Page 45 - november 2015 web issue
P. 45
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper November 2015 Page 45
Kilmer, their point of impartation action to hold the Germans from had already left but the prisoners paper—it had one serial number on
to provide support during the Battle coming in—the weather got bad. It would not leave the camp thinking one side and another on the other.
of the Bulge in World War II. On was twenty degrees below zero with it was a trap. Tom’s group identified It listed medals he didn’t earn and
November 27, 1944, they boarded the two feet of snow and fog. Airplanes themselves and the prisoners came some that he did earn were not
Louie Pasteur, a French luxury ship weren’t flying. The soldiers were out looking for food. The soldiers listed. He said, “That’s the Army
manned by an English crew. They had spending all their time in fox holes. couldn’t give them food because of life. You got used to it.”
to stay below deck and many of them Tom noted, “They were taught how their emaciated condition, but they Tom got married in 1947 to
got sea sick. Nine days later, they to dry socks, but a dry sock in a wet shared some drinks. Ethel Long. She was from Motter
arrived in Liverpool, England, where shoe doesn’t do much good. We were Patton’s 6th Army got the credit Station where her family farmed. He
they awaited transportation across treating frozen foot and frost bite.” for liberating the concentration met her when she was working at
the English Channel. To cross the General Patton said to a chaplain camp. Tom’s general wanted to fix Harner’s while Tom was on furlow
English Channel, they were given Sea that he wanted him to pray for a clear that, but couldn’t. and they started dating.
sick pills but they didn’t need them day. It worked! The next day the After that, Tom recalled, “We Tom retired from Potomac
since crossing the English Channel clouds cleared and the sun came out. were to hold our position and not Edison as heavy equipment operator.
was nothing compared to crossing the Morale went up, planes were flying. fire on until fired upon. We got word He said, “Potomac Edison hates me.
Atlantic Ocean. They were there from the 16th of that the Russians were uniting with I’ve been drawing out their pension
Being a pack rat, Tom gathered December to the 25th of January. It British and American troops. On for over 30 years. I’m still looking
up motion sickness pills which later took that long to push the Germans May 7, we got notice that Germany for the golden years. Haven’t found
proved wonderful for hangovers for back. After that, they went back had surrendered.” them yet, but I’m still hunting.”
the other men. down and cleaned the Siegfried Line, Tom was sent home on furlow Tom said that the thing that he’s
Their first assignment was to then had to cross the Mozell River. when President Truman ordered the most proud of is that he has friends.
support the 347th Infantry as they Tom recalled, “Any river crossing first atomic bomb dropped. That That means the most. He added that
were to take a hill in Aken. Quite a usually cost a lot of men. We had A got the Japanese’s attention. They the worst part about getting old
few infantry were wounded, but war Company help, and crossed in soft dropped the second bomb. Tom was is losing people. “I really miss my
courtesy meant that you didn’t aim boats. Company B lost three when a scheduled to go to Japan on the first wife.”
for the medics. It took them two days boat was sunk. After that we still had wave to hit the main land and feels These days, Tom travels often.
to take the hill with heavy mortar fire. the Rhine River—we crossed that by the President saved his life. He loves Alaska, likes the beach
They didn’t find Germans—they had crossing a bridge. Then we went to On January 9, 1946, Tom in South Carolina, claims the best
withdrawn. dismantle the bridge; two engineers was handed his discharge papers steak is in Oklahoma City, and has
After Aken, they approached the were shot under machine gun fire.” and pay. He headed home to eaten some pretty good Prime Rib in
Siegfried Line; Hitler didn’t think it Next, Tom’s unit started their Emmitsburg. Montgomery, Alabama. He doesn’t
could be breached. “But,” Tom said, big push across Germany. General At home, he was going to take have much fondness for Mississippi
“once you cracked a pill box, the Patton was running his tanks as fast the discharge papers to the court or plane rides. He said, “After
Germans were pretty easy to take as he could, as long as he could. Tom house to have them recorded. He Mississippi, anything looks good. I
prisoner.” said, “We caught up with him then looked closely at his discharge got pneumonia down there.”
One night, Tom and his buddies leap frogged across Germany.”
stayed in one of the German Pill We had to find a place for our aid ads @ TheCatoctinBanner .com
Boxes. Their German interpreter, station. Sometimes it was a places
Embry Summy—a boy from without a roof or a chicken pen. We
the Amish Country, who spoke split in half. Half of us would sprint
Pennsylvania Dutch—was practicing ahead of Patton, then once he got
his German outside the pill box. Tom there, the other half would sprint
and his gang thought there were ahead.
Germans outside. Tom said, “Well, we On April 11, Tom was on an
talked to him with soldier talk and let advanced party when they came
him know not to do that anymore!” across the Buchenwald prison
His unit was called into the camp. Tom remembered, “That
Battle of the Bulge to where the is something you’ll never forget,
106th surrendered. During defensive especially the odor.” The guards
Kilmer, their point of impartation action to hold the Germans from had already left but the prisoners paper—it had one serial number on
to provide support during the Battle coming in—the weather got bad. It would not leave the camp thinking one side and another on the other.
of the Bulge in World War II. On was twenty degrees below zero with it was a trap. Tom’s group identified It listed medals he didn’t earn and
November 27, 1944, they boarded the two feet of snow and fog. Airplanes themselves and the prisoners came some that he did earn were not
Louie Pasteur, a French luxury ship weren’t flying. The soldiers were out looking for food. The soldiers listed. He said, “That’s the Army
manned by an English crew. They had spending all their time in fox holes. couldn’t give them food because of life. You got used to it.”
to stay below deck and many of them Tom noted, “They were taught how their emaciated condition, but they Tom got married in 1947 to
got sea sick. Nine days later, they to dry socks, but a dry sock in a wet shared some drinks. Ethel Long. She was from Motter
arrived in Liverpool, England, where shoe doesn’t do much good. We were Patton’s 6th Army got the credit Station where her family farmed. He
they awaited transportation across treating frozen foot and frost bite.” for liberating the concentration met her when she was working at
the English Channel. To cross the General Patton said to a chaplain camp. Tom’s general wanted to fix Harner’s while Tom was on furlow
English Channel, they were given Sea that he wanted him to pray for a clear that, but couldn’t. and they started dating.
sick pills but they didn’t need them day. It worked! The next day the After that, Tom recalled, “We Tom retired from Potomac
since crossing the English Channel clouds cleared and the sun came out. were to hold our position and not Edison as heavy equipment operator.
was nothing compared to crossing the Morale went up, planes were flying. fire on until fired upon. We got word He said, “Potomac Edison hates me.
Atlantic Ocean. They were there from the 16th of that the Russians were uniting with I’ve been drawing out their pension
Being a pack rat, Tom gathered December to the 25th of January. It British and American troops. On for over 30 years. I’m still looking
up motion sickness pills which later took that long to push the Germans May 7, we got notice that Germany for the golden years. Haven’t found
proved wonderful for hangovers for back. After that, they went back had surrendered.” them yet, but I’m still hunting.”
the other men. down and cleaned the Siegfried Line, Tom was sent home on furlow Tom said that the thing that he’s
Their first assignment was to then had to cross the Mozell River. when President Truman ordered the most proud of is that he has friends.
support the 347th Infantry as they Tom recalled, “Any river crossing first atomic bomb dropped. That That means the most. He added that
were to take a hill in Aken. Quite a usually cost a lot of men. We had A got the Japanese’s attention. They the worst part about getting old
few infantry were wounded, but war Company help, and crossed in soft dropped the second bomb. Tom was is losing people. “I really miss my
courtesy meant that you didn’t aim boats. Company B lost three when a scheduled to go to Japan on the first wife.”
for the medics. It took them two days boat was sunk. After that we still had wave to hit the main land and feels These days, Tom travels often.
to take the hill with heavy mortar fire. the Rhine River—we crossed that by the President saved his life. He loves Alaska, likes the beach
They didn’t find Germans—they had crossing a bridge. Then we went to On January 9, 1946, Tom in South Carolina, claims the best
withdrawn. dismantle the bridge; two engineers was handed his discharge papers steak is in Oklahoma City, and has
After Aken, they approached the were shot under machine gun fire.” and pay. He headed home to eaten some pretty good Prime Rib in
Siegfried Line; Hitler didn’t think it Next, Tom’s unit started their Emmitsburg. Montgomery, Alabama. He doesn’t
could be breached. “But,” Tom said, big push across Germany. General At home, he was going to take have much fondness for Mississippi
“once you cracked a pill box, the Patton was running his tanks as fast the discharge papers to the court or plane rides. He said, “After
Germans were pretty easy to take as he could, as long as he could. Tom house to have them recorded. He Mississippi, anything looks good. I
prisoner.” said, “We caught up with him then looked closely at his discharge got pneumonia down there.”
One night, Tom and his buddies leap frogged across Germany.”
stayed in one of the German Pill We had to find a place for our aid ads @ TheCatoctinBanner .com
Boxes. Their German interpreter, station. Sometimes it was a places
Embry Summy—a boy from without a roof or a chicken pen. We
the Amish Country, who spoke split in half. Half of us would sprint
Pennsylvania Dutch—was practicing ahead of Patton, then once he got
his German outside the pill box. Tom there, the other half would sprint
and his gang thought there were ahead.
Germans outside. Tom said, “Well, we On April 11, Tom was on an
talked to him with soldier talk and let advanced party when they came
him know not to do that anymore!” across the Buchenwald prison
His unit was called into the camp. Tom remembered, “That
Battle of the Bulge to where the is something you’ll never forget,
106th surrendered. During defensive especially the odor.” The guards