Page 40 - April 2016 all
P. 40
Page 40 April 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
your public library Children’s Programs ages 3-5. Held on Monday, April 25,
Springo Bingo. Celebrate spring
Where Community & Ideas Connect with a fun game of bingo! Come out 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
We Love Butterflies. Learn some
[email protected] • 301-600-7212 • for a fun family time on Wednesday, amazing facts about this beautiful
by Linda Frydl, Library Associate, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library April 6, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. insect, make a butterfly craft, and
Find Your Storytime in a National
by Erin Dingle, Branch Administrator Thurmont Regional Library Park: Catoctin Mountain Park. plant seeds for a butterfly garden
(ages 4-9). Held on Tuesday, April 26,
The Library Fun Fair will be held Held on Monday, April 11, 2016, at Children and their families can join 2016, at 2:00 p.m. Register online at
on Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. library staff for an easy walk at or call 301-600-7212.
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., with plenty Free tax services will be provided the Catoctin Mountain National Color Science STEM Program.
of free activities in celebration of by the National Association of Park, followed by a few stories Join us to explore colors with a
spring. It’s a great chance to meet Retired and Federal Employees, about nature in the park. Dress variety of fun, hands-on activities;
other families in the community. Frederick Chapter: Friday, April 1 appropriately. Program courtesy share a story and play a game, too!
Stop at the Thurmont Thespian and Friday, April 8—10:00 a.m.- of our 2016 library partnership in For ages 3-5, with an adult. Held on
Station to participate in live 4:00 p.m. Customers must make celebration of the National Park Friday, April 28, 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
improve. Rose Hill Manor is making appointments by calling 301- Service Centennial. Meet at the Register online at or call
thaumatrope (optical illusion) 845-0042. Income level must be Catoctin Mountain Park Visitor 301-600-7212.
bookmarks and The Delaplaine $62,000 or less. All questions can Center on Friday, April 22, 2016, at Science Saturday: Chemistry. It
Arts Center will host a special art be answered by calling the number 11:00 a.m. fizzes! It Pops! It Ooozes! It must be
project table. Key’s Baseball mascot provided. Birds of Prey. Cunningham Falls Chemistry! We’re stirring up a lot of
Keyote and the Cat in the Hat will Park Naturalist Cricket Smith will fun on Science Saturday on April 30,
be available for photos. Get your Teen Programs teach you about a special bird of 2016, at 2:00 p.m. Grades 1-5, with
face painted and learn more about Wild Animals of your National prey: the owl. Learn about owls in an adult. Register online at
Geocaching, Thurmont’s Green Parks. Live animals, great stories the wild, and meet a live owl. For or call 301-600-7212.
Team, and much more. You can even and more! Ranger Mark Spurrier
sign up for a “behind-the-scenes” from Cunningham Falls State Park
tour of the library and find out will bring birds of prey and reptiles
more about the STEM Lab. We’re native to Maryland to share with
also planning a “Transportation teens the variety of wildlife species
Corner,” where kids can actually they may see in their National Parks.
sit in a police car or other types of Program courtesy of our 2016
vehicles. Call Erin at 301-600-7212 library partnership in celebration
if your organization wants to host of the National Park Service
an activity. Centennial. Held on Saturday, April
The library will be celebrating the 9, 2016, at 3:00 p.m.
National Park Centennial all year Sugar and Spice Science Lab.
with lots of programs throughout Did you know you could extract
the county. DNA from Strawberries or create
In April, you’re invited to learn egg geodes using sugar? Join us in
about how it all started. Since its our STEM lab for sweet science
creation by Woodrow Wilson one experiments on Monday, April 11,
hundred years ago, the National 2016, 11:00 a.m. Register online at
Park Service has helped preserve or call 301-600-7212.
and protect many of our remarkable Make a Nature Journal and Eat
historic and natural landmarks. Join S’mores. A Nature Journal is a place ads @ TheCatoctinBanner .com
Catoctin Mountain Park Ranger to record your thoughts, feelings,
Peggie Gaul as she tells the wide- activities and observations with the Affordable, Effective, Full C o l o r
ranging history of these parks and natural world. We’ll make a journal
the act that created them. Program and eat S’mores while we’re doing it.
courtesy of our 2016 library For grades 6-12; Thursday, April 14, BOLLINGER HOMES, LLC
partnership in celebration of the 2016, at 5:00 p.m. Register online at
National Park Service Centennial. or call 301-600-7212. Custom Home Builder & Remodeler
We specialize in... • Additions
Custom Homes & • Garages
Remodeling • Patios
Bollinger Homes, LLC have been building custom homes,
building additions and remodeling for over 20 years in • Decks
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. • Concrete Walks
• Siding & Rooing
Phone 301.447.6917
Fax 301.447.2704
1 Creamery Way
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
your public library Children’s Programs ages 3-5. Held on Monday, April 25,
Springo Bingo. Celebrate spring
Where Community & Ideas Connect with a fun game of bingo! Come out 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
We Love Butterflies. Learn some
[email protected] • 301-600-7212 • for a fun family time on Wednesday, amazing facts about this beautiful
by Linda Frydl, Library Associate, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library April 6, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. insect, make a butterfly craft, and
Find Your Storytime in a National
by Erin Dingle, Branch Administrator Thurmont Regional Library Park: Catoctin Mountain Park. plant seeds for a butterfly garden
(ages 4-9). Held on Tuesday, April 26,
The Library Fun Fair will be held Held on Monday, April 11, 2016, at Children and their families can join 2016, at 2:00 p.m. Register online at
on Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. library staff for an easy walk at or call 301-600-7212.
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., with plenty Free tax services will be provided the Catoctin Mountain National Color Science STEM Program.
of free activities in celebration of by the National Association of Park, followed by a few stories Join us to explore colors with a
spring. It’s a great chance to meet Retired and Federal Employees, about nature in the park. Dress variety of fun, hands-on activities;
other families in the community. Frederick Chapter: Friday, April 1 appropriately. Program courtesy share a story and play a game, too!
Stop at the Thurmont Thespian and Friday, April 8—10:00 a.m.- of our 2016 library partnership in For ages 3-5, with an adult. Held on
Station to participate in live 4:00 p.m. Customers must make celebration of the National Park Friday, April 28, 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
improve. Rose Hill Manor is making appointments by calling 301- Service Centennial. Meet at the Register online at or call
thaumatrope (optical illusion) 845-0042. Income level must be Catoctin Mountain Park Visitor 301-600-7212.
bookmarks and The Delaplaine $62,000 or less. All questions can Center on Friday, April 22, 2016, at Science Saturday: Chemistry. It
Arts Center will host a special art be answered by calling the number 11:00 a.m. fizzes! It Pops! It Ooozes! It must be
project table. Key’s Baseball mascot provided. Birds of Prey. Cunningham Falls Chemistry! We’re stirring up a lot of
Keyote and the Cat in the Hat will Park Naturalist Cricket Smith will fun on Science Saturday on April 30,
be available for photos. Get your Teen Programs teach you about a special bird of 2016, at 2:00 p.m. Grades 1-5, with
face painted and learn more about Wild Animals of your National prey: the owl. Learn about owls in an adult. Register online at
Geocaching, Thurmont’s Green Parks. Live animals, great stories the wild, and meet a live owl. For or call 301-600-7212.
Team, and much more. You can even and more! Ranger Mark Spurrier
sign up for a “behind-the-scenes” from Cunningham Falls State Park
tour of the library and find out will bring birds of prey and reptiles
more about the STEM Lab. We’re native to Maryland to share with
also planning a “Transportation teens the variety of wildlife species
Corner,” where kids can actually they may see in their National Parks.
sit in a police car or other types of Program courtesy of our 2016
vehicles. Call Erin at 301-600-7212 library partnership in celebration
if your organization wants to host of the National Park Service
an activity. Centennial. Held on Saturday, April
The library will be celebrating the 9, 2016, at 3:00 p.m.
National Park Centennial all year Sugar and Spice Science Lab.
with lots of programs throughout Did you know you could extract
the county. DNA from Strawberries or create
In April, you’re invited to learn egg geodes using sugar? Join us in
about how it all started. Since its our STEM lab for sweet science
creation by Woodrow Wilson one experiments on Monday, April 11,
hundred years ago, the National 2016, 11:00 a.m. Register online at
Park Service has helped preserve or call 301-600-7212.
and protect many of our remarkable Make a Nature Journal and Eat
historic and natural landmarks. Join S’mores. A Nature Journal is a place ads @ TheCatoctinBanner .com
Catoctin Mountain Park Ranger to record your thoughts, feelings,
Peggie Gaul as she tells the wide- activities and observations with the Affordable, Effective, Full C o l o r
ranging history of these parks and natural world. We’ll make a journal
the act that created them. Program and eat S’mores while we’re doing it.
courtesy of our 2016 library For grades 6-12; Thursday, April 14, BOLLINGER HOMES, LLC
partnership in celebration of the 2016, at 5:00 p.m. Register online at
National Park Service Centennial. or call 301-600-7212. Custom Home Builder & Remodeler
We specialize in... • Additions
Custom Homes & • Garages
Remodeling • Patios
Bollinger Homes, LLC have been building custom homes,
building additions and remodeling for over 20 years in • Decks
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. • Concrete Walks
• Siding & Rooing
Phone 301.447.6917
Fax 301.447.2704
1 Creamery Way
Emmitsburg, MD 21727