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happily ever after

Happy September Day 2 Day 6
by Valerie Nusbaum (1) Randy brought me a donut (1) Rotisserie chicken…
with a smiley face; (2) Randy And this is where my notes end,
I’ve heard and read that happiness there was a pattern or some rhyme caught a fish; and (3) I finished because I forgot to list two more
is a choice we make. According to or reason. The three items would polishing the bedroom furniture. things and didn’t have the energy
the experts, we can wake up in the not necessarily be the top three Randy to remind Randy to tell me his
morning and choose to be happy or things that made us happy the day (1) He went fishing; (2) He spent three items.
we can choose not to be. Apparently, before, nor would they be in any the day with me; and (3) Everyone Day 7
it’s up to us whether we see the glass particular order. They would simply was healthy enough to be home.
as half full or half empty. be the three things we remembered Day 3 We completely missed Day 7.
There are all kinds of happiness most easily, and seriously, any time I I noticed several things about our
projects and experiments out there, can remember anything, it makes me Valerie “happy” choices. I don’t like to cook,
so I decided to conduct one of my happy. (1) I spent the day with Randy; drive, buy groceries, go to Walmart, or
own, and as usual, I dragged Randy Our project went something like (2) Randy helped me with the get dressed. Randy would rather stay
along for the ride. this: groceries; and (3) I found a home than go to work. He seems to
A friend of mine is taking a photo Day 1 quarter in my grocery cart. enjoy spending time with me, although
of something that makes her happy Randy a lot of our together time was spent
and posting it on social media every Valerie (1) He spent the day with me; (2) eating and watching television. We
day. Her project is called “100 Days (1) I didn’t have to cook dinner He ate coconut macaroons; and both enjoy dessert. Randy is much
of Happiness.” or think about it (Randy brought (3)He didn’t have to go to work. more altruistic than I am, and we both
Knowing that I’d lose interest home a pizza); (2) I made it home Day 4 like it when he goes fishing.
quickly, I opted for something safely (traffic was terrible on Rt. With regard to Day 3, Randy and
shorter and less labor intensive. 15 that day); and (3) I spent a few Valerie I went to the ALDI grocery store,
Quick and easy makes me happy. minutes with my mom. (1) I had the whole day at home— where shoppers are required to
The rules for my happiness Randy there was nowhere I needed to be; insert a quarter in order to retrieve
project were simple. For one week, (1 and 2) He woke up, he came (2) I finished the treadmill two a grocery cart. As stated, my cart
Randy and I would each make note home from work (those are minutes sooner than planned; and already had a quarter inserted in the
of three things that had made us two separate thoughts. Randy (3) I watched American Ninja slot. With the intention of paying it
feel happy during the previous day. didn’t wake up and then come Warrior. forward, I left said quarter in the slot
I would record our thoughts, and home from work); and (3) The Randy after I finished shopping and returned
at the end of the week, we’d see if sunflowers were blooming. (1) The sun came up and he could the cart to the kiosk. As Randy and
enjoy it; (2) He has a job and I were driving out of the parking lot,
is able to do it; and (3) People I noticed a man returning his cart,
are willing to sacrifice for our and I saw him glance at my cart, spy
freedom. the quarter and pocket it. I feel sure,
Day 5 however, that Karma took care of
Valerie him somehow.
One more thing that really makes
(1) I survived a trip to Walmart; me happy this season is that Randy
(2) I didn’t have to drive home and I have decided—at least for
in the rain; and (3) My old blue now—to discontinue production
bathrobe. of our potpourri products. Instead,
Randy Randy will be selling his wooden
(1) He spent the evening with me shelves and stools at Colorfest this
(I swear these are his answers. year. I’m happy not to have the
I didn’t make it up); (2) He got potpourri mess all over my basement
a new hose; and (3) He enjoyed and house. However, I think I’ve
planning a trip. traded it for sawdust.


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