Page 5 - Dec Banner 2017_Neat
P. 5

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    December  2017            Page 5
             F r o m  the  M a y o r                                                    F r o m  the  M a y o r

                        Thurmont                  Regional Library, and fun and prizes            Emmitsburg                 Blanchard, a Veteran, represented the
                      Mayor John Kinnaird         for everyone.                                    Mayor Don Briggs          town.
                                                    This time of year brings with
                                                                                                                                On several Saturday mornings,
                                                  it colder weather, employment                                              our Boy Scout Troop 727, huddled
               We are fast approaching the end    slowdowns, and all the seasonal         I was looking for the tempest, but   in threes and fours in their
            of the year, and each year seems to   difficulties many of our neighbors   the gift of mild weather heralded in   illuminated vests, gathered for
            pass quicker than the one before. I   face. Please keep the less fortunate   November. However, there are signs   merit badge credit, applying yellow
            know that this year has been good     of our community in mind this        of more sobering weather to come in   refresher coats of paint to forty
            to me, and I hope it was good for     winter by helping support the        December.                             to fifty fire hydrants. Good to see.
            you as well. With Christmas just a    Thurmont Food Bank, Thurmont            Thank you to everyone for your     Thank you for the public service,
            few weeks away, Karen and I want      Clothes Closet, Seton Center, and    patience with the Square and all      your merit noted. It’s been almost
            to wish everyone a Very Merry         other local charity organizations.   the sidewalk work. For the first      twenty years since the Mount rugby
            Christmas and a Happy New Year.       Your donation of food, clothes, or   time, Brookfiield and Pembrook        team did similar volunteer work for
               Christmas in Thurmont is coming    cash can help bring joy to a local   subdivisions are connected to the     the town.
            up on Saturday, December 2. Be sure   family.                              town with a sidewalk. There will be      Interesting article on farming in
            to stop downtown and register the       I want to thank Catoctin           a heavy concentration of work at the   the Wall Street Journal (October
            kids for the many gifts and prizes.   Colorfest Inc. for the generous      Square in an attempt to complete this   24, 2017) titled, “Supersized
            Santa will be at Mechanicstown        donations made to our community      section prior to the freezing weather.   Family Owned Farms Transform
            Square Park to meet with all the      this year. Colorfest president, Carol   The project may be completed six   U.S. Agriculture.” Four percent of
            children, parents, friends, and pets.   Robertson, presented donations     months ahead of schedule.             U.S. farms now produce over two-
            The day will include free photos      totaling $20,676.80. Donations          ALERT — CHANGE IN                  thirds of the country’s agricultural
            with Santa, horse drawn wagon         included $1,500.00 each to           LOCATION: Because of downtown         output. There has not been anything
            rides, a story with Santa at the      the Guardian Hose Company,           construction, the Town Christmas      like this since the U.S.D.A. began
                                                  Thurmont Community Ambulance         tree lighting on Monday, December     keeping records on size/production
                                                  Company, and the Thurmont Police     4, will take place in front of the    in the 1980s. The article goes on
                                                  Department. Catoctin FFA received    Town Office and Community Center.     to note that one Kansas farmer
                                                  $1,146, and $4,500 to Catoctin       Christmas music provided by a DJ      can fly his Cessna thirty-plus miles
                                                  High School Scholarships. The        will begin at 5:00 p.m., followed by   over the property he owns. That’s
                                                  Thurmont Food Bank received          the Mother Seton School and Christ    30,600 acres. Farm holdings of
                                                  $3,400. Other beneficiaries include   Community Church chorales at 5:45    this size enjoy the economies of
                                                  $1,000 to the Trolley Mural          p.m. Then, at about 6:30 p.m., Santa   scale that enables them to pressure
                                                  Project, $5,000 for improvements     Claus will arrive. Next, we will go   farm suppliers and grain companies
                                                  in Community Park, $325 to the       down two blocks to the Carriage       for lower prices and discounts
                                                  Library, and $200 for flowers and    House Inn for the 29th annual “An     accommodations that are not
                                                  decorations in our parks.            Evening of Christmas Spirit” event    available to smaller farmers. As a
                                                    You might have noticed that the    for more entertainment, hay rides,    result, more, and smaller, farmers
                                                  sidewalk project on Moser Road       free hot dogs, and hot chocolate.     are being driven out of business. The
                                                  is nearing completion. This project     ALERT — CHANGE IN DATE:            average size of a farm in Frederick
                                                  will improve pedestrian safety on    Regularly scheduled Town Council      County is about 140 acres. Living
                                                  the road and allow easy access to    meeting is moved to Tuesday,          amidst a beautiful farm community,
                                                  the Regional Library.                December 5, at 7:30 p.m.              rimmed to the west by Catoctin
                                                    Improvements to the Frederick         Dipping back into the last days    Mountain, we have to support our
                                                  Road intersection will help turns    of October: I was honored to be       local farmers in every way. Dine at
                                                  onto Moser and the narrowing will    the starter for the ESP Performing    “farm to fork” restaurants. Shop
                                                  help control speeds. This project    Company’s 7  Annual Autumn            at our Farmer’s Market. Stop by a
                                                  is a joint effort of the Town of     5K course, “Halloween Edition”        local orchard.
                                                  Thurmont and Frederick County.       through the Mount Saint Mary’s           At the recent Frederick Chapter
                                                    The recent Town election has       University east campus. Eager         Maryland Municipal League (MML)
                                                  returned Commissioners Hooper        runners—many costumed—set the         meeting, the membership approved
                                                  and Burns to office and yours        tone for the wonderful fundraiser.    its 2018 Legislative priorities.
                                                  truly to the office of mayor. I      Also, with a nod to the mild weather,   The No. 1 priority was to restore
                                                  appreciate the opportunity to serve   the largest crowd, by many accounts,   municipal Highway User Revenue
                                                  our community for another term,      participated in or crowded the square   (HURS) to pre-recession levels.
                                                  and I look forward to working        to cheer on the annual Halloween      In 2010, HURS funds (from state
                                                  with our residents, town staff, and   parade as it progressed down North   budgets) for municipalities lost 96
                                                  the commissioners, as we work        Seton Avenue through the town         percent of transportation revenues.
                                                  together to make Thurmont a great    square. Then it was on to Vigilant    Currently, they have been 61 percent
                                                  community.                           Hose Company for refreshments         restored. Thank you for last year’s
                                                    Please contact me at 301-606-      and costume awards. Thank you         nudge. Please, Governor Hogan,
                                                  9458 or [email protected]       to the Lions Club, Vigilant Hose      take us back to pre-2010 level. Our
                                                  with any comments, questions, or     Company, and all the businesses and   municipal budgets need the revenue.
                                                  suggestions.                         civic groups that also shouldered the    Hoping you had a wonderful
                                                                                       event. Everyone loved it; you were a   Thanksgiving, and wishing a Merry
                                                               We Invite You           success.                              Christmas to all.
                                                                                          In November: Another solemn
                                                                  to Share             Veterans’ Day 21-gun salute tribute       Drop Your Change this
                                                                                       by the joint American Legion –
                                                       Your Good News!                 VFW Honor Guard at our seven                 Holiday Season

                                                    • [email protected] •     area cemeteries. Out of town for                 Don’t forget to drop
                                                                                       a wedding, I missed this year’s
                                                       • Message Line 240-288-0108 •   commemoration for the first time in             your change to benefit
                                                          • Fax 301-447-2946 •         seven years. Commissioner Glenn                    area food banks.
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