Page 42 - Dec 2016 BNP ALL
P. 42
Page 42 December 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
rts & ntertainment B r i n g Y o u r C r e a t i v e S i d e t o L i g h t
Film About Ukrainian Love at First Touch CD
Orphan Launches Funding Available
Deb Spalding
Maryland film producer, Conrad Weaver, and a collaboration of
award-winning film makers, have launched a crowd-funding campaign on Sabillasville Photo by Deb Spalding Blues,” “Yesterday” to raise development funds for a new film project called Scars resident, Christine (Beatles), and
of an Orphan. The film will tell the true story of Diana Prykhodko, a young Maccabee (pictured “What the World
orphan girl who survived—yes, even thrived—against insurmountable odds. right), has been Needs Now” (is
Fleeing the wrath of her abusive mother, Diana took to life on the streets of a volunteer at Love Sweet Love).
Kiev, Ukraine. But through a series of unlikely events and encounters with Frederick Memorial The $15.00 CD
loving people, she discovered a very different identity. Scars of an Orphan will Hospital (FMH) is available at E
tell her remarkable story. since 2012. In that Plus Copy Center
role, she plays a or by email at
Weaver and his team hope to raise $25,000 in order to launch the film baby grand piano songbirdschant@
project and enable them to begin the process of writing the script and on Wednesdays for a
developing the business plan and marketing for the movie. “People need to couple of hours. She Christine had
see this story. That’s why we’re asking generous donors to partner with us by first encountered the created two earlier
making a contribution! It’s the most important film project I’ve ever worked piano in the lobby CDs of original
on; the film will shock you, inspire you, and motivate you to help orphans of the hospital when songs, “Songpoems
around the world.” Weaver and his team believe Diana’s story will help shed she went there for from the Heart of
light on the plight of orphans in Ukraine and around the world, and they have one year after an a Naturalist” and
committed to donate a portion of the profits from the film to organizations accident, which had “Winter Wait.”
who help orphans. damaged her right “Songpoems” was
arm. For close to a recorded before a
The film was inspired after Weaver attended the Christian Alliance for year, she had to discontinue playing
Orphans Summit in Orlando, Florida, where Diana told her unbelievable life her guitar and organ for churches. live audience at Apple’s Church in
story to an audience of orphan advocates. Following her talk, Weaver spoke “This was a very depressing time 2002. “Winter Wait” was recorded
with Diana about the possibility of making a film based on her story, and has for me, until I found the FMH live in her living room. “These are
since signed a story-rights agreement with her. piano. Its tone and light touch was both very personal CD’s, with songs
a perfect match for me,” and it was I didn’t want to take with me, if you
Weaver has partnered with a couple of award-winning production therapy for her injured arm. She also know what I mean…” They include
companies to make the film: Panama-based Seedling Media Productions, discovered that her music was a gift a mixture of music on piano, guitar,
and Star Wipe Films based in Gaithersburg, Maryland. “We plan on casting for people waiting there in the lobby. and vocals, many expressing her
actors from the United States and Ukraine to make this a truly international deep love of nature.
film. Our goal is to produce a movie that garners national and international The piano was a gift to the
attention in order to see worldwide theatrical distribution. This is a story that hospital from Jeff and Patty Christine has been studying
simply must be told,” said Weaver. He hopes to begin production in the fall of Hurwitz, and set up to be a player and playing piano since she was
2017. piano. However, “It is a wonderful just four years old. She was raised
instrument to play on by a real south of Baltimore in Brooklyn
The IndieGoGo campaign was launched on November 13 and will human being.” She feels that the Park, Maryland. She claims that
run for a month. You can visit the campaign page at hospital is a perfect place to share her mother couldn’t keep her out of
scarsofanorphan. Weaver is the executive producer on the film project and can her music because, “music is a the woods behind her house. The
be reached for comment, interviews, and other media inquiries at 301-606- healer.” Patrons and visitors often first song on her first CD is called
7794, or via email at thank her for her music, and once, “Child’s Song.” It was inspired by
a father and young daughter began her adventures as a child in the
Share Your Creative Side dancing together to an Irish waltz woods. Her love of nature drove her
Email to: she was playing! to become a naturalist, but she’s a
trained musician and artist as well.
Christine is proud to be releasing Christine graduated from Hood
her third CD of music entitled Love College with a B.A. in Music. In
at First Touch recorded live at FMH her twenties, she sang in the Verdi
by her son Ashley Maccabee. Her Requiem Mass as soprano soloist
original song, “Love at First Touch” and did roles in Mozart operas at
was inspired by the love she felt Frostburg State College, all while
when first playing the baby grand in being inspired to write her many folk
the lobby of FMH. The words and songs.
music for the song came within a half
hour. She said, “It was meant to be.” Christine has taught private
piano, voice, and guitar in this area
Christine also wrote the second for twenty years, while always very
song on the CD called, “Forgive busy with environmental things
Me For Loving You”—about a and being a mother of three. At
man, not a piano! The remainder heart, she said, she “was always out
of the music on the CD are various climbing trees and experiencing the
versions of twenty-two songs from glory of the natural world.” It would
the 1920s through 1970s, songs be impossible to separate that love
like “It Had to be You,” “Memphis from her music!
rts & ntertainment B r i n g Y o u r C r e a t i v e S i d e t o L i g h t
Film About Ukrainian Love at First Touch CD
Orphan Launches Funding Available
Deb Spalding
Maryland film producer, Conrad Weaver, and a collaboration of
award-winning film makers, have launched a crowd-funding campaign on Sabillasville Photo by Deb Spalding Blues,” “Yesterday” to raise development funds for a new film project called Scars resident, Christine (Beatles), and
of an Orphan. The film will tell the true story of Diana Prykhodko, a young Maccabee (pictured “What the World
orphan girl who survived—yes, even thrived—against insurmountable odds. right), has been Needs Now” (is
Fleeing the wrath of her abusive mother, Diana took to life on the streets of a volunteer at Love Sweet Love).
Kiev, Ukraine. But through a series of unlikely events and encounters with Frederick Memorial The $15.00 CD
loving people, she discovered a very different identity. Scars of an Orphan will Hospital (FMH) is available at E
tell her remarkable story. since 2012. In that Plus Copy Center
role, she plays a or by email at
Weaver and his team hope to raise $25,000 in order to launch the film baby grand piano songbirdschant@
project and enable them to begin the process of writing the script and on Wednesdays for a
developing the business plan and marketing for the movie. “People need to couple of hours. She Christine had
see this story. That’s why we’re asking generous donors to partner with us by first encountered the created two earlier
making a contribution! It’s the most important film project I’ve ever worked piano in the lobby CDs of original
on; the film will shock you, inspire you, and motivate you to help orphans of the hospital when songs, “Songpoems
around the world.” Weaver and his team believe Diana’s story will help shed she went there for from the Heart of
light on the plight of orphans in Ukraine and around the world, and they have one year after an a Naturalist” and
committed to donate a portion of the profits from the film to organizations accident, which had “Winter Wait.”
who help orphans. damaged her right “Songpoems” was
arm. For close to a recorded before a
The film was inspired after Weaver attended the Christian Alliance for year, she had to discontinue playing
Orphans Summit in Orlando, Florida, where Diana told her unbelievable life her guitar and organ for churches. live audience at Apple’s Church in
story to an audience of orphan advocates. Following her talk, Weaver spoke “This was a very depressing time 2002. “Winter Wait” was recorded
with Diana about the possibility of making a film based on her story, and has for me, until I found the FMH live in her living room. “These are
since signed a story-rights agreement with her. piano. Its tone and light touch was both very personal CD’s, with songs
a perfect match for me,” and it was I didn’t want to take with me, if you
Weaver has partnered with a couple of award-winning production therapy for her injured arm. She also know what I mean…” They include
companies to make the film: Panama-based Seedling Media Productions, discovered that her music was a gift a mixture of music on piano, guitar,
and Star Wipe Films based in Gaithersburg, Maryland. “We plan on casting for people waiting there in the lobby. and vocals, many expressing her
actors from the United States and Ukraine to make this a truly international deep love of nature.
film. Our goal is to produce a movie that garners national and international The piano was a gift to the
attention in order to see worldwide theatrical distribution. This is a story that hospital from Jeff and Patty Christine has been studying
simply must be told,” said Weaver. He hopes to begin production in the fall of Hurwitz, and set up to be a player and playing piano since she was
2017. piano. However, “It is a wonderful just four years old. She was raised
instrument to play on by a real south of Baltimore in Brooklyn
The IndieGoGo campaign was launched on November 13 and will human being.” She feels that the Park, Maryland. She claims that
run for a month. You can visit the campaign page at hospital is a perfect place to share her mother couldn’t keep her out of
scarsofanorphan. Weaver is the executive producer on the film project and can her music because, “music is a the woods behind her house. The
be reached for comment, interviews, and other media inquiries at 301-606- healer.” Patrons and visitors often first song on her first CD is called
7794, or via email at thank her for her music, and once, “Child’s Song.” It was inspired by
a father and young daughter began her adventures as a child in the
Share Your Creative Side dancing together to an Irish waltz woods. Her love of nature drove her
Email to: she was playing! to become a naturalist, but she’s a
trained musician and artist as well.
Christine is proud to be releasing Christine graduated from Hood
her third CD of music entitled Love College with a B.A. in Music. In
at First Touch recorded live at FMH her twenties, she sang in the Verdi
by her son Ashley Maccabee. Her Requiem Mass as soprano soloist
original song, “Love at First Touch” and did roles in Mozart operas at
was inspired by the love she felt Frostburg State College, all while
when first playing the baby grand in being inspired to write her many folk
the lobby of FMH. The words and songs.
music for the song came within a half
hour. She said, “It was meant to be.” Christine has taught private
piano, voice, and guitar in this area
Christine also wrote the second for twenty years, while always very
song on the CD called, “Forgive busy with environmental things
Me For Loving You”—about a and being a mother of three. At
man, not a piano! The remainder heart, she said, she “was always out
of the music on the CD are various climbing trees and experiencing the
versions of twenty-two songs from glory of the natural world.” It would
the 1920s through 1970s, songs be impossible to separate that love
like “It Had to be You,” “Memphis from her music!