Page 16 - January Banner 2018_Neat
P. 16

Page 16             January 2018                               The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by
            Thurmont and Emmitsburg Get                                                Thurmont High School Reunion

            Additional Weekly Bus Trip to                                                 The Thurmont High School Class of 1957 held their 60  Class Reunion
            Frederick                                                                  at Dutch’s Daughter in Frederick. There were fifty people present, including
                                                                                       former English teacher, Mary Long Fisher.
              James Rada, Jr.                                                                                                                        Courtesy Photo

              Northern Frederick County now      more rural transportation. Missy
            has an additional bus trip, taking   Shank of Emmitsburg started a
            people to and from Frederick.        petition for an additional daily trip
            The new trip on midday Tuesdays      as part of a class she took at the
            leaves the Frederick Transit Center   Seton Center. She gathered more
            at 12:15 p.m. The shuttle bus        than three hundred signatures on the
            then stops at the College Park       petition.
            Plaza in Frederick, DePaul Street       In December, Frederick County
            in Emmitsburg, Jubilee Market        Transit added one additional
            in Emmitsburg, the Thurmont          midday trip on Tuesdays, as a pilot
            CVS, South Center Street just        program. This trip leaves Frederick
            south of Route 550 in Thurmont,      Monday through Friday at 12:15
            Mountainview Plaza in Thurmont,      p.m. and returns at 1:40 p.m. The
            and the Catoctin Zoo.                program will be evaluated after six
              “It’s our hope that the addition   months and twelve months to see
            of this midday service will make a   what ridership is for the shuttle trip
            difference to the lives of citizens,   and whether there is a demand for     Pictured from left: (first row) Roger Warren, Joan Winebrenner Knott, Marylin Eby Rahnis, Betsy
            by helping them to regain some       additional trips.                      Warren Baker, Connie Heck Testerman, Terry Miller; (second row) Plummer Fraley, Paul Little, Dale
            time and hours in their day and         “We’re trying to grow into where    Warren, Paul Bittner, Betty Lee Eyler Richerd, Nancy Smith Creager, Dick Frymyer, Frank Free, Joan
                                                                                        Lawyer Spalding and Martha Griggs Knott; (third row) Ross Smith, Don Clabaugh, Donald Stitely, Bob
            by making the service more           we have it five days a week,” Mayor         Layman, Fred Addison, Albert Lynn, Don Valentine, Jim Humerick, and Jim Hoffman.
            convenient,” Frederick County        Briggs said, during an Emmitsburg
            Executive Jan Gardner said during a   town meeting.
            press conference.                       The cost of the additional trip    First Teen Open Mic Night is a Hit
              To arrive in Frederick by 8:00     will be about $10,000. About
                                                                                          The first Open Mic Night was held in November at the Main Street Center,
            a.m., DePaul Street riders were      one-quarter of this will be paid      and the talent of the performers was incredible! Teens, between the ages of
            picked up at 7:10 a.m. The returning   by the county, while the rest will   fourteen and eighteen, sang, played instruments, and entertained for two hours.
            bus leaves Frederick at 4:15 p.m.    be covered by state and federal       The talent and professionalism of these young people far exceeded their age.
            This meant riders had to plan to     funding. Gardner said that the hope      The next teen Open Mic Night
            spend the day in Frederick.          is that the county’s portion will be   will be held Saturday, January 20,
              Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs        able to be paid through savings, by
            and Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird     matching paratransit riders with the   2018, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., at the
                                                                                       Commodore Recording Studio,
            had been encouraging the county to   new midday trip.                      located in the Catoctin Center at
            add an additional daily trip so that    Kinnaird said he believes          202 East Main Street in Thurmont.
            riders who needed to go to Frederick   the additional trip will make a     Commodore Recording Studio is
            for a single appointment wouldn’t    big difference for north county       a premier recording studio that
            have to give up an entire day. Briggs   residents.                         has produced Grammy-nominated
            said during a press conference that     Frederick County Transit was       work. Commodore Recording
            transportation to Frederick was      also named the 2017 Outstanding       Studio is the perfect environment
            “becoming a dilemma” for citizens.   Transportation Program in the state   for aspiring young artists to perform
              County transit surveys             by the Transportation Association of
            consistently mentioned the need for   Maryland.                            and experience the acoustical rooms,
                                                                                       along with the professional setting. If
                                                                                       you are a teen, fourteen to eighteen
                     Go to page 9 to play the  Where Am I? and  Hidden                 years of age, and would like to
                     Object games! You could be the next winner                        perform, sing, play an instrument,
                                                                                       recite poetry, or perform comedy,
                     of a gift certificate to one of our advertisers!                  then Open Mic Night is for you.
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