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Page 10 May 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Community news
Creeger House Receives Grant Commemoration of the World War I
Courtesy Photo
Theresa Dardanell
Pictured from left are: (front row) Wes Hamrick, Robert Eyler, Donna Voellinger, Historical Society A solemn, Theresa Dardanell
board members; Susan Favorite; Michael Delauter, Community Foundation trustee; (second row) Liz respectful crowd
Stitely, Carol Newmann, Historical Society board members; (third row) Joe Fontana, Grant Johnson, gathered in continued with the American
Emmitsburg on Legion and VFW Color Guard
Steven D. Hoke, Historical Society board members. Saturday, April and the laying of the wreath by the
8, 2017, for the commanders of the Post.
Once the home of Col. John R. Rouser, a Civil War soldier and prominent ceremony to
Maryland state legislator, Creeger House in Thurmont is now a historic commemorate The Doughboy statue was erected
landmark and home to the Thurmont Historical Society. To help with its the 100th in 1927. Doughboy is the name
repair and maintenance, the first grant in the amount of $1,349.68 from The anniversary of of a World War I foot soldier. On
Make A Difference in Thurmont Fund was recently presented to Historical the United States’ the pedestal are the words, “This
Society members. entrance into memorial erected and dedicated in
World War I on honor of those from Emmitsburg
The fund is one of more than 679 component funds managed by The April 6, 1917. district who served in the world
Community Foundation of Frederick County. The fund was created by Susan war.” It includes the names of those
Favorite, with her 2011 Wertheimer Fellow for Excellence in Volunteerism The event, who made the supreme sacrifice.
Award, for the purpose of providing grants and scholarships benefitting sponsored by
organizations and residents of Thurmont. the Town of
along with the
Francis X Elder Post 121 American
Legion and the Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 6658, was held in front
of the Doughboy statue in town.
The ceremony began with the Pledge
of Allegiance, an opening prayer
by Father John Holliday, and a
welcome by Emmitsburg Mayor
Donald Briggs. Commissioner Glenn
Blanchard gave a brief history of
the war and added a personal story
about his own grandfather, who
served in the war. The ceremony
2017 Emm itsb urg Trai l Da ys Blue Light Fundraiser —
Support Your Local Law
The moutain bike trails above Emmitsburg, around Rainbow Lake, are in Enforcement
need of upkeep. Volunteers are invited to Trail Work Days on May 21, June
17, and August 5, during which trail work takes place from 9:00 a.m. to For the month of May, the Blue Light Fundraiser is available for residents
1:00 p.m. Free coffee, juice, bagels, fruit, and donuts are provided before the to purchase a blue light bulb to display, in support of their local Law
work begins, and a free barbeque in town is provided afterwards. You may Enforcement. Light bulbs may be purchased at Hobbs Hardware and/or Ace
win a free prize. Hardware in Thurmont.
Please direct any questions to Tim O’Donnell at todonnell@ or visit for information about the
Community news
Creeger House Receives Grant Commemoration of the World War I
Courtesy Photo
Theresa Dardanell
Pictured from left are: (front row) Wes Hamrick, Robert Eyler, Donna Voellinger, Historical Society A solemn, Theresa Dardanell
board members; Susan Favorite; Michael Delauter, Community Foundation trustee; (second row) Liz respectful crowd
Stitely, Carol Newmann, Historical Society board members; (third row) Joe Fontana, Grant Johnson, gathered in continued with the American
Emmitsburg on Legion and VFW Color Guard
Steven D. Hoke, Historical Society board members. Saturday, April and the laying of the wreath by the
8, 2017, for the commanders of the Post.
Once the home of Col. John R. Rouser, a Civil War soldier and prominent ceremony to
Maryland state legislator, Creeger House in Thurmont is now a historic commemorate The Doughboy statue was erected
landmark and home to the Thurmont Historical Society. To help with its the 100th in 1927. Doughboy is the name
repair and maintenance, the first grant in the amount of $1,349.68 from The anniversary of of a World War I foot soldier. On
Make A Difference in Thurmont Fund was recently presented to Historical the United States’ the pedestal are the words, “This
Society members. entrance into memorial erected and dedicated in
World War I on honor of those from Emmitsburg
The fund is one of more than 679 component funds managed by The April 6, 1917. district who served in the world
Community Foundation of Frederick County. The fund was created by Susan war.” It includes the names of those
Favorite, with her 2011 Wertheimer Fellow for Excellence in Volunteerism The event, who made the supreme sacrifice.
Award, for the purpose of providing grants and scholarships benefitting sponsored by
organizations and residents of Thurmont. the Town of
along with the
Francis X Elder Post 121 American
Legion and the Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 6658, was held in front
of the Doughboy statue in town.
The ceremony began with the Pledge
of Allegiance, an opening prayer
by Father John Holliday, and a
welcome by Emmitsburg Mayor
Donald Briggs. Commissioner Glenn
Blanchard gave a brief history of
the war and added a personal story
about his own grandfather, who
served in the war. The ceremony
2017 Emm itsb urg Trai l Da ys Blue Light Fundraiser —
Support Your Local Law
The moutain bike trails above Emmitsburg, around Rainbow Lake, are in Enforcement
need of upkeep. Volunteers are invited to Trail Work Days on May 21, June
17, and August 5, during which trail work takes place from 9:00 a.m. to For the month of May, the Blue Light Fundraiser is available for residents
1:00 p.m. Free coffee, juice, bagels, fruit, and donuts are provided before the to purchase a blue light bulb to display, in support of their local Law
work begins, and a free barbeque in town is provided afterwards. You may Enforcement. Light bulbs may be purchased at Hobbs Hardware and/or Ace
win a free prize. Hardware in Thurmont.
Please direct any questions to Tim O’Donnell at todonnell@ or visit for information about the