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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2015 Page 33
Our Neighborhood Veterans — Continued from page 32 Community Veteran Event Board
you would store their equipment load everything up, and then drive to
or their baggage while they were Cumberland. Just as they get there,
waiting to go back to the states. they would be told it was an alert Thurmont American legion
Bruce would make sure it was and have to turn around and head 8 Park Lane, Thurmont
tagged to show there was no illegal straight back to Fort Meade.
contraband going from Germany Bruce got married to his present Ed Gravatt, Commander
back to the states. While Bruce was wife, Lisa, in 1986; they have three
there, they decided they would send children: the oldest, Heather; Taylor; Hi, everybody. It’s summer; I can ceremony, held at the Thurmont
two people to another site, so he and the youngest, Matthew. They all hear the lawn mowers humming Memorial Park. Several local groups
decided he would take an E-4 with live in Thurmont. Bruce was in the and the bees buzzing. Let us all be and agencies presented a wreath in
him to Gerkenstatd, Germany, and military while they were all growing mindful of ourselves and of those honor of those who lost their life in
take care of all the people going back up. He decided that with the military around us when using the mower. defence of our Liberty.
to the states; it kept the two of them becoming political, he couldn’t even Every year, there are lots of injuries On June 1, we will gave out
busy, making the eight-hour shift have ammo to go to the shooting related to misuse of a lawn mower. two scholarships for $100 each to
go fast. Bruce’s time was just about range to practice; he had enough and If anyone needs their lawn or other graduating seniors from Catoctin
up; he was having some personal it was time to get out. Bruce decided area mowed, there are lots of people High School. Each year, we offer
problems back in the states, so he to retire with almost twenty-four in the area who will get the job done four scholarships: two for $1,000,
decided it was time to go back home years in—but twenty good years. for a nominal fee. Check out our and two for $500. This year, we
and get out of the Army. Bruce left Some of the years didn’t count, bulletin board or one at the grocery didn’t have anyone apply for the
Germany for the United States, and because he got out and went back store; I’m sure you can find what you $500 scholarships, and only ten
was on his way to McGuire Air in as a reservist. Bruce earned the are looking for. students applied for the $1,000.
Force Base to process out. While good conduct medal, ribbons for In preparation for the Memorial Congratulations to the recipients.
there being processed, they asked taking non-commissioned officer Day holiday, local Boy Scouts and This month, we will again be
if he would consider staying in as courses, armor school, Overseas the Sons of the American Legion did featuring entertainment on Fridays.
a reservist. Bruce thought long and Award ribbon, ribbons for his tours a fine job, as usual, putting American Our kitchen is open on Wednesday,
hard about it and decided he would. in Europe, and an Expert Rifleman Flags on the graves of our service Thursday, and Friday evenings, as
He ETS’ed out of active duty and award. members who have been laid to rest well as on Sunday afternoons. Check
went back home. He then got a call In a way, Bruce is sorry he left the in our local cemeteries. Thank You! out our Legion for other events, such
to report to 690 Supply Company in Army, because of the camaraderie Last month on Memorial Day as corn hole, horseshoes, yard sales,
Frederick, Maryland. Bruce reported he felt with the men. But when he weekend, we hosted—along with and much more. These and other
to 690 Supply Company as an E-5; got out, he joined the AMVETS other groups—a family cookout and events will be posted on our bulletin
he was there about a year when they Post 7 in Thurmont. He feels he has fishing derby for some Wounded board.
promoted him to E-6 Staff Sergeant a lot of camaraderie there, like he Warriors and their families. There Our slot machines are attracting
in 2002. Then he was sent to a had with his Army buddies. Bruce were over one hundred in attendance. a lot of attention! Come on out and
supply company in Cumberland, joined the AMVETS in 2002, and The Thurmont American Legion win some money; we are open from
Maryland; he was sent there because it is the only Veterans organization did the cooking and, much to my noon-11:00 p.m., Sunday through
where he was, they did not have a to which he belongs. Bruce is very surprise, no one got ill. This was Thursday, and open until 1:00 a.m.
slot for E-7, and Bruce was up for proud to be in the Post 7 Honor held at Camp Airy; thanks to the on Friday and Saturday.
E-7 Sergeant 1st Class. Bruce made Guard, and he tries to participate in Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock for Effective June 1, we will no
Sergeant 1st Class at the 690 Supply all the things involving the Honor the fish. longer allow the use of vapor E
Company, and he was transferred Guard. The Honor Guard of Post 7 On the actual Memorial Day, Cigs, due to comments made and
to the 256th Supply Company in is proud of all the awards they have May 30, there was a wreath-laying complaints by some of our members.
Cumberland. When he arrived there, been presented over the years, and
Bruce was informed that the 256th is now the official Color Guard and Patronize Our Advertisers!
Supply Company was deactivating, Honor Guard of The Department of
so there wasn’t going to be a 256th Maryland AMVETS. Tell them you saw their ad in The Catoctin Banner !
Supply Company. He stayed at the Bruce is retired now, but when
256th Supply Company until they he retired from the Army, he went
did deactivate. Then they sent him to work with a company called
to the 372nd Supply Company. A Pan Engineering (making printed
sergeant that Bruce knew since he Circuit Boards). He then got a job
was a kid told Bruce he would be with the Postal Service at the post
more than glad to take him in his office in Frederick, Maryland. While
unit. He stayed with 372nd MP Bruce was working at the Frederick
Company as Platoon Sergeant for Post Office, he met his present wife
one of the platoons. and said it was love at first sight.
They then decided they wanted Bruce has seven children and ten
someone to take over as 1st Sergeant grandchildren. He then went to work
at Fort Meade in Maryland. They at the Hagerstown Post Office, and
had a detachment down there, so was Postmaster of Rocky Ridge
they asked Bruce if he would be an Post Office for two years where he
active 1st Sergeant to the detachment retired.
unit at the 376th in Fort Meade. Bruce is a very interesting person
He decided to take it and thought and a pleasure to interview. When
it wasn’t too bad there. However, it you see him, please shake his hand
turned out that he was wrong since and thank him for all the service he
he would have to take his entire gave to the greatest country in the
detachment to Cumberland. This world.
was a fiasco, because they would call God Bless the United States of
Bruce at home in Thurmont, and he America, God Bless the American
would have to go to Fort Meade, Veteran, and God Bless You.
Our Neighborhood Veterans — Continued from page 32 Community Veteran Event Board
you would store their equipment load everything up, and then drive to
or their baggage while they were Cumberland. Just as they get there,
waiting to go back to the states. they would be told it was an alert Thurmont American legion
Bruce would make sure it was and have to turn around and head 8 Park Lane, Thurmont
tagged to show there was no illegal straight back to Fort Meade.
contraband going from Germany Bruce got married to his present Ed Gravatt, Commander
back to the states. While Bruce was wife, Lisa, in 1986; they have three
there, they decided they would send children: the oldest, Heather; Taylor; Hi, everybody. It’s summer; I can ceremony, held at the Thurmont
two people to another site, so he and the youngest, Matthew. They all hear the lawn mowers humming Memorial Park. Several local groups
decided he would take an E-4 with live in Thurmont. Bruce was in the and the bees buzzing. Let us all be and agencies presented a wreath in
him to Gerkenstatd, Germany, and military while they were all growing mindful of ourselves and of those honor of those who lost their life in
take care of all the people going back up. He decided that with the military around us when using the mower. defence of our Liberty.
to the states; it kept the two of them becoming political, he couldn’t even Every year, there are lots of injuries On June 1, we will gave out
busy, making the eight-hour shift have ammo to go to the shooting related to misuse of a lawn mower. two scholarships for $100 each to
go fast. Bruce’s time was just about range to practice; he had enough and If anyone needs their lawn or other graduating seniors from Catoctin
up; he was having some personal it was time to get out. Bruce decided area mowed, there are lots of people High School. Each year, we offer
problems back in the states, so he to retire with almost twenty-four in the area who will get the job done four scholarships: two for $1,000,
decided it was time to go back home years in—but twenty good years. for a nominal fee. Check out our and two for $500. This year, we
and get out of the Army. Bruce left Some of the years didn’t count, bulletin board or one at the grocery didn’t have anyone apply for the
Germany for the United States, and because he got out and went back store; I’m sure you can find what you $500 scholarships, and only ten
was on his way to McGuire Air in as a reservist. Bruce earned the are looking for. students applied for the $1,000.
Force Base to process out. While good conduct medal, ribbons for In preparation for the Memorial Congratulations to the recipients.
there being processed, they asked taking non-commissioned officer Day holiday, local Boy Scouts and This month, we will again be
if he would consider staying in as courses, armor school, Overseas the Sons of the American Legion did featuring entertainment on Fridays.
a reservist. Bruce thought long and Award ribbon, ribbons for his tours a fine job, as usual, putting American Our kitchen is open on Wednesday,
hard about it and decided he would. in Europe, and an Expert Rifleman Flags on the graves of our service Thursday, and Friday evenings, as
He ETS’ed out of active duty and award. members who have been laid to rest well as on Sunday afternoons. Check
went back home. He then got a call In a way, Bruce is sorry he left the in our local cemeteries. Thank You! out our Legion for other events, such
to report to 690 Supply Company in Army, because of the camaraderie Last month on Memorial Day as corn hole, horseshoes, yard sales,
Frederick, Maryland. Bruce reported he felt with the men. But when he weekend, we hosted—along with and much more. These and other
to 690 Supply Company as an E-5; got out, he joined the AMVETS other groups—a family cookout and events will be posted on our bulletin
he was there about a year when they Post 7 in Thurmont. He feels he has fishing derby for some Wounded board.
promoted him to E-6 Staff Sergeant a lot of camaraderie there, like he Warriors and their families. There Our slot machines are attracting
in 2002. Then he was sent to a had with his Army buddies. Bruce were over one hundred in attendance. a lot of attention! Come on out and
supply company in Cumberland, joined the AMVETS in 2002, and The Thurmont American Legion win some money; we are open from
Maryland; he was sent there because it is the only Veterans organization did the cooking and, much to my noon-11:00 p.m., Sunday through
where he was, they did not have a to which he belongs. Bruce is very surprise, no one got ill. This was Thursday, and open until 1:00 a.m.
slot for E-7, and Bruce was up for proud to be in the Post 7 Honor held at Camp Airy; thanks to the on Friday and Saturday.
E-7 Sergeant 1st Class. Bruce made Guard, and he tries to participate in Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock for Effective June 1, we will no
Sergeant 1st Class at the 690 Supply all the things involving the Honor the fish. longer allow the use of vapor E
Company, and he was transferred Guard. The Honor Guard of Post 7 On the actual Memorial Day, Cigs, due to comments made and
to the 256th Supply Company in is proud of all the awards they have May 30, there was a wreath-laying complaints by some of our members.
Cumberland. When he arrived there, been presented over the years, and
Bruce was informed that the 256th is now the official Color Guard and Patronize Our Advertisers!
Supply Company was deactivating, Honor Guard of The Department of
so there wasn’t going to be a 256th Maryland AMVETS. Tell them you saw their ad in The Catoctin Banner !
Supply Company. He stayed at the Bruce is retired now, but when
256th Supply Company until they he retired from the Army, he went
did deactivate. Then they sent him to work with a company called
to the 372nd Supply Company. A Pan Engineering (making printed
sergeant that Bruce knew since he Circuit Boards). He then got a job
was a kid told Bruce he would be with the Postal Service at the post
more than glad to take him in his office in Frederick, Maryland. While
unit. He stayed with 372nd MP Bruce was working at the Frederick
Company as Platoon Sergeant for Post Office, he met his present wife
one of the platoons. and said it was love at first sight.
They then decided they wanted Bruce has seven children and ten
someone to take over as 1st Sergeant grandchildren. He then went to work
at Fort Meade in Maryland. They at the Hagerstown Post Office, and
had a detachment down there, so was Postmaster of Rocky Ridge
they asked Bruce if he would be an Post Office for two years where he
active 1st Sergeant to the detachment retired.
unit at the 376th in Fort Meade. Bruce is a very interesting person
He decided to take it and thought and a pleasure to interview. When
it wasn’t too bad there. However, it you see him, please shake his hand
turned out that he was wrong since and thank him for all the service he
he would have to take his entire gave to the greatest country in the
detachment to Cumberland. This world.
was a fiasco, because they would call God Bless the United States of
Bruce at home in Thurmont, and he America, God Bless the American
would have to go to Fort Meade, Veteran, and God Bless You.