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Page 6 December 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Play Our Games The Catoctin Banner’s
Holiday Home Decorating Contest
Each month, you’re invited to participate in our Where Am I? Photo Contest
and Hidden Object Game. The winners of each game are announced in the next Will your home sparkle and shine in celebration of the holiday season? Be festive,
issue of The Catoctin Banner newspaper. Winners are given a gift certificate to creative, and use your imagination when decorating, then enter The Catoctin
the advertiser of their choice. To participate, call 240-288-0108 or email news@ Banner’s Holiday Home Decorating Contest. Nominate your home by Sunday, to record your guesses by the 15th of each month. Please December 18, 2016. On December 19 and 20, The Catoctin Banner will judge only
don’t forget to spell your full name and leave your phone number. the homes that have been nominated. Please leave your lights on for us between
the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Email [email protected] to give the
Where Am I? Photo Contest address of your home to be entered in the judging. Homes must fall within the
coverage area of the newspaper, which includes zip codes 21780, 21719, 21787,
For the “Where Am I?” Photo 21788, and 21727. We will feature a photo of the winning house in the January
Contest, take a look at the photo 2017 issue. A cash prize will be awarded to the winner of the Decorating Contest.
to the right and tell us where it was
taken. It is somewhere in or around Television Aired: 1994-2004
our Northern Frederick County Area, TV Hit Series:
which is defined as Rocky Ridge to
Cascade, Lewistown to Emmitsburg, Friends
Foxville to Creagerstown, and
everywhere around and in-between. 1. What are the last names of each of the six Friend’s
Last month’s “Where Am I?”
photo was taken at Park Lane and the 2. What did Phoebe promise to give Chandler if he never
Thumont Trolley Trail. smoked again?

There was no winner of the Answers on page 46
“Where Am I?” Contest for
November’s issue.

Hidden Object Game

Last month’s Hidden Object was a flying pig. It was located on page 19 in
the Baker Tree Services, Inc. advertisement. The winner of the Hidden Object
game for November’s issue is Erma Shriner. Please contact The Catoctin
Banner to claim your prize.

This month’s Hidden Object is painting palette . Good luck!

Note: Hidden Object is hidden in one of our advertiser’s display ads.

The Catoctin Patronize Our Advertisers! The Catoctin Banner exists

due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.
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