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P. 11
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper December 2016 Page 11
Tolling the Bell for Veterans for Tr i n i t y United C h urch o f C h rist
Ninety-Eight Years in Emmitsburg Holds Annual Veterans Day Service
and Recognition
Deb Spalding
This year Photo by Deb Spalding On Sunday, Photo by Ross Lillard
marked the November 6, 2016,
98th year that Trinity United
volunteers from Church of Christ
the congregation held its third
of the Incarnation special Veterans
United Church of Day Service and
Christ, formerly Recognition. The
the Evangelical service was held
and Reformed at 101 East Main
Church of the Street in Thurmont
Incarnation, at 11:00 a.m.,
in Emmitsburg with a luncheon
have tolled their immediately
bell in memory following the
of Veterans worship service.
on Veterans Special recognition Pictured from left are Russ Delauter, Charles “Jake” Spalding, Larry
Day (formerly was given to those Clabaugh, Frank Valentine, and Dick Shank.
Armistice Day). Tom Hoke and his daughter Becky carry on the tradition of tolling the bell who are currently
Ninety-three-year- at Incarnation United Church of Christ in Emmitsburg on Veterans Day to serving and Veterans who had previously served in any branch of the United
old Emmitsburg States Armed Services, as well as any named persons who are deceased and
honor Veterans.
resident, Thomas had previously served their country.
Hoke said, “When the armistice was, Allen Crouse rebuilt the church and The church’s goal was to thank the living and to honor the deceased
during the war, everyone rang bells.” installed a new bell in the tower. Veterans in our communities for their dedicated and loyal service to our
The church burned on February Over the years, members of the country. Honored guests who attended the service included Pastor Emeritus
26, 1950. During the fire, the bell fell Hoke family rang the bell until they from Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church and retired commander U.S.
out of the tower and cracked when passed or moved away. Fred Wolfe Navy, Pastor Dale Williams leading the service, along with Trinity’s pastor,
it crashed to the ground. Church rang it for a long time until he passed Sean DeLawder. Other participants include Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Honor and
members Fred Wolfe, Henry Springer, away in the 1970s; then Tom Hoke Color Guard from the Thurmont AMVETS, musical group “Solid Ground”
Glenn Springer, Donald Crouse, and took over the honor again. Tom’s out of Fort Detrick, Commissioners of Thurmont, Retired Rev. Sherman
daughter, Becky, has been ringing it Mason, Gary Jagow, and other retired persons of service.
for the past seven or so years. Tom is
the official tick-tock time keeper.
Some of the Hoke family’s friends Your Paper — Your News!
and relatives get together for the
annual dedication, during which Send your good community news and
“God Bless America” is sung. They photos to share with others. Deadline
start at five minutes before 11:00 for submission is no later than the 15th
a.m. on Veterans Day, toll for five of the month prior to the issue month.
minutes with a tap (pull straight
down on the bell rope and hold it) • [email protected] • 301-447-2946 fax •
every ten seconds, and then ring • 301-447-2804 phone •
continuously for three minutes.
Tom said, “I sit there and say
‘pull’, then watch the seconds, then
say ‘pull’ again.” That’s just what he
did on November 11, 2016.
Beauty Salon
21 Meadow Lane • Thurmont
Senior Citizen
Perms $30
Tue 1 - 8 p.m. • Thu 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Call 301-271-4551 for appointment.
Please leave message after 4 rings.
Tolling the Bell for Veterans for Tr i n i t y United C h urch o f C h rist
Ninety-Eight Years in Emmitsburg Holds Annual Veterans Day Service
and Recognition
Deb Spalding
This year Photo by Deb Spalding On Sunday, Photo by Ross Lillard
marked the November 6, 2016,
98th year that Trinity United
volunteers from Church of Christ
the congregation held its third
of the Incarnation special Veterans
United Church of Day Service and
Christ, formerly Recognition. The
the Evangelical service was held
and Reformed at 101 East Main
Church of the Street in Thurmont
Incarnation, at 11:00 a.m.,
in Emmitsburg with a luncheon
have tolled their immediately
bell in memory following the
of Veterans worship service.
on Veterans Special recognition Pictured from left are Russ Delauter, Charles “Jake” Spalding, Larry
Day (formerly was given to those Clabaugh, Frank Valentine, and Dick Shank.
Armistice Day). Tom Hoke and his daughter Becky carry on the tradition of tolling the bell who are currently
Ninety-three-year- at Incarnation United Church of Christ in Emmitsburg on Veterans Day to serving and Veterans who had previously served in any branch of the United
old Emmitsburg States Armed Services, as well as any named persons who are deceased and
honor Veterans.
resident, Thomas had previously served their country.
Hoke said, “When the armistice was, Allen Crouse rebuilt the church and The church’s goal was to thank the living and to honor the deceased
during the war, everyone rang bells.” installed a new bell in the tower. Veterans in our communities for their dedicated and loyal service to our
The church burned on February Over the years, members of the country. Honored guests who attended the service included Pastor Emeritus
26, 1950. During the fire, the bell fell Hoke family rang the bell until they from Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church and retired commander U.S.
out of the tower and cracked when passed or moved away. Fred Wolfe Navy, Pastor Dale Williams leading the service, along with Trinity’s pastor,
it crashed to the ground. Church rang it for a long time until he passed Sean DeLawder. Other participants include Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Honor and
members Fred Wolfe, Henry Springer, away in the 1970s; then Tom Hoke Color Guard from the Thurmont AMVETS, musical group “Solid Ground”
Glenn Springer, Donald Crouse, and took over the honor again. Tom’s out of Fort Detrick, Commissioners of Thurmont, Retired Rev. Sherman
daughter, Becky, has been ringing it Mason, Gary Jagow, and other retired persons of service.
for the past seven or so years. Tom is
the official tick-tock time keeper.
Some of the Hoke family’s friends Your Paper — Your News!
and relatives get together for the
annual dedication, during which Send your good community news and
“God Bless America” is sung. They photos to share with others. Deadline
start at five minutes before 11:00 for submission is no later than the 15th
a.m. on Veterans Day, toll for five of the month prior to the issue month.
minutes with a tap (pull straight
down on the bell rope and hold it) • [email protected] • 301-447-2946 fax •
every ten seconds, and then ring • 301-447-2804 phone •
continuously for three minutes.
Tom said, “I sit there and say
‘pull’, then watch the seconds, then
say ‘pull’ again.” That’s just what he
did on November 11, 2016.
Beauty Salon
21 Meadow Lane • Thurmont
Senior Citizen
Perms $30
Tue 1 - 8 p.m. • Thu 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Call 301-271-4551 for appointment.
Please leave message after 4 rings.