Page 5 - July Banner 2018_Neat
P. 5
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper July 2018 Page 5
Emmitsburg F r o m the Thurmont F r o m the
Mayor Don Briggs M a y o r Mayor John Kinnaird M a y o r
The passing of beloved community family doctor, Dr. Alan Carroll, was a deep The past month has been very busy! Thurmont CAO Jim Humerick, CFO Linda
loss to our community. His practice of forty years is a part of tradition, part of our Joyce, Main Street Manager Vickie Grinder, Commissioner Wes Hamrick, and I
history. He was such a humble man, whose smile always beat his hand to greet you. attended the 2018 Maryland Municipal League (MML) Summer Conference in
It seemed I would always meet him going somewhere, mostly on his way to church. Ocean City, Maryland. The opportunity to participate in seminars and discussion
He was a wonderful husband and father of seven children, who filtered through our groups with other municipalities makes you realize that—big or small—all of our
local schools and shared his and Rita’s graces. For me, there is something that Bishop communities face similar issues. Every time I return from the MML Conference,
Fulton J. Sheen had said, “A smile is laughter’s whisper and has roots in the soul,” and I am reminded that Thurmont has benefited for many years from the knowledge
that is what you got every time you met the good doctor. and understanding we bring back from this worthwhile week. Three weeks
Because of weather and construction delays, the Square dedication scheduled for ago, I attended the Project Open Space funding meeting for Frederick County
June 30 has been postponed until the fall. Municipalities. Each year, we get together to allocate the State of Maryland POS
Welcome to Emmitsburg, Richmond American Homes; your Model Grand funds for our communities. This meeting is always a very friendly event, with
Opening in the Brookfield subdivision drew many from near and far—what give and take from each community. I am pleased to say that Thurmont has been
a gorgeous home that takes full advantage of the green mountain views and awarded $68,106 to help build a third pavilion at the Community Park, and an
compliments the beautiful Brookfield setting. additional $13,320 to assist with the installation of lights on the Trolley Trail. I
Lib and I attended the Memorial Day Mass at St. Joseph’s Church and then joined expect both of these projects to be completed within the coming year.
the American Legion Honor Guard for visits to our six cemeteries, Legion Hall, and This coming month will be filled with lots of events and activities. The
the Doughboy. It was wonderful to trail along for the solemn, respectful tribute to Guardian Hose Company Carnival will be held the week of July 9-14. There will
those who gave their lives, so we could live ours. At each stop, there was a 21-gun be rides, games, great food, live entertainment every night, and bingo. Be sure to
salute, a lowering of the Maryland flag respectively to our country’s flag, and the get the kids together for the Annual Parade on Thursday, July 12, beginning at
bugle sound of “Taps.” 6:30 p.m. Join me for six evenings of fun, friends, and great food! On Friday, July
The American Legion-VFW Honor Guard and the same from Thurmont held the 13, Fox 5 will be in Thurmont for a Zip Trip. Fox 5 will be broadcasting live, four
annual Flag Day commemoration on June 14 at Memorial Park. As a tradition, the times an hour, from 6:00-10:00 a.m. This will be a great opportunity for people to
ceremony rotates location every year with Thurmont. see our community and learn about what makes Thurmont special. Be sure to tell
In June, I attended the Maryland Municipal League (MML) summer conference your friends and family to watch Fox 5 on July 13, and then come out to see the live
held in Ocean City, Maryland, and was a presenter for one of the sessions. As broadcast. If you have not stopped at the Thurmont Main Street Farmers Market,
described by MML, my topic was “Sustainability According to Mark Twain.” Mark you are missing out on some great local produce, beef, BBQ ribs, handmade crafts,
Twain once said, “Common sense is not so common”; however, it should be common pork, homemade jams, fresh baked goodies, and lots of other items! The market
sense that we only use what we need and save the rest for future generations. In this is held at the Municipal Parking lot on South Center Street every Saturday from
session, the Town of Emmitsburg, winners of the 2017 Maryland Green Registry 9:00 a.m.-noon. Be sure to stop and pick up some local goodness. The Town of
Leadership Award, reviewed what sustainability is, why it’s important, and the various Thurmont is sponsoring a recreation program in the Community Park on July 23-
sustainability projects Emmitsburg has completed. It was an honor. 26 and July 30-August 2. The program is open to kids ages five to fifteen and will
At times challenging, the weather did break open to allow for our pool grand feature a different focus each day. The program runs from 8:30 a.m.-noon, and costs
opening on June 2, with DJ music, food goodies, and sodas donated by Spike’s Auto $10.00 per day or $35.00 per week. Be sure to stop at the Town Office or call 301-
and Tire of Emmitsburg. Thank you to County Executive Gardner and three 271-7313 to register your kids for this fun-filled summer program.
Veterans of Foreign War (VFW), Commander Marty Williams, Gene Lingg, and Pat All of our schools are now out on summer vacation, and our children are outside
Gjerde for joining us. Thank you, again, to our staff for pulling this together. riding bikes, skateboarding, playing ball, and having a great time. The one thing
The grand opening of the new Seton Center is set for Tuesday, July 10, at 3:00 they may not be doing is paying attention to traffic when crossing our streets,
p.m. It’s a very green, green building, with special day lighting along the roofline to chasing balls, or playing with friends. Please be extra careful on our streets and
take advantage of borrowed light, solar renewable energy, water suppression fixtures, watch for kids playing near the roadway. They may not be aware of you and could
two dishwashers for cups and utensils—instead of using disposable paper cups and run into the street; your additional care while driving could save a life.
plastic utensils—and permeable pavers in the parking lot to reduce site runoff. The month of July affords the Thurmont Board of Commissioners a summer
Thank you to the eight hundred firefighters from New Jersey who recently visited break from our regular schedule of weekly meetings. The only scheduled meeting
the National Emergency Training Center Campus for a weekend of Federal training. of the month will be on July 24, unless an emergency requires an additional
For about twenty-five weekends a year, we have firemen from different states come in meeting.
for these trainings. I hope everyone has a wonderful July! As always, if you have any comments,
Welcome, summer! concerns, or suggestions, I can be reached at 301-606-9458 or by email at
[email protected].
for everyone!
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