Page 4 - February Banner 2018_Neat
P. 4
Page 4 February 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
T o wn H all R epor ts
J an u ar y 2 0 1 8 T hurmont
by James Rada, Jr. Donation from Halloween in the losses. It will also look at the town’s
Park current and projected demands
The Town of Thurmont recently on the water system, identify any
E mmitsburg donated $2,520.78 to the Thurmont excess capacity, outline alternatives
Food Bank. This amount came from for sharing of infrastructure,
Snow Removal Reminder to ensure those sidewalks continue the excess of the admission charged and make any recommendations.
Given the snow that has fallen this looking good. Don’t use any at the annual Halloween in the Park The town has worked with Arro
winter, the Emmitsburg town staff product containing salt or any type event, once the expenses were paid. Consulting before and has found
reminded residents that all basketball of chloride to melt snow and ice. This was in addition to a truckload their work excellent.
hoops and other items need to be Chloride reacts with the aggregate in of nonperishable food items that Mayor Pro-tem Chosen
removed from the street before the concrete to scale and delaminate were also donated to Thurmont
a storm, and vehicles need to be it. Instead, use kitty litter, sand, or Food Bank at the event. Following the re-election of
removed off snow emergency routes. fireplace ashes for de-icing. Wash or Water Capacity Study Approved Mayor John Kinnaird last fall, the
After the storm has ended, residents sweep (if cold) any concrete that gets commissioners had to choose a
have 24 hours to remove snow and salt deposited on it from your car. The Thurmont Mayor and mayor pro-tem. The mayor pro-tem
ice from public sidewalks that border Commissioners approved a bid of duties are to serve in the place of
their property. Snow should not be Recycling Schedule $15,200 from Arro Consulting in the mayor if the mayor is unable
blown or shoveled into a cleared Emmitsburg will continue Hagerstown to perform a water- to attend a meeting. Commissioner
street. These items are part of the to follow the Frederick County capacity study of the town’s water Bill Buehrer was the most recent
town municipal code and can result recycling schedule this year. The system. The study will look at the mayor pro-tem and Commissioner
in citations if not followed. schedule can be found on the town condition and capacity of the water Wayne Hooper served before
website. Pickups will be every other system and evaluate water sources, him. Commissioner Wes Hamrick
Sidewalk Do’s and Don’ts Thursday. Your recycling should be treatment systems, transmissions, was elected to the position with
Now that Emmitsburg has new placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on distribution mains, storage, a 4-0-1. Hamrick abstained from
sidewalks connecting different areas scheduled pickup days and at least pumping systems, and system voting.
of the town, there are things that four feet away from trash cans, cars,
residents can do and shouldn’t do and mailboxes. For more information on the Town of Thurmont, visit
or call the town office at 301-271-7313.
For more information on the Town of Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.
gov or call 301-600-6300.
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