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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper September 2015 Page 37
senior moments

by Helen Deluca Photos by Irene Matthews
Seniors are shown
Hello to all seniors, young and of the volunteers work hard to keep participating in
old. In case you’re wondering: young it running for you. Thurmont Senior Center’s
weekly Monday Zumba
seniors are those recently retired; We would like to extend our Gold class, offered each
old seniors are…let’s just say you’re belated condolences to the Calvin Monday morning, from
getting close to my age! Yes, I’m Saylor family. Calvin, with her 10:15-11:00 a.m.
back writing “Senior Moments” generous support of the Thurmont
temporarily. Senior Center in its early years, made
Would you believe it’s been four possible what we share and enjoy
years (July 2011) since the Thurmont today.
Senior Center became an independent We also want to congratulate the
organization? In July 2013, it became Thurmont Little League players.
an approved 501 (c)3 nonprofit They give their best. Way to go, guys!
organization. It’s been challenging at Thurmont has it all!
times, but due to a super-dedicated And, while I’m “telling it like it August Birthdays
board of directors (BOD), a hard- is,” I will tell you what else we need. Pictured from left
working coordinator, and a great We need more volunteers! Do you are Rachel Weiler, Mo
group of volunteers, the Thurmont have some spare time you would Snyder, Emily Firor,
Gene Beard, Wes Glass,
Senior Center is one of the busiest in like to share with others? Volunteers Frank Rifle, and J.R.
Frederick County. are what holds the Thurmont Senior Hamilton.
One of the greatest challenges has Center together. We need you! Feel
been maintaining and subsidizing free to call Teresa and tell her how
the lunch program. At the risk of you can help. You will feel good she will provide all of the supplies. past-time of Bill Gates and Warren
sounding repetitive, I’ll tell you about yourself, and those you help The only thing you have to bring are Buffet. “Keeps them mentally sharp.”
that the lunch from Mountain Gate will feel better. Call 301-271-7911 the addresses you wish to mail to. We No wonder the group that meets here
Restaurant costs the Center $6.19. between 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. will even supply the stamps and mail twice a week to play is so “bright
An honor system of payment for Get your calendar out. The them for you, if you wish. As always, eyed and bushy tailed.” What would
each senior has always been in place. following are some special activities a full schedule and lunch menu is the pinochle players like to add?
The BOD requested $5.00 from for September: September 3— available at the Center or on email And where are the 500 players? The
each senior, and agreed to subsidize Beading class with Teresa, 1:00 p.m.; at Thurmont Senior Center @ ZoHo. weather will soon be changing, so get
the difference, plus cover the cost September 7—Closed for Labor com. your groups together and come on
of dessert, drinks, bread, paper Day; September 10—Christine Just so you know, all kinds of in! The long days of winter will soon
products, and picking up the meals at LeVitro, a lawyer from Frederick, card games are taking place at the be here.
Mountain Gate. These items are not will be speaking about power of Thurmont Senior Center, especially Always remember: “When you
included in the $6.19. To date, a total attorneys, last will and testaments, on Tuesday and Friday. Did you rush through life it becomes a race,
of 12,557 meals have been served at medical advance directives, titling know that playing bridge offers but when you enjoy each moment it
the Center. Added to this, the amount of assets, and will also answer your intellectual and social stimulation? becomes a beautiful journey.”
of daily home-delivered meals to questions. Presentation will be 10:30 According to an article in the AARP So come in, relax, enjoy, and
homebound seniors is increasing. a.m.-noon; September 11-12—Visit Bulletin, playing bridge is the favorite smile.
We are dependent on the us at our Community Show booth
generosity of the community, grants, outside of Catoctin High School
and special fundraising events at auditorium, 6:00 p.m.; September Labor Day: How it Came About & What it Means
the Center to continue the lunch 12—Last community yard sale
program. All proceeds from our until May 2016 (we will be holding Labor Day, the irst Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement
bingo games on the first and third our annual Colorfest yard sale on and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.
Wednesday each month, Colorfest October 8-10, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00
yard sale, silent auction, t-shirts, p.m. If you have any items you it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to
and sweatshirts have helped a great would like to donate, you may do so the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
deal, but we need your help. We are now); September 14— Canaries will Labor Day was declared a Federal holiday in 1894, after President Grover
also requesting funds from Frederick start their season with practice at Cleveland acted as a response to a failed attempt at breaking up a railroad strike.
County government. 12:45 p.m. (meet at that time every
All monies received are kept and Monday through May); September
dispersed from a separate account. 23—“Letter Writing Social” with
Unfortunately, those funds are Deb from, an
rapidly diminishing, and the BOD internet stationary shop, 1:00-3:00
has had to raise the lunch prices p.m. Do you have letters or notes
to $6.00 for each senior, while you would like to write to friends,
pursuing grants and asking for any relatives, etc., and just never seem
donations—large or small. to get the time? Well, the time has
The Thurmont Senior Center is come. Come sit down and relax
not only a place to meet, eat, and with us and write your letters, while
enjoy, it is also an integral part of the munching on cookies and punch and
community. It’s a place for Girl Scout keeping “snail mail alive.” Deb will
meetings, a shared space for the supply the materials, but please sign
minesterium summer lunch program, up at the Center by September if you
a place for the VITA tax programs, are coming, because she is making
a place you can get a flu shot, a a personalized, monogrammed note
meeting room when requested, and with matching envelope for each
can be rented on the weekends for a person who signs up. She will have
nominal fee. Teresa, the BOD, and all more paper for additional letters, and
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