Page 5 - November Banner 2018_Neat
P. 5
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper November 2018 Page 5
Emmitsburg F r o m the Thurmont F r o m the
Mayor Don Briggs M a y o r Mayor John Kinnaird M a y o r
For our active town, the first two weeks of October, predictably, are always Now that the elections have come and gone, I want to congratulate those
busy, but this year was off the charts. It started off with the town meeting on returning to office and those who have been newly elected to serve our residents.
the first Monday, Thursday, a teleconference with Maryland Mayor’s Board I also want to thank those whose campaigns were unsuccessful for trying to make
executive committee; and Friday night, Catoctin High homecoming float judging a difference. As we all witnessed during the campaign, things can get very nasty.
with Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird. We quickly deferred our votes to my In today’s world, it is getting more difficult for people to decide to run for public
granddaughters, Kiernan and Peyton, who chose the 4-H float as the winner. office; those that do must be able to withstand the onslaught of negativity that
Saturday morning, town offices opened to host the National Fallen Firefighters seems to surround our election process. It is my belief that the thought of negative
Foundation (NFFF) Memorial weekend activities. At noon, I attended and spoke campaigning has kept some from stepping up to serve. I hope we can work together
at a ribbon-cutting grand re-opening of McDonald’s. That night, I attended to overcome this unfortunate aspect of elections.
Motorola - NFFF Board of Directors dinner at the Carriage House Inn. Christmas will soon be here and with it comes Christmas in Thurmont! This
Sunday morning, I attended the 37 NFFF Memorial Service, where 103 fallen year’s event will be held on Saturday, December 1, 2018, beginning at 9:00 a.m. with
firefighters were honored, and I gave the welcoming address, which is always an the arrival of Santa at Mechanicstown Square Park. Kids can register for free prizes
honor. Monday welcomed the National Fire Heritage Board at its annual meeting. all day at the Park; prizes will be drawn at 5:30 p.m. (must be present to win). Adults
Tuesday, I attended and received an award for the town from the International can register for prizes by picking up a prize map and visiting local businesses; the
Society of Arboriculture at its annual meeting, held this year in Frederick. Then, drawing is also at 5:30 p.m. (must be present to win). There will be horse and wagon
off to Annapolis I went to the League of Conservation Voters awards dinner, rides available at the Thurmont Municipal Parking Lot. Please watch for more
where the town was recognized. Wednesday and Thursday, I attended Maryland information about the wagon rides on the Thurmont or Main Street Facebook pages.
Municipal League Fall conference, where the town’s application for Sustainable After the ribbon-cutting, there will be free photos with Santa in the Gazebo until
Maryland re-designation certification was awarded. 12:30 p.m.; kids, parents, grandparents, and pets are welcome. Santa will then be at
More on the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) award: The the Thurmont Regional Library at 1:00 p.m. to read to the children and sit for photos.
International award is given out annually. ISA is an international non-profit Santa will return to the Mechanicstown Square Park at 2:15 p.m. for more photos
organization that serves the tree care industry. The organization has 22,000 with his friends. Pictures with Santa will end at 4:30 p.m. The Catoctin High School
members and 31,000 certified tree care professionals. It has 59 chapters in North Marching Band will be performing, as will the Gateway Brass Ensemble.
America, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia, and New Zealand. We are happy to announce a great new feature at this year’s Christmas in
The town was honored to receive the 2018 ISA “Harry J. Banker Gold Leaf Thurmont: a model train setup at 5B East Main Street. The Frederick County
Award” for Outstanding Arbor Day Activities. This is a great honor, and kudos Society of Model Engineers (FCSME) will have an indoor train set up, not only for
go to our staff for forging ahead on our green stewardship goals to take care Christmas in Thurmont, but for each Saturday and Sunday in December. The display
of the wonderful blend and backdrop to our town. What we did was plant trees will be open Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; and Sundays, noon-4:00 p.m. As a special
in the park along Willow Run. It was a fantastic town effort, with every civic treat, Santa will be visiting the display several times to speak to the children and for
organization, including the Mount, FEMA, the Basilica, and the whole Mount photos. The Society will be asking for a donation to help with the renovations to its
rugby team. historic rail car in Frederick. We are very pleased to partner with the FCSME for this
Thank you to the Seton Center for hosting another round of job fairs. A amazing opportunity!
convenient, friendly way for residents of Northern Frederick County to meet area This time of the year brings added
employers. They’re coming to us. difficulty for many of our neighbors,
While winter sports are ramping up, Catoctin High School and Catoctin Youth and I encourage everyone to support
Association fall sports teams are on a roll. What a year. A few losses here and the Thurmont Food Bank and Clothes
there, but as any coach will tell you, a loss can sometimes prove to be your best Closet. Your donations of non-
win. perishable foods, clothing, or cash
Thank you to all the service groups, led by the Lions Club, involved in the can help make a positive difference in
planning and organizing of the Emmitsburg annual Halloween event. someone’s life during the holiday season
The town office will be closed on Thursday, November 22, and Friday, and into the cold winter months.
November 23, for Thanksgiving. If you have any questions,
Monday, December 3, is the Christmas tree lighting in front of the Community comments, or recommendations, please
Center. Music and caroling begin at 5:45 p.m. Santa visits from 6:00-6:30 p.m., call me at 301-606-9458 or e-mail me at
then it’s down two blocks to the Carriage House Inn for the annual “An Evening [email protected].
of Christmas Spirit,” featuring free hot dogs, cider, hay rides, and entertainment.
The Town council meeting is Tuesday, December 4. T h e C at o c tin B ann er
Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone.
Your Good News Community
Emmitsburg, a great place to live and work. Newspaper