Page 23 - March Banner 2018_Neat
P. 23

Published by                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                         March 2018             Page 23
            A Great Course of Action

               David B. Ellington, Captain, US Army, Assistant Professor of Military Science, Mount Saint Mary’s University, 4th ROTC Brigade

               The Army Reserve Officer                                                                        Courtesy Photo  (FTX), in which cadets conduct
            Training Corps (ROTC) has been                                                                                   training in an austere environment.
            the primary source of commissioning                                                                              A standard FTX involves land
            second lieutenants into the U.S.                                                                                 navigation training, squad planning,
            Army for over one hundred years.                                                                                 tactics, and rappelling or an obstacle
            With over 20,000 cadets in programs                                                                              course.  The number one priority
            at major universities and colleges                                                                               in ROTC is academics. All ROTC
            across the country, ROTC is a                                                                                    activities and events are planned with
            large and widespread initiative,                                                                                 the intent to train cadets and provide
            determined to recruit, train, and                                                                                necessary time for academics.
            produce outstanding leaders. There                                                                                  For those that want to get the
            are many reasons to join ROTC:                                                                                   most out of Army ROTC, there
            a commission as an officer upon                                                                                  are countless summer training
            graduation, a wealth of leadership                                                                               opportunities provided to cadets.
            opportunities and experience,                                                                                    To list a few, cadets may be able to
            unparalleled comradery, and the                                                                                  attend Airborne School, Air Assault
            numerous monetary incentives.                                                                                    School, summer training at West
            Many folks do not know that Army                                                                                 Point, or participate in the Cultural
            ROTC is the largest provider of                                                                                  Understanding and Language
            scholarships in the country. For                                                                                 Proficiency program (CULP). These
            anyone not afraid of a challenge,                         Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).            opportunities allow cadets to attend
            with aspirations to lead and serve                                                                               Army schools or travel the world.
            their country, Army ROTC might be     thing to note about Army ROTC        scheduled physical training (PT),     CULP offers cadets the opportunity
            what you are looking for.             scholarships is that they are earned   usually beginning around 6:00       to travel to another country and
               When considering college, one      through high achievement, not        a.m. and lasts for an hour. During    learn about another culture. All of
            of the first things most parents      simply given. Aspiring cadets from   PT, cadets conduct regimented         this is aimed at developing a well-
            and students think about is the       across the country compete for       exercises designed to improve and     rounded leader.
            financial cost. Army ROTC provides    scholarships that cover two to four   maintain fitness. Whether going on      For those who want to lead and
            significant monetary benefits to      years of college tuition and fees. The   a run around campus, completing   be a part of the defense of our great
            help offset or even completely        National Guard and Army Reserves     an intensive circuit workout, or      nation, Army ROTC is a great
            cover the cost of education. One      also offer competitive scholarships.    just playing a team sport, PT gets   course of action to take.
                                                  In addition to scholarships, some    you up and moving! Following PT,
                                                  schools will offer to cover the cost   cadets are released and attend their   From the author, CPT David
                                                  of books, room, and board for        regularly scheduled classes.  Army    Ellington, assistant professor of
                                                  cadets with ROTC scholarships.       ROTC does have a classroom            Military Science at Mount Saint
                                                  Lastly, Cadets receive a monthly     portion, known as Military Science,   Mary’s University: “My associate
                                                  stipend while enrolled in ROTC.      designed to teach Cadets about the    and I regularly conduct outreach
                                                  This stipend is provided to the      Army, leadership, and tactics. This   in the surrounding area. I have
                                                  Cadet to spend however he or she     class is a normal part of a student’s   met with faculty, administrators,
                                                  pleases. These financial incentives   academic schedule and includes a     community leaders, and local
                                                  serve to attract and invest in quality   lab, in which Cadets step outside of   organizations in an attempt to spread
                                                  individuals who aspire to lead the   the classroom to apply and practice   the word about Army ROTC. I have
                                                  Army of the future.                  the lessons learned. The training     enjoyed meeting so many people
                                                    The typical day as an Army         highlight for the semester is normally   and answering questions about what
                                                  ROTC cadet starts with regularly     the program’s field training exercise   Army ROTC has to offer, being a
                                                                                                                             product of Army ROTC myself and
                                                                                                                             seeing all the great things it has to
                                                                      P a tr onize  Our Adve r tise r s!                     offer.  Hopefully, I have provided
                                                                                                                             answers to any questions you may
                                                   The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.  have about ROTC.”
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