Page 4 - May 2017 BNP ALL
P. 4
Page 4 May 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Town Hall Reports Thurmont
April 2017 Trolley Trail Will Get Kiosk The commissioners decided on
Economic Development Director their two major projects: (1) Get
by James Rada, Jr. additional funding for the East End
Vickie Grinder recently told the Park special-needs playground and
Emmitsburg Thurmont Commissioners that the converting the concession stand there
town received a grant from the State to an ADA-compliant bathroom; and
Waynesboro Offers Emmitsburg Board of Appeals Members Highway Administration and the (2) Get solar-powered lighting for the
Residents Local Pool Rates Appointed Maryland Office of Tourism for a Thurmont Trolley Trail.
kiosk. It will be placed at the start
Commissioner Elizabeth The Emmitsburg Board of of the trail and will have historical Another two or three projects
Buckman announced during the Commissioners unanimously information about the trail, as well as will be added to the list before
April Emmitsburg town meeting appointed Wayne Slaughter and other town information and events. it is submitted on May 5. The
that Emmitsburg residents will be Patrick Joy to the Board of Appeals Thurmont Tour Guide Planned representatives from the different
offered the local resident rate at for three-year terms that began on county municipalities will meet to
the Northside Pool in Waynesboro, April 15. Economic Development Director decide how to divide the pot of
Pennsylvania. It is something that she Vickie Grinder told the Mayor and money that Frederick County gets
pursued to partially offset the lack of Town Enters into Mutual Aid Thurmont Commissioners that a from the state. They do not expect
a pool in Emmitsburg this summer. Agreement map and guide are in the works that to get money for all of their projects,
Timeline for Trail Expansion will feature a walking tour, driving or even all of the funding for the
The Town of Emmitsburg tour, and biking tour of the town. It projects that do get POS money.
Emmitsburg Commissioner entered into a mutual aid was funded through a TRIPP Grant However, the projects that do get
President Tim O’Donnell updated agreement recommended by the that requires a 50 percent match, for funding will be greatly helped.
his fellow commissioners on the Maryland Municipal League and which Criswell Chevrolet is paying.
expansion of Emmitsburg multi-user the Department of Homeland For more information on the Town of
trails. The project is expected to be Security. The agreement is a formal Thurmont, visit or
completed by August 2018. recognition that if any municipality Thurmont Working on Budget call the town office at 301-271-7313.
experiences an emergency
The Trail Conservancy awarded or catastrophic event, other The Thurmont Mayor and
a $30,000 grant to Emmitsburg last municipalities will respond with Commissioners have started
year for the construction of a new help as needed. considering the budget for FY2018
trail. It will be a town connector in a series of workshops that are part
trail, geared toward new users, so it The agreement does not force of their Tuesday evening meetings.
will have only modest inclines. the town to respond to another The mayor and commissioners
municipality’s emergency. It is left are considering how to allocate a
The grant required a 20 percent to the town to determine how to projected $3.6 million general fund
matching grant of $6,000, which provide aid. The municipality is also and $963,105 general capital fund.
the Trail Conservancy will allow to indemnified from liability under the The approved FY2018 budget will go
be paid through volunteer service agreement. into effect on July 1.
hours. To date, over 1,453 volunteer
hours, valued at $33,419, have been Thurmont signed the same Planning POS Projects
donated to the trail. agreement last month. The Thurmont Mayor and
Requests for proposals to build For more information on the Town of Commissioners have to submit their
the trail will go out in June, with Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. priorities for Program Open Space
construction expected to begin by gov or call 301-600-6300. by May 5. Funding for these projects
June 2018. comes from a pool of money that the
state sends to Frederick County. The
Patronize Our Advertisers! municipalities then meet to decide on
how to divvy up the funds.
The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.
Town Hall Reports Thurmont
April 2017 Trolley Trail Will Get Kiosk The commissioners decided on
Economic Development Director their two major projects: (1) Get
by James Rada, Jr. additional funding for the East End
Vickie Grinder recently told the Park special-needs playground and
Emmitsburg Thurmont Commissioners that the converting the concession stand there
town received a grant from the State to an ADA-compliant bathroom; and
Waynesboro Offers Emmitsburg Board of Appeals Members Highway Administration and the (2) Get solar-powered lighting for the
Residents Local Pool Rates Appointed Maryland Office of Tourism for a Thurmont Trolley Trail.
kiosk. It will be placed at the start
Commissioner Elizabeth The Emmitsburg Board of of the trail and will have historical Another two or three projects
Buckman announced during the Commissioners unanimously information about the trail, as well as will be added to the list before
April Emmitsburg town meeting appointed Wayne Slaughter and other town information and events. it is submitted on May 5. The
that Emmitsburg residents will be Patrick Joy to the Board of Appeals Thurmont Tour Guide Planned representatives from the different
offered the local resident rate at for three-year terms that began on county municipalities will meet to
the Northside Pool in Waynesboro, April 15. Economic Development Director decide how to divide the pot of
Pennsylvania. It is something that she Vickie Grinder told the Mayor and money that Frederick County gets
pursued to partially offset the lack of Town Enters into Mutual Aid Thurmont Commissioners that a from the state. They do not expect
a pool in Emmitsburg this summer. Agreement map and guide are in the works that to get money for all of their projects,
Timeline for Trail Expansion will feature a walking tour, driving or even all of the funding for the
The Town of Emmitsburg tour, and biking tour of the town. It projects that do get POS money.
Emmitsburg Commissioner entered into a mutual aid was funded through a TRIPP Grant However, the projects that do get
President Tim O’Donnell updated agreement recommended by the that requires a 50 percent match, for funding will be greatly helped.
his fellow commissioners on the Maryland Municipal League and which Criswell Chevrolet is paying.
expansion of Emmitsburg multi-user the Department of Homeland For more information on the Town of
trails. The project is expected to be Security. The agreement is a formal Thurmont, visit or
completed by August 2018. recognition that if any municipality Thurmont Working on Budget call the town office at 301-271-7313.
experiences an emergency
The Trail Conservancy awarded or catastrophic event, other The Thurmont Mayor and
a $30,000 grant to Emmitsburg last municipalities will respond with Commissioners have started
year for the construction of a new help as needed. considering the budget for FY2018
trail. It will be a town connector in a series of workshops that are part
trail, geared toward new users, so it The agreement does not force of their Tuesday evening meetings.
will have only modest inclines. the town to respond to another The mayor and commissioners
municipality’s emergency. It is left are considering how to allocate a
The grant required a 20 percent to the town to determine how to projected $3.6 million general fund
matching grant of $6,000, which provide aid. The municipality is also and $963,105 general capital fund.
the Trail Conservancy will allow to indemnified from liability under the The approved FY2018 budget will go
be paid through volunteer service agreement. into effect on July 1.
hours. To date, over 1,453 volunteer
hours, valued at $33,419, have been Thurmont signed the same Planning POS Projects
donated to the trail. agreement last month. The Thurmont Mayor and
Requests for proposals to build For more information on the Town of Commissioners have to submit their
the trail will go out in June, with Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. priorities for Program Open Space
construction expected to begin by gov or call 301-600-6300. by May 5. Funding for these projects
June 2018. comes from a pool of money that the
state sends to Frederick County. The
Patronize Our Advertisers! municipalities then meet to decide on
how to divvy up the funds.
The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.