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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper September 2015 Page 17

Political Turmoil in Thurmont — Continued from page 16 Engagement Announcement

zoning policies, which he declared first, the board said no, but after
were ruinous to business. He was being lobbied by some civic leaders,
again nominated to oppose Lewis new mayor Lookingbill scheduled a
in 1965 but surprised many when meeting for October 21 to further
he declined, setting the stage for discuss the matter. Controversy
Lookingbill’s successful bid. With a again swirled and for the second
year to go as commissioner, Wilhide time that year, the town was
settled in with the new mayor and consumed with opinion about the
board. Then came a situation that latest political drama.
eclipsed April’s upset election in On the evening of October 20 in
local lore. his office at his car dealership with
Carroll E. Kinsey was a local his son and Kinsey, Calvin Wilhide
developer. Among his real estate was stricken with a heart attack. He
holdings was a brick building that is was dead at the age of 51.
now the Thurmont Senior Citizens A little over a year later on the Sarah and Zachary to be wed in June 2016.
Center on East Main Street. It first of December 1966, following
was in a town zoning district that a normal day at his barber shop,
allowed commercial uses. In the mayor Roy Lookingbill suffered a Scott and Sharon Little of Thurmont, Maryland, are pleased to
fall of 1965 Kinsey leased half the heart attack and died at his home. announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, to
building to the Board of Education He was 57. Former mayor and
to hold 60 students from the commissioner C. Ray Weddle again Zachary David, son of David and Kathleen Krietz of Smithsburg,
overcrowded Thurmont Elementary took the helm, and during his long Maryland. Sarah is in her inal year at Shepherd University, where
School across the street. The other service to Thurmont was elected she will be receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree in
half he leased to a business called mayor ten times. Elementary Education with a minor in Photography/
Shankle Body Works. Only thin In 1970 Donald Lewis was
sheets of drywall separated two elected to the Frederick County Computer Imagery in the Spring of 2016. Zachary
grade-school classrooms from the Board of Commissioners and was recently received his Bachelor of Science degree
noisy riveting, hammering, and named vice president. He served in Kinesiology with a license in Physical
welding operations of the truck two terms. Today he has been with Education from Shenandoah University and is
trailer assembly plant. Amid the us longer than any former Thurmont
racket, classroom instruction was mayor or county commissioner, still employed by Winchester City Public Schools.
impossible. Thurmont zoning sharp at 96.
inspector Austin Bruchey stepped in A June 2016 wedding is planned.
and declared that the operations of
the body shop were industrial rather
than commercial, and therefore not
allowed under the zoning policies.
He ordered it shut down. To relieved
parents and a grateful board of
education, if ever there was a reason
to have zoning policies, this was
it. To Calvin Wilhide, the snuffed
business proved if ever there was a
reason not to have zoning policies,
this was it. At the next town meeting
on October 11, 1965, Wilhide
sought to reverse the ruling. After
a bitter and contentious meeting,
the board refused to override their
zoning inspector. Wilhide quit.
Within days he reconsidered, and
said he would return if allowed. At
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