Page 16 - May 2017 BNP ALL
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Page 16 May 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
that result from Jayden’s treatments,
Support Jayden’s Journey the Patty Pollatos Fund has been
a blessing, hosting fundraisers in
Jayden Myers’ journey of Photo by Deb Spalding pain signal not only travels up Jayden’s benefit.
pain began the day before a to the brain, but also goes to
family vacation in August of the neurovascular nerves that A Wing Feed will be held on
2012, when a rash broke out all control blood flow through the May 20, 2017, at the Emmitsburg
over her body, along with pain vessels. These nerves cause the Firehall. Please reference the
in her right leg, foot, and ankle. blood vessels to constrict. This calendar for more information
A first diagnosis, and several constriction restricts blood flow about this fundraising event. You
thereafter, was hives due to a and oxygen to muscles and bone may purchase tickets, a Jayden’s
food allergy. After additional and leads to an increase in waste Journey t-shirt, or submit a donation
diagnoses and follow-up visits products such as lactic acid. It at the Thurmont Kountry Kitchen
to the pediatrician’s office, is the lack of oxygen and acid Restaurant in Thurmont. You can
she was referred to a pediatric build-up that causes the pain. also go online to
rheumatologist at Hershey The new pain signal also goes and click on Jayden Myers’ photo to
Medical Center in Pennsylvania. across the abnormal short circuit donate.
In October of 2012, she and causes decreased blood
was diagnosed with Juvenile flow, leading to more pain. The
Rheumatoid Arthritis, pain becomes extremely severe
enthesitis-related. With through this cycle.
treatment, most of the joint Jayden participates in a multi-
pain she was having was eased; disciplinary pain management
unfortunately, the extreme pain program at the Children’s
continued in the right foot, Hospital of Philadelphia. She
ankle, and leg. attends school when she is
Finally, Jayden was diagnosed able and continues with Home
with Complex Regional Pain Intermittent School Teaching.
Syndrome and Amplified Jayden is part of the Thurmont
Muscular Pain Syndrome Kountry Kitchen Restaurant
(AMPS) and evaluated by Dr. Family. Her parents, Rob and
Sherry, a specialist in Amplified Sherry Myers, travel to Hershey
Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome. Pictured during an April 15 bake sale and shirt sale (left to Medical Center two times weekly
His final diagnosis was two right), Owen Ott, Easter Bunny, Madison Ott, Jayden Myers, for Jayden to receive the intense
and Kendall Stuart.
forms of AMPS: Complex When experiencing AMPS, physical therapy she needs.
Regional Pain Syndrome and Diffuse there is an abnormal short circuit To help support the Myers in
Amplified Pain Syndrome. in the spinal cord. The normal handling the unending medical bills
that result from Jayden’s treatments,
Support Jayden’s Journey the Patty Pollatos Fund has been
a blessing, hosting fundraisers in
Jayden Myers’ journey of Photo by Deb Spalding pain signal not only travels up Jayden’s benefit.
pain began the day before a to the brain, but also goes to
family vacation in August of the neurovascular nerves that A Wing Feed will be held on
2012, when a rash broke out all control blood flow through the May 20, 2017, at the Emmitsburg
over her body, along with pain vessels. These nerves cause the Firehall. Please reference the
in her right leg, foot, and ankle. blood vessels to constrict. This calendar for more information
A first diagnosis, and several constriction restricts blood flow about this fundraising event. You
thereafter, was hives due to a and oxygen to muscles and bone may purchase tickets, a Jayden’s
food allergy. After additional and leads to an increase in waste Journey t-shirt, or submit a donation
diagnoses and follow-up visits products such as lactic acid. It at the Thurmont Kountry Kitchen
to the pediatrician’s office, is the lack of oxygen and acid Restaurant in Thurmont. You can
she was referred to a pediatric build-up that causes the pain. also go online to
rheumatologist at Hershey The new pain signal also goes and click on Jayden Myers’ photo to
Medical Center in Pennsylvania. across the abnormal short circuit donate.
In October of 2012, she and causes decreased blood
was diagnosed with Juvenile flow, leading to more pain. The
Rheumatoid Arthritis, pain becomes extremely severe
enthesitis-related. With through this cycle.
treatment, most of the joint Jayden participates in a multi-
pain she was having was eased; disciplinary pain management
unfortunately, the extreme pain program at the Children’s
continued in the right foot, Hospital of Philadelphia. She
ankle, and leg. attends school when she is
Finally, Jayden was diagnosed able and continues with Home
with Complex Regional Pain Intermittent School Teaching.
Syndrome and Amplified Jayden is part of the Thurmont
Muscular Pain Syndrome Kountry Kitchen Restaurant
(AMPS) and evaluated by Dr. Family. Her parents, Rob and
Sherry, a specialist in Amplified Sherry Myers, travel to Hershey
Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome. Pictured during an April 15 bake sale and shirt sale (left to Medical Center two times weekly
His final diagnosis was two right), Owen Ott, Easter Bunny, Madison Ott, Jayden Myers, for Jayden to receive the intense
and Kendall Stuart.
forms of AMPS: Complex When experiencing AMPS, physical therapy she needs.
Regional Pain Syndrome and Diffuse there is an abnormal short circuit To help support the Myers in
Amplified Pain Syndrome. in the spinal cord. The normal handling the unending medical bills