Page 21 - July Banner 2018_Neat
P. 21

Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                          July 2018             Page 21
            Pride and Preservation

               Over the years, Caroline Clark                                                                                Longwools. She is a proud five-year
            of Thurmont has seen many of                                                                                     member of the Rocky Ridge 4-H
            her friends participate in a very                                                  (left) Caroline participates in   Club and the Frederick County Beef,
            special contest, with a unique prize                                               the Shepard’s Lead Contest    Sheep & Swine Club. Her projects
            awarded, at the Maryland Sheep &                                                   with Bonnie, receiving a      include market lambs, breeding
                                                                                               second place award. The
            Wool Festival. This contest, run by                                                entire outfit and scarf the   sheep, sewing, crafts, cooking, and
            the Youth Conservationist Program                                                  ewe is wearing was made from   field crops. She has been very active
            (YCP), is open to all interested                                                   wool by Caroline.             in 4-H Fashion Revue, Skillathon,
            in raising and preserving special                                                                                Livestock Judging, and Shepard’s
            breeds of sheep. Winners get the                                                                                 Line Lead events across the local
            opportunity to experience the joys                                                 (below) Caroline receiving    and state level. Caroline is a third-
                                                                                               her new registered Leicester
            and responsibilities of raising and                                                Longwool ewe from Stillpoint   generation farmer, taking care of all
            conserving heritage breeds of wool                                                 Farm at the Maryland Sheep &   the needs of her growing flock. She
            sheep that may not be common in                                                    Wool Festival                 gets up early in the morning, prior
            certain areas of the United States.                                                                              to school, and tends to them when
            It’s made possible by breeders who                                                 Courtesy Photos               she gets home from school.
            are willing to mentor youth, donate                                                                                 So, not only will Caroline be
            a yearling ewe, and assist the youth                                                                             preserving a heritage breed, but also
            with establishing their own flock.                                                                               the art of hand spinning. Caroline
            This year, Caroline entered the                                                                                  was bitten by the wool bug when
            contest and won a wonderful award.                                                                               she was taught how to process her
               As part of the contest, youth      from Carol and became                                                      own fleece into roving and then
            are required to submit an essay,      attached to the breed                                                      to yarn. At first, she borrowed
            outlining why they want to preserve   instantly.                                                                 a spinning wheel from a local
            a heritage sheep breed. Each            Leicester Longwools are                                                  artisan—who is a wonderful teacher
            year, the breeds change and the       very calm and are excellent                                                to the local 4-H youth—Patty
            youth can review what might be        mothers. They are also                                                     Sanville of Jefferson, Maryland. She
            available before deciding to enter.   known for their beautiful                                                  spent a day educating Caroline on
            Caroline became interested in the     fleeces, which are prized by                                               the wheel and how to spin properly.
            YCP program several years ago,        hand spinners. According to                                                Just a few months later, Caroline
            but waited to enter until the right   the Livestock Conservancy,                                                 had made lots of skeins of beautiful
            breed came along—the Leicester        the Leicester Longwool was                                                 cream colored 2-ply yarn, which will
            Longwool. In 2018, Caroline           highly prized in America,                                                  soon be transformed into something
            learned a Longwool ewe might be       especially for its use in                                                  spectacular. Caroline has even
            available, and she decided to enter.   crossbreeding to improve                                                  participated recently in a spinning
            She had already started her flock, so   “native” stock. During the                                               demonstration, in conjunction with
            it was very exciting waiting for the   1800s, however, the breed                                                 an event held at Rose Hill Manor
            essays to be evaluated. A few days    lost favor to the Merino and other   flocks have now been established,     in Frederick. She sat with local
            before the start of the Maryland      fine wool breeds. After 1900, the    and the population of Leicester       spinners and educated the public on
            Sheep & Wool Festival, Caroline       breed fell into decline and was likely   Longwool sheep in North America is   the beauty and versatility of wool.
            received the phone call she had been   extinct in the United States during   increasing. This is important, given   This year, you may be able to see
            waiting for: Her essay had been       the 1930s or 1940s. A very small     that the breed remains rare globally.   Caroline and her flock of Leicester
            selected, and she would be receiving   population remained in Canada.      Caroline’s new ewe, Bonnie, has a     Longwools at one of several shows:
            a registered yearling Leicester       In 1990, Colonial Williamsburg       beautiful white fleece.               The Wills Fair, The Great Frederick
            Longwool ewe. Her ewe would be        Foundation, a historic site in          Caroline is no stranger to raising   Fair, and The Maryland State Fair.
            from Stillpoint Farm, donated by      Virginia, reestablished the breed in   sheep. She is just twelve years     The YCP program can open up
            Carol McConaughy. Carol and her       North America by importing sheep     old and has fourteen ewes in her      opportunities for youth who are
            husband, Tom, have a lovely farm      from Australia. Several conservation   commercial flock and four Leicester   interested in preserving heritage
            near Mt. Airy, Maryland, where she                                                                               sheep breeds. If you are interested in
            raises Leicester Longwool sheep and   Patronize the Advertisers in The Catoctin Banner!                          participating in the program, please
            boards horses. Caroline bought her                                                                               contact Elaine Ashcraft at tankewe_
            very first Leicester Longwool ewe      The Catoctin Banner exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.  [email protected].
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