came the The Thurmont Town or call the town office
announcement that there was a fire on Council of Churches Collecting Commissioners and Mayor John at 301-271-7313 for more information.
West Main Street. Once again, I went to Donations for Fire Families Kinnaird voted on December 7 to
the scene to assist any possible displaced Pastor Jon Greenstone is helping approve amending the town code to
fire victims. This time there were not coordinate the efforts of the allow beer and wine to be served at G ET R ES ulTS !
any, but all of the residents were injured Emmitsburg Council of Churches’ events on properties under long-term • Full Color •
by the smoke and fire. One was lost efforts to raise funds for the families lease from the town.
at the scene, while the other two were displaced by two December fires in Currently, the properties that this Affordable • Effective
sent to different special trauma centers. Emmitsburg. The funds will also help policy would affect are the Main • 301-447-2804 •
Neighboring fire companies responded the businesses affected by the fires. Street Center, Thurmont Senior • [email protected] •
to assist our Vigilant Hose Company. Both the Seton Center and Council Center, and Thurmont Food Bank.