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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper September 2015 Page 21
U.S. Crossbow Club Holds Awards Banquet
Grace Eyler
On August 15, 2015, the Photo by Grace Eyler and crabbing talents, and also
U.S. Crossbow Club (USCC) the first hunting organization to
celebrated its 2 Annual Awards recognize our member’s harvesting of
Banquet. Located on Tower Road Maryland and National doe whitetail
in Thurmont, members from deer.”
across Maryland, and as far away The 2 Annual All Awards
as Ohio, joined together to share Presentations ceremony began with
stories of their crossbow hunting the club’s Biggest Catch Award,
adventures, to display their where award recipients reminisced
mounted trophy animals, and to about their fishing stories.
receive awards for their hunting Next, another unique award was
and fishing accomplishments. presented: the Maryland-National
Although these USCC members Heaviest Whitetail Doe Award,
come from all walks of life, the one which was created to (1) allow
thing they all have in common is young whitetail bucks to mature;
their passion for hunting, fishing, Crossbow Club members gather together to celebrate their 2 Annual Awards Banquet. (2) create award opportunities to
and their crossbows. Dennis R. those that never see a mature whitetail
Britton of Thurmont is the club’s the uneven archery hunting laws. headquarters and new crossbow buck; (3) help in managing our ever-
founder and first president. He recalled After collecting over 2,500 signatures, range. The site has twenty Ironman growing whitetail deer herd; and (4)
purchasing his first crossbow at Britton then sent the petition to the targets, with no two targets being recruit and retain crossbow hunters.
Jefferson Archery in 2008. At the time, Maryland Governor’s Office, The placed at the same elevation or Other awards included Hunter of
Britton was sixty-five years old and Department of Natural Resources, distance. It is the only archery range the Year; Estate Hunter of the Year,
could legally hunt with a crossbow, and key state senators. He thought in the state of Maryland to have for harvesting the most different
but after reading Maryland’s laws 2,500 votes could convince Governor permanent-placed straight in-line species of big game animals; and the
and regulations governing hunting Martin O’Malley to reverse his way targets at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and USCC Golden Arrow Award and
with a crossbow, he found them to of thinking in an election year, and 60 yards, great for calibrating long Estate Golden Arrow Award, for
be biased, discriminating, and unfair they did. Beginning with the 2010- distance scopes. harvesting the most big game animals
when compared to other legal archery 2011 Maryland hunting season, During the awards ceremony, of the same species.
hunting equipment: (1) a crossbow crossbows became a legal archery Dennis reminded his fellow members After members received their
hunter could only hunt on sporadic hunting weapon for everyone, that, “...Our mission as a club is to awards, Lucy gathered everyone for
specified dates of the archery season without limits or restrictions for the promote more crossbow hunting and a tasty barbecue lunch. Members
whereas the traditional bowhunter entire hunting season! shooting opportunities for everyone, dined and swapped stories of their
could hunt every day of the archery In September of 2010, Britton without limits and restrictions, and outdoor adventures. As the afternoon
season; (2) a crossbow hunter had to founded the Maryland Crossbow to recognize each member for their progressed, members said their
be at least sixty-five years old, while Federation to unite all Maryland outdoor sports accomplishments.” goodbyes, and are now looking
the traditional bowhunter had no age crossbow hunters into a single voice, The U.S. Crossbow Club (USCC) forward to next year’s gathering.
limits; and (3) a crossbow hunter had and to represent that voice in all legal has the most extensive awards For more information on the
to be physically impaired whereas a crossbow matters. programs in the world. USCC, contact Dennis Britton at
traditional bowhunter did not. He Britton said, “Because of Britton said, “We have awards 301-271-7001 or at uscrossbowclub@
recognized the laws and regulations reputation and popularity, for all Maryland and National big
prevented many younger and healthier our membership has grown game species, in both fair chase and You do not have to be a Maryland
hunters from having a choice of overwhelmingly and has spread into estate hunting conditions,” adding, resident or even a U.S. citizen to enjoy
hunting weapons. A firm believer in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, “We are the first hunting organization the benefits of being a U.S. Crossbow
equal rights and freedom of choice, West Virginia, Florida, Ohio, as well to recognize our member’s fishing Club member.
Britton campaigned for a change as Germany, Canada, and South
that would benefit all sportsmen America. On February 4, 2015, the
across Maryland, regardless of age or Maryland Crossbow Federation
disability. became legally known as the U.S.
Britton started in Thurmont with Crossbow Club.
a door-to-door petition to enlighten Today, Britton and his wife, Lucy,
as many residents as he could about warmly welcome archers to the club’s
U.S. Crossbow Club Holds Awards Banquet
Grace Eyler
On August 15, 2015, the Photo by Grace Eyler and crabbing talents, and also
U.S. Crossbow Club (USCC) the first hunting organization to
celebrated its 2 Annual Awards recognize our member’s harvesting of
Banquet. Located on Tower Road Maryland and National doe whitetail
in Thurmont, members from deer.”
across Maryland, and as far away The 2 Annual All Awards
as Ohio, joined together to share Presentations ceremony began with
stories of their crossbow hunting the club’s Biggest Catch Award,
adventures, to display their where award recipients reminisced
mounted trophy animals, and to about their fishing stories.
receive awards for their hunting Next, another unique award was
and fishing accomplishments. presented: the Maryland-National
Although these USCC members Heaviest Whitetail Doe Award,
come from all walks of life, the one which was created to (1) allow
thing they all have in common is young whitetail bucks to mature;
their passion for hunting, fishing, Crossbow Club members gather together to celebrate their 2 Annual Awards Banquet. (2) create award opportunities to
and their crossbows. Dennis R. those that never see a mature whitetail
Britton of Thurmont is the club’s the uneven archery hunting laws. headquarters and new crossbow buck; (3) help in managing our ever-
founder and first president. He recalled After collecting over 2,500 signatures, range. The site has twenty Ironman growing whitetail deer herd; and (4)
purchasing his first crossbow at Britton then sent the petition to the targets, with no two targets being recruit and retain crossbow hunters.
Jefferson Archery in 2008. At the time, Maryland Governor’s Office, The placed at the same elevation or Other awards included Hunter of
Britton was sixty-five years old and Department of Natural Resources, distance. It is the only archery range the Year; Estate Hunter of the Year,
could legally hunt with a crossbow, and key state senators. He thought in the state of Maryland to have for harvesting the most different
but after reading Maryland’s laws 2,500 votes could convince Governor permanent-placed straight in-line species of big game animals; and the
and regulations governing hunting Martin O’Malley to reverse his way targets at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and USCC Golden Arrow Award and
with a crossbow, he found them to of thinking in an election year, and 60 yards, great for calibrating long Estate Golden Arrow Award, for
be biased, discriminating, and unfair they did. Beginning with the 2010- distance scopes. harvesting the most big game animals
when compared to other legal archery 2011 Maryland hunting season, During the awards ceremony, of the same species.
hunting equipment: (1) a crossbow crossbows became a legal archery Dennis reminded his fellow members After members received their
hunter could only hunt on sporadic hunting weapon for everyone, that, “...Our mission as a club is to awards, Lucy gathered everyone for
specified dates of the archery season without limits or restrictions for the promote more crossbow hunting and a tasty barbecue lunch. Members
whereas the traditional bowhunter entire hunting season! shooting opportunities for everyone, dined and swapped stories of their
could hunt every day of the archery In September of 2010, Britton without limits and restrictions, and outdoor adventures. As the afternoon
season; (2) a crossbow hunter had to founded the Maryland Crossbow to recognize each member for their progressed, members said their
be at least sixty-five years old, while Federation to unite all Maryland outdoor sports accomplishments.” goodbyes, and are now looking
the traditional bowhunter had no age crossbow hunters into a single voice, The U.S. Crossbow Club (USCC) forward to next year’s gathering.
limits; and (3) a crossbow hunter had and to represent that voice in all legal has the most extensive awards For more information on the
to be physically impaired whereas a crossbow matters. programs in the world. USCC, contact Dennis Britton at
traditional bowhunter did not. He Britton said, “Because of Britton said, “We have awards 301-271-7001 or at uscrossbowclub@
recognized the laws and regulations reputation and popularity, for all Maryland and National big
prevented many younger and healthier our membership has grown game species, in both fair chase and You do not have to be a Maryland
hunters from having a choice of overwhelmingly and has spread into estate hunting conditions,” adding, resident or even a U.S. citizen to enjoy
hunting weapons. A firm believer in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, “We are the first hunting organization the benefits of being a U.S. Crossbow
equal rights and freedom of choice, West Virginia, Florida, Ohio, as well to recognize our member’s fishing Club member.
Britton campaigned for a change as Germany, Canada, and South
that would benefit all sportsmen America. On February 4, 2015, the
across Maryland, regardless of age or Maryland Crossbow Federation
disability. became legally known as the U.S.
Britton started in Thurmont with Crossbow Club.
a door-to-door petition to enlighten Today, Britton and his wife, Lucy,
as many residents as he could about warmly welcome archers to the club’s