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FEBRUARY 2017 | Vol. 22 | Issue 2 | Mail Run: 8,493 | Total Print Run: 11,500
The Catoctin Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
Thurmont Destined to
Ambulance B e To g e t h e r Love Stories
Company Opens
Event Complex Earl A. Rice, Jr. and Mary After their courtship, they were
(Gene) Eugenia (Matthews) Rice engaged, and Earl was off to fight in
Deb Spalding were meant to be together. Some of WWII, training to be a bombardier
the family members joke that their on the B-29, the most advanced
The members of the Thurmont Photo by Deb Spalding a lift. Five ambulance bays, a storage marriage was an arranged one. Earl warplane of its time. Gene had earlier
Community Ambulance Service, Courtesy Photobay, and a huge, fully-equipped and Gene first met in the backyard of graduated from St. Joseph’s College,
Inc. have officially opened a large (thanks to a gracious donor) kitchen the old Rouzer home in Thurmont, with a major in home economics
facility for public event rentals and complete the spacious facility. From from which, the wall paper, now and a minor in physics. Her first and
their own fundraising activities. the main room, there are several in the Diplomatic Reception Room only teaching job was at Emmitsburg
This 28,600-square-foot venue was serving windows, including a self- of the White House, came. Their High School, teaching physics. One
designed by Company member, Jim serve soda fountain and two bar mothers—Jessie (Rouzer) Matthews of the classes she taught was engine
Rice. It is situated on 21.5 acres of windows. and Helen (Creager) Rice—grew basics.
ground, adjacent to the Thurmont up as next-door neighbors, and
Little League baseball fields in Future plans include the use of were visiting their childhood homes Not being able to stand the idea
Thurmont at 13716 Strafford Drive, the grounds for festivals, weddings, with their first born on the same of being separated, Earl and Gene
accessed by Lawyer’s Lane off of and outdoor events. In the future, weekend, sometime in 1924—when decided to marry in California,
Route #550. pavilions and amenities will be built someone snapped the below picture. where Earl was training at Victorville
on the grounds for that purpose. It must have been love at first sight, Army Air Base. Gene quit her job
The 10,000 square-foot main The water wheel from the former because they grew up separated by and got ready to travel west. Francis
room seats eight hundred people Cozy Restaurant will eventually be a mountain range and thirty-five Matthews brought his daughter by
spaciously, and can accommodate installed in some manner for all to miles. They would see each other train on the 2,500 mile trip to bring
many more, standing. The stage is enjoy. on occasion during these kinds of these two together for their seventy-
46’x18’ and is accessed by stairs or weekend visits and dated during plus year journey. In keeping with the
… Continued on page 13 their teens and early twenties. They good customs and scarcities at the
mostly double-dated—the only way time of war, Earl shared a room with
Jessie found acceptable—and have Francis the night before the wedding,
many fond memories of those times. which he often jokingly asks, “How
Earl sometimes got to borrow his many men have done that?” They
mother’s Lincoln Zephyr, so they were married in San Bernardino,
got to date in style. Mostly, he came California, on February 24, 1945.
in the Model A that he and his Francis, after giving away his and
lifelong friend, Henry Steiger, owned Jessie’s most precious daughter,
together. travelled alone back to Emmitsburg.
… Continued on page 24
Earl A. Rice, Jr. and Mary (Gene) Eugenia (Matthews) Rice first met in the backyard of
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper • 515B East Main Street • Emmitsburg the old Rouzer home in Thurmont…destiny bringing them together.
The Catoctin Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
Thurmont Destined to
Ambulance B e To g e t h e r Love Stories
Company Opens
Event Complex Earl A. Rice, Jr. and Mary After their courtship, they were
(Gene) Eugenia (Matthews) Rice engaged, and Earl was off to fight in
Deb Spalding were meant to be together. Some of WWII, training to be a bombardier
the family members joke that their on the B-29, the most advanced
The members of the Thurmont Photo by Deb Spalding a lift. Five ambulance bays, a storage marriage was an arranged one. Earl warplane of its time. Gene had earlier
Community Ambulance Service, Courtesy Photobay, and a huge, fully-equipped and Gene first met in the backyard of graduated from St. Joseph’s College,
Inc. have officially opened a large (thanks to a gracious donor) kitchen the old Rouzer home in Thurmont, with a major in home economics
facility for public event rentals and complete the spacious facility. From from which, the wall paper, now and a minor in physics. Her first and
their own fundraising activities. the main room, there are several in the Diplomatic Reception Room only teaching job was at Emmitsburg
This 28,600-square-foot venue was serving windows, including a self- of the White House, came. Their High School, teaching physics. One
designed by Company member, Jim serve soda fountain and two bar mothers—Jessie (Rouzer) Matthews of the classes she taught was engine
Rice. It is situated on 21.5 acres of windows. and Helen (Creager) Rice—grew basics.
ground, adjacent to the Thurmont up as next-door neighbors, and
Little League baseball fields in Future plans include the use of were visiting their childhood homes Not being able to stand the idea
Thurmont at 13716 Strafford Drive, the grounds for festivals, weddings, with their first born on the same of being separated, Earl and Gene
accessed by Lawyer’s Lane off of and outdoor events. In the future, weekend, sometime in 1924—when decided to marry in California,
Route #550. pavilions and amenities will be built someone snapped the below picture. where Earl was training at Victorville
on the grounds for that purpose. It must have been love at first sight, Army Air Base. Gene quit her job
The 10,000 square-foot main The water wheel from the former because they grew up separated by and got ready to travel west. Francis
room seats eight hundred people Cozy Restaurant will eventually be a mountain range and thirty-five Matthews brought his daughter by
spaciously, and can accommodate installed in some manner for all to miles. They would see each other train on the 2,500 mile trip to bring
many more, standing. The stage is enjoy. on occasion during these kinds of these two together for their seventy-
46’x18’ and is accessed by stairs or weekend visits and dated during plus year journey. In keeping with the
… Continued on page 13 their teens and early twenties. They good customs and scarcities at the
mostly double-dated—the only way time of war, Earl shared a room with
Jessie found acceptable—and have Francis the night before the wedding,
many fond memories of those times. which he often jokingly asks, “How
Earl sometimes got to borrow his many men have done that?” They
mother’s Lincoln Zephyr, so they were married in San Bernardino,
got to date in style. Mostly, he came California, on February 24, 1945.
in the Model A that he and his Francis, after giving away his and
lifelong friend, Henry Steiger, owned Jessie’s most precious daughter,
together. travelled alone back to Emmitsburg.
… Continued on page 24
Earl A. Rice, Jr. and Mary (Gene) Eugenia (Matthews) Rice first met in the backyard of
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper • 515B East Main Street • Emmitsburg the old Rouzer home in Thurmont…destiny bringing them together.