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Page 20 August 2015 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Neighborhood Green Program Offers Opportunity to Protect Your

Home and the Environment

Jeff Feaga, Frederick County Community Restoration Coordinator

the program is to help homeowners and providing wildlife habitat. partially cleared and planted with
complete and afford small-scale One of the simplest conservation two fruit trees and berry-producing
Best Management Practices (BMPs) landscaping projects is when people shrubs. Two rain barrels were
around the exterior of their homes. replace fertilizer-hungry turf grass installed to help water the new trees
The term BMP refers to structural, with more vigorous flowering plants. and divert water away from the
engineered, or management changes Other conservation landscaping house’s foundation.
that are designed to treat polluted projects target areas of the yard that Paul noted that, “I’m going to try
stormwater. are at a high risk of erosion, such as to be patient while the new plants
The Neighborhood Green steep banks or the tops of waterways grow, but I’m excited to get a lot of
program is currently available to any where concentrated flow can wash fruit and berries off of them.” For the
homeowner in the Owens, Hunting, away soil. Sometimes well-placed Rothrocks, the improvements made
Fishing, Tuscarora, and Middle rocks are used in conservation through the Neighborhood Green
This summer, it seems that it is (Upper Catoctin) Creek watersheds landscaping to help combat erosion program are just another way that
either intensely raining or incredibly (see map). Although outside of The issues. their new house is becoming a home.
hot and humid. As a result of all Catoctin Banner readership area, Rain barrels are self-explanatory, All interested homeowners
this rain, the creeks and rivers are a similar program is also available but not everyone has thought about are encouraged to visit www.
flowing higher than average. Much in southern Frederick County in the details of their design and the
of the water is also brown and full the Bush Creek watershed and the best ways to use them. The 58-gallon ngreen to find more information
of sediment. You don’t have to be a Point of Rocks area. As opposed barrels used in the Neighborhood or to complete an application.
trout fisherman to understand that to some of the larger BMPs such as Green program are constructed by Or, they can contact Jeff Feaga
sediment and polluted stormwater stormwater retention ponds that you hard workers at the local Scott Key at jfeaga@frederickcountymd.
can negatively affect fish and other may already know, Neighborhood Center and are made from recycled gov or 301-988-0443. Once an
aquatic organisms. You don’t even Green concentrates on residential- food transport containers. These application is received, their contact
need to be a trout fisherman (but it scale practices such as tree plantings, barrels have mosquito screens on information will be passed along
helps!) to realize that the Catoctin rain gardens, rain barrels, and top to keep unwanted things out, to the contractor, which for most
Mountains of Frederick County are conservation landscaping. an overflow hose that directs water people in the Catoctin area is the
one of the few places in Maryland, company Patriot Land and Wildlife
besides Garrett County, where brook Management. An enthusiastic project
trout are successfully reproducing. manager named Matt Dye from
The presence of brook trout in the Patriot will contact the homeowner
Catoctin region and the obvious within a week or two of receiving
beauty of Frederick County inspire the application. Matt will arrange a
many residents to make efforts to date to visit each site, where he will
conserve the area’s creeks and natural talk with the homeowner about their
resources. priorities, observe the layout of the
Residential-scale practices such land, and take a soil sample. Based
as tree plantings, rain gardens, on the findings from the visit, Patriot
rain barrels, and conservation Residential-scale practices such as tree plantings (left), rain barrels (middle), and rain gardens will prepare a brief stormwater
landscaping help conserve our (right) help conserve our creeks and natural resources. management plan. Patriot will then
creeks and natural resources. But, discuss the plan with the landowner
how do you learn about and/or A rain garden is an excavated away from the barrel when it is full, and recommend which practices
pay for these projects? Fortunately, depression in the soil that is planted and a threaded spigot to attach a could be implemented on the site.
Frederick County’s Neighborhood with vegetation. It allows rainwater regular garden hose. It is best to The site visit, soil sample, and
Green program gives many area runoff from impervious areas like place a rain barrel at a location that management plan are entirely free,
homeowners a clear path to do so. roofs, driveways, and compacted has a higher elevation than the place and the homeowner is not required
Neighborhood Green is a county- lawn areas to infiltrate into the where you would like to use the to implement any of the practices
managed conservation program that ground. Rain gardens should not water. Elevating the barrel on some recommended by the contractor.
is funded through grants originating allow water to pond in them for rocks or blocks is also a good way If homeowners choose to
outside of the county. The focus of longer than 24 hours. Some people to make sure that gravity is in your implement any of the recommended
mistakenly believe that a rain garden favor. practices, they must pay the first
Paul and Hillary Rothrock live in
will attract mosquitoes, but they a rural area of Thurmont and already $200 of project costs. Once the initial
actually drain too quickly. One of the
homeowner cost share has been paid,
most important things to remember participated in Neighborhood Green. an additional $800 of grant funding

about a rain garden is that conditions They took advantage of the most- is available to complete the project.
are going to range from very dry popular practice in the program: tree Prices for the BMPs have already
between storm events to saturated planting. The Rothrocks had not been set by the contractors, so the
during and following storms. There been living at their rural, historic process is transparent. Homeowners
are many different species of plants home for very long before they will be surprised how far the $1,000
that can grow well in a rain garden, started making plans to improve of project money ($200 from
but the range of wetness and the their property. One side of the homeowner and $800 from the
well-drained sandy soils that are property tended to become overly grant) will stretch to purchase a rain
used to create the garden mandate wet following storms. There, the garden, multiple large caliper trees
that species need to be carefully Rothrocks decided to plant some and a rain barrel, or even several
considered when choosing optimal river birch trees that are tolerant of hundred seedlings. All practices
species for success. wet conditions and should help the are completely installed by the
Conservation landscaping benefits area dry after rainfall. On another contractor, so all that the homeowner
the environment by improving water side of the property, a weedy slope needs to do is look out the window
quality, preserving native species, with good sunshine beckoned to be and appreciate them!
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