Page 13 - July Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper July 2018 Page 13
Erin Dingle — The Next Chapter Thurmont Grange Recognizes Local
Theresa Dardanell Veterans
Thurmont Regional Library
Administrator Erin Dingle Pictured from
(pictured right) has lots of left are Carol
things to keep her busy after Long, Druscilla
Tresselt, Bev
her retirement. She is looking Frushour,
forward to spending time with Debbie
her family—babysitting her two Fornwald,
grandsons, who live in Silver Beverly Weddle,
Carroll Zentz,
Spring, and attending sporting and Niki Eyler.
and school events with her two
grandsons in Baltimore. She
also plans to travel farther than
Maryland, as she attempts to Courtesy
continue her goal of visiting all Photos
fifty states. Her passions include
reading and gardening, which
she will enjoy while her already-
retired husband plays golf.
Dingle is also working on
a research project about the
Maryland State Sanitorium
in Sabillasville, which opened in Photo by Theresa Dardanell
1908. Because her father worked everyone to enjoy nature, as well as
there, she grew up on the grounds study rooms, artwork on display,
of the facility. Her research includes and an agricultural history room.
original documents and oral Many community programs have Pictured from left are Addison Eyler (on behalf of Joe Eyler), Ray Ediger, John Hart, Joe Moser,
histories from nurses and patients. been added over the years; Dingle Russell Moser, Bob Wiles, and Carol Long and Niki Eyler (program coordinators).
The future of the research project always looked for ways to increase
might be a book one day. community involvement, but she On June 7, 2018, Thurmont Grange #409 held its first annual Veterans
Dingle started working at the also gives credit to her “fabulous” Appreciation Night. Grange members, along with family, friends, and special
Thurmont Library in 1987, when staff for coming up with ideas and guests, gathered at the Grange Hall to proudly recognized several members
it was located on Water Street. implementing them. She will miss who honorably served in the United States Armed Forces.
At that time, she lived near the the staff and the patrons who have Lecturer, Niki Eyler, welcomed everyone and stated that the evening was
library and walked to work for the become her friends. “I’ve loved dedicated to those Grange members who served our country in the military
evening shift. She reintroduced the every minute surrounded by books. and continue to serve our community through Grange. Sandy Moser gave
children’s storytimes, as well as It was just the perfect job for me.” the invocation and lead the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem
other programs. When Margaret I asked Mayor John Kinnaird was sung by Addison Eyler. Next, Andrea Mannix prepared a PowerPoint
Bruchey Krone retired as branch about Dingle’s contribution presentation for the evening about her experience as a guardian for the
manager, Dingle was promoted. to the community. He replied, Hudson Valley Honor Flight, a nationwide organization that transports our
She earned her Master of Library “Somewhere, there are everyday, heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. The Honor
Science degree and became the run-of-the-mill librarians, but not Flight gives top priority to senior Veterans, WWII survivors, along with other
regional library administrator when here in Thurmont! Erin Dingle has Veterans who may be terminally ill.
the new library opened on Moser played an important and integral The program continued with special recognition of Grange member, Bill
Road in 2008. When looking back part of the lives of the residents Zentz, who passed in December 2017. Carol Long shared many of Bill’s
over the last thirty years, she’s seen of Thurmont since taking her highlights during his military career, as well as his contributions to our
lots of changes: the card catalog position thirty years ago. In the community. Bill’s wife, Candy, and son, Carroll, were present to accept a
was replaced by the computer course of her career, Erin has certificate of appreciation for his service in the U.S. Army.
system, the new library has a been the only librarian many of Two Grange charter members were also recognized: Frederick
literacy corner in the children’s area, the last two or so generations of Tresselt (WWI Calvary) and Robert Remsberg (WWII Army). Frederick’s
there is now a beautiful deck for youngsters have known. I drive granddaughter, Druscilla Tresselt, and Robert’s nephew’s wife, Bev Frushour,
by the library regularly and am accepted recognition for them. Sisters, Debbie Fornwald and Beverly Weddle,
always surprised to see how many accepted recognition on behalf of
people are there at any time of their father, Ralph Fornwald, for his
the day or evening. Under Erin’s service in the WWII Navy.
leadership, the Thurmont Regional Grangers were then called
Library has become a central part forward to be recognized and
of life for residents in and around honored for their service. Ray
Thurmont, with many well-attended Ediger (Army 61-63), John Hart
programs and events suitable for (Army 67-70), Joe Moser (Army
all ages. The Thurmont Regional Reserves 58-64), Russell Moser
Library is recognized as one of (Army Reserves 57-64), Bob Wiles
the best libraries in the state; this (Army 63-65), and Joe Eyler (Air
recognition is due, in large part, to Force 55-57).
the efforts of Erin Dingle. Thurmont The program was closed on a
has benefited from having an very emotional note by Jim and
outstanding librarian these past Sandy Moser, with a patriotic
thirty years, and on behalf of the reading from Reds Skelton. Lastly,
residents of Thurmont, I want to attendees were thanked for joining
wish Erin a happy, healthy, and long in the recognition of our Veterans,
retirement.” our heroes, our Grangers.