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JUNE 2017 | Vol. 22 | Issue 6 | Mail Run: 8,492 | Total Print Run: 11,500 Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995
Emmitsburg’s Ambulance and Fire
Companies Consider Potential Merger
Members of both the open and positive step that both Senior administrative and demands while also developing
Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance organizations have long discussed. operational leaders of both groups strategies ultimately determined
Company (EVAC) and the Vigilant The community and surrounding have recently been discussing to be in the best interests of those
Hose Company (VHC) have begun area are the driving force to possible ways to potentially served.
to discuss how their respective continue to work to improve and combine personnel and resources
emergency services roles might be enhance service. to better meet growing service Members of both organizations
improved by merging personnel, met together on Sunday evening,
resources and facilities. May 21, 2017, at the EVAC Station
26 to begin a process for positive
This initiative is early in its outcomes. And, such interactions
consideration and will require will continue. Community input
research, on-going discussions is encouraged and will be used
and coordination among all in designing a comprehensive
stakeholders including the public, approach and structure to move
area businesses and institutions forward. Frequent updates will be
as well as local and county public issued so all interested can be kept
policy officials and regional apprised of developments.
emergency services agencies.
Questions can be made through
EVAC President Mary Lou contact with Spokesperson Tim
Little and VHC President Frank Clarke at 301-748-4161 or at
Davis jointly stress that this is an [email protected].
inside Look inside for these and other stories of interest, along with our monthly columns, as well as
Look Who Took Us Along, Pet of the Month, and our Hidden Object and Where Am I? Contests.
this issue
For mer Ford Dealer Resolution Contest Statue of Mary is CHS Wrestlers Place
Wins Chevy Update: Rachel Mohler Crowned in State Tour nament
— Read the story on page 10 — Read the story on page 16 — Read the story on page 14 — Read the story on page 26
PAI D The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Scan QR
515B East Main Street code with
Residential Customer E D D M Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 a mobile phone
U.S.POSTAGE 301-447-2804 to link
Street •P ERSmRmitTsSbuTrgD Main East 515B • The Catoctin Banner Newspaper to our
ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER website. Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995
Emmitsburg’s Ambulance and Fire
Companies Consider Potential Merger
Members of both the open and positive step that both Senior administrative and demands while also developing
Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance organizations have long discussed. operational leaders of both groups strategies ultimately determined
Company (EVAC) and the Vigilant The community and surrounding have recently been discussing to be in the best interests of those
Hose Company (VHC) have begun area are the driving force to possible ways to potentially served.
to discuss how their respective continue to work to improve and combine personnel and resources
emergency services roles might be enhance service. to better meet growing service Members of both organizations
improved by merging personnel, met together on Sunday evening,
resources and facilities. May 21, 2017, at the EVAC Station
26 to begin a process for positive
This initiative is early in its outcomes. And, such interactions
consideration and will require will continue. Community input
research, on-going discussions is encouraged and will be used
and coordination among all in designing a comprehensive
stakeholders including the public, approach and structure to move
area businesses and institutions forward. Frequent updates will be
as well as local and county public issued so all interested can be kept
policy officials and regional apprised of developments.
emergency services agencies.
Questions can be made through
EVAC President Mary Lou contact with Spokesperson Tim
Little and VHC President Frank Clarke at 301-748-4161 or at
Davis jointly stress that this is an [email protected].
inside Look inside for these and other stories of interest, along with our monthly columns, as well as
Look Who Took Us Along, Pet of the Month, and our Hidden Object and Where Am I? Contests.
this issue
For mer Ford Dealer Resolution Contest Statue of Mary is CHS Wrestlers Place
Wins Chevy Update: Rachel Mohler Crowned in State Tour nament
— Read the story on page 10 — Read the story on page 16 — Read the story on page 14 — Read the story on page 26
PAI D The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Scan QR
515B East Main Street code with
Residential Customer E D D M Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 a mobile phone
U.S.POSTAGE 301-447-2804 to link
Street •P ERSmRmitTsSbuTrgD Main East 515B • The Catoctin Banner Newspaper to our