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MARCH 2018 | Vol. 23 | Issue 3 | Mail Run: 8,472 | Total Print Run: 11,500 Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995
T ribute to Donald Lee Lewis
Veteran, Husband, Conser vationist, Community Friend, Politician
Deb Abraham Spalding
Donald L. Lewis often said his goal call in guesses beside him in the and served in France where he was
was to live to be one hundred years about who second of triplet unharmed by a bullet that zinged
old. Never one to fuss, I’ll assume the upcoming rocking chairs in around the rim of his helmet. He was
that he didn’t mind that Heaven spotlight was his living room. posted about thirty feet up in a tree
called him home slightly early, at the from clues As we rocked when the bullet entered the front of
age of ninety-nine and almost two printed in the through his his helmet at such an angle that it rode
months, because more than likely he previous issue. stories, I tried to the inside rim around his head and
was reunited with his beloved wife of Donald had the envision what he exited out the back, making another
sixty-eight years, Freda, there. highest number has lived. hole. He bounced down the tree from
I knew Donald Lewis all of my life. of guesses ever Mr. Lewis limb to limb, but came out okay. As
He and my father were buddies in logged in the was one of luck would have it, soon after, he was
outdoor pursuits like fishing, hunting, five years the twelve children hit on the upper left thigh by shrapnel
and shooting. My father, Robert column was of Edgar Russell when a tank exploded nearby.
Abraham, Sr. and Donald volunteered run. Here’s an and Glenna He had four surgeries to remove
with the Brotherhood of the Jungle excerpt from (Weller) Lewis. the shrapnel, the last of which he
Cock fishing organization for many that column: After age eight, opted to stay awake without pain
years by serving as president and on he was raised medication, so that he could tell the
the executive board. Dad shared, “Who Am by his maternal doctor when he found the shrapnel.
“Donald was a true conservationist. I?” August, grandparents The doctor removed it.
He never killed a fish or an animal 2008 who let him stay Upon return, he and Freda worked
that he didn’t eat. He would I am Donald at their house her family’s farm for a while, and
transport live fish in a milk can from Lee Lewis. for several years after he got caught then he became a funeral director and
the Potomac River to his pond in From mayor of Thurmont to there during a snow storm. “They [his embalmer for Winterberg Funeral
Thurmont so local kids could fish Commissioner of Frederick County; grandparents] just called my mother Home in Grantsville. A few years
them out.” from store owner to mortician (yes, and asked if they could raise me,” he later, when Mr. Winterberg died and
Donald carried my senior high you read that right—mortician!); from said. his family sold the funeral home, Mr.
graduation photo in his wallet. a decorated Army Ranger to humble He did what had to be done in Lewis and his wife bought her family’s
Whenever I ran into him, he’d pull husband; and from sportsman to various situations including working farm and farmed it until 1952. It was
out that picture and show everyone farmer, Donald Lewis is a man you his family’s farm in Thurmont. that year that Mr. Lewis returned
nearby. Proud as anything, he’d grin might pass on the street and wonder “Those were the days when you to Thurmont. He and Mrs. Lewis
and say, “Look at this beautiful girl in what he’s seen. You may have met milked the cows and fed the horses purchased Wisotzkey General Store
this picture. Do you know her?” Mr. Lewis when you shopped in his before you had your breakfast,” he on the corner square in Thurmont.
Through my family’s friendship sporting goods and gift store on the said, “The farm came first.” It had a fountain, a toy room on the
with him, I knew him one way, but square in Thurmont, or you may After his grandparents passed, he second floor, and a gift shop. Soon
while interviewing him for an article have waved when you drove by his helped his paternal grandfather, J. after, he bought the drug store next
in The Catoctin Banner in August house on West Main Street (Route 77 Hooker Lewis, with his horses. Upon door and made it into a sporting
2008, I learned about his impact west) in Thurmont. You probably still graduating from Thurmont High goods store. They called the business
on people and progress. I was still wave, like I do. ...having discovered School in 1935, he worked with the Lewis’ Toys, Gifts and Confectionary.
a green reporter, having taken over during our interview that he waves Civilian Conservation Corps where “It was a very good business,” he
the newspaper about a year prior. at everybody. That’s the person he is: he was sent to Medimountain in said.
Donald was selected as one of our community member, all-around good Grantsville, Maryland. He met his He was encouraged to run for
“Who Am I?” personalities. For the person. Humble, I say, because he future wife, Freda Broadwater, there. mayor of Thurmont where he was
“Who Am I?” column, readers would is that, too. For the interview, I sat Humorously, he recalled her falling off elected and served three terms
a hay wagon while she was throwing from 1964 to 1970. Next, he was
hay. They were married in 1942 and encouraged to run for Frederick
spent 62 years together until her death County Commissioner and was
Residential Customer
in April of 2004. Mr. Lewis spoke elected and served from 1970 to 1978.
fondly of her and of her last days and In 1986, he and Freda decided to sell
admitted, “She was one of the best. the business.
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
We did everything together.” The words printed here don’t pay
515B East Main Street
He joined the Army in 1940 … Story continued on page 22
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper •