Page 4 - June 2017 BNP ALL
P. 4
Page 4 June 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Town Hall Reports Mayor and Commissioners recently care in the budget; (4) Have a law to
awarded the project to L. W. Wolfe protect trees.
MAY 2017 of Myersville. The project costs
$95,453.75 and should be complete According to Wilson, only about
by James Rada, Jr. by the end of the month. 37 communities out of 147 eligible
Commissioners Get Draft Budget Maryland towns receive this award
Emmitsburg annually. This was Thurmont’s first
With the budget workshops year to receive the award.
No Changes in Tax Rate Expected according to Town Manager Cathy complete, the Thurmont Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Donald Willets. The new system, which cost and Commissioners got to see the Town Helps in Creeger House
the town $38,650 for setup and proposed FY18 budget that will go Restoration
Briggs gave the town commissioners $13,000 a year for calibration, was into effect on July 1. It is based on
their first look at his proposed FY18 installed in April. The LG Sonic a $3,547,982 operating fund and The Thurmont Mayor and
budget. The constant-yield rate as system uses ultrasound to destroy a $425,000 capital budget. This Commissioners voted to donate
calculated by the State of Maryland the algae, causing it to sink to the represents a 3.1 percent increase to $15,000 from the town’s unreserved
will be 6 cents per $100 of assessed bottom of the lake. Willets said that the general fund. fund balance to the Thurmont
value. This is the rate that will bring once data is available to present, she Historical Society “to use that
in the same amount of tax revenue will do so, but she is pleased with The commissioners still need to funding solely for the purpose of
as the previous year. the preliminary data so far. review and approve this latest draft restoring damage to the building that
by June 30. was uncovered to make it whole.”
He also noted that the Emmitsburg Extends Reciprocity to Tree Saving Efforts Recognized
preliminary budget does not include Waynesboro Food Bank Update
a cost-of-living adjustment for The Town of Thurmont is in the Pastor Sally Joyner-Giffin, who
employees, but they will receive any Because of the Borough of midst of replacing the dying ash trees
step increases that they are due. Waynesboro’s generosity in allowing in Community Park. With roughly manages the Thurmont Food Bank
Emmitsburg residents to pay the 40 percent of the trees needing to be for the Thurmont Ministerium,
Revenue in the general fund is Waynesboro resident rate to use replaced, it is a labor intensive and recently updated the mayor and
expected to increase $56,571 or their town pool this summer, expensive project. commissioners on the work that the
3.35 percent. the Emmitsburg Mayor and food bank is doing in the area.
Commissioners have returned the The town recently recognized
The water fund will decrease, in favor. Should Waynesboro need to volunteers who have helped plant In 2016, the food bank filled
part, due to conservation efforts. close its pool for renovations in the seventy-five new trees in the park. 3,691 requests for food from 528
The capital fund is expected future, residents will be able to swim Thurmont’s Green Team, Venture households. During this year, from
to increase from $121,812 to in Emmitsburg’s new pool and pay Crew 270, Girl Scout Troop 81200, January through April, the food bank
$218,341. the Emmitsburg resident admission. Boy Scout Troop 270, Cub Scout filled 1,065 requests for food.
Pack 270 Den 1, the Catoctin High
The commissioners will now Leo Club, and the Frederick County Because of refrigerators and
begin their review of the budget. It Forestry Board received a Certificate freezers that the food bank was
must be approved by June 30. of Appreciation from the town. able to purchase with Community
Development Block Grants, families
Algae Control Working Well For more information on the Town of The town also received a national can receive fresh and frozen foods,
The preliminary data for Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. award from the National Arbor as well as packaged goods and
gov or call 301-600-6300. Day Foundation for the work it has canned items.
Emmitsburg’s new algae-control been doing to preserve and replace
system in Rainbow Lake looks good, the trees in Community Park. Becky “To be able to give out fresh food
Wilson with the Maryland Forest has been a real gift to us,” Joyner-
Thurmont Service presented the Tree City USA Giffin said.
Meeting the State’s Recycling Goal able to compost up to 10,000 tons The food bank gives out an
The State of Maryland has set a a year. A town has to meet four criteria average of 5,080 lbs. of frozen
to receive the award: (1) Celebrate food and 3,000 lbs. of fresh food a
90 percent recycling goal by 2040. Humerick said that while he Arbor Day; (2) Have a team month.
Frederick County has a group that is believes this is going to happen, cost dedicated to tree care; (3) Have at
looking into how the county will be will be an issue. Projections right least $2.00 per tree dedicated to tree For more information on the Town of
able to meet this goal. now are that it would cost between Thurmont, visit or
$6 and $10 a month per household, call the town office at 301-271-7313.
“It’s going to take until 2030 to and $500 to $700 per month for
even intersect with the goals that restaurants to pay for pickup and Reference our Calendar on pages 46 & 47 to find events of interest.
the state has set for everybody,” processing of organic material.
said Thurmont Chief Administrative Your local Propane Gas
Officer James Humerick. “Luckily, While the program would be and Heating Oil Provider
we’re way ahead in actual recycling voluntary at first, most likely it would With another company? We’ll
of plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, become mandatory in the future. switch you over for free! Call
and those sorts of items, but this today and see how you can get
organic is going to be the big issue.” Mayor John Kinnaird said that the best service for the best
if the county doesn’t hit its 2040 price. Let McLaughlin’s help you
To meet the state goal, Humerick target, the county could start Serving the Area Generac Generator save money this heating season!
said that it seems that single-stream withholding building permits. Sales, Installation
organic collection is going to be the for 64 Years! & Service Now offering
answer. He expects the county to While nothing has happened yet, Solar Electric Panels
institute a pilot program next year Kinnaird said that he wanted to Come See Us For All Your turn key solution
in Frederick City and the public make the commissioners aware of Your Pool and Spa for all your backup Call today to find
schools to move toward this. what was in the works. “It’s going Chemical Needs. power needs! out how you
to impact every one of us, so it’s in can cut your
It also seems like a countywide our best interest to keep an eye on Free Water Testing! electric bill back
program would involve fourteen what’s going on with that,” he said.
local composting sites. The part of Asphalt Overlays Approved 717-762-5711 to $0!
the county between Emmitsburg and
Thurmont would have at least one, East Street, Lombard Street, and Check us out on facebook!
maybe two, sites. Each site would Shipley Avenue will be getting new 1-800-463-5711
need five to six acres and would be asphalt overlays. The Thurmont 11931 Buchanan Trail East, Waynesboro, PA 17268
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