Page 20 - August Banner 2017_Neat
P. 20
Page 20 August 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
by Theresa Dardanell
Depar tment Courtesy Photo
V ig ilan t Ho s e C omp an y, A C o mmu n ity Or g an iza tio n
“The Heart and Soul of the $35,000-$40,000 to the VHC every
Community.” That’s how Wayne year. Delicious food is served at the
Powell describes the Vigilant Hose Emmitsburg Fire hall during the
Company (VHC) in Emmitsburg. seafood bonanza, the all-you-can-
I recently met with Powell, public eat breakfast, the wing feed, and the
information officer, along with Frank shrimp/oyster and shrimp/crab dinners.
Davis, president, and Tim Clarke, Bake sales, bingos, sportsman’s
past president. The VHC has a drawings, quarter auctions, and
tremendous one hundred percent craft fairs are held at various times
volunteer staff, which includes during the year. The events are not
active firefighters and fire police; only planned as a way to raise funds
administrative, social, and retired for the fire company, but they are
members; a youth program for young also fun activities for families. The
men and women (ages fourteen and website,, gives a complete
above); and a very busy auxiliary. calendar of upcoming events for the
They also have the support of the year. Additional details are posted
community. One example is that some to the auxiliary’s Facebook page:
VHC volunteers, who work at local VHC6Auxiliary. You can also find the
businesses, are allowed to leave work monthly events listed in the community
in the case of a major fire. Another calendar of The Catoctin Banner.
example of community support is Pictured from left are Fire Chief Chad Umbel and firefighters Chad McNair, Tom Company officers are President
apparent during the annual Spring Ward, Elyssa Cool, Dave Stonesifer, Dave Zentz, and Dave Wilt. Frank Davis, Vice President David
Fling, when many members of the Stonesifer, Treasurer Steven M.
community offer their help to make of Fire Station #6 is impressive. There to organizations in the community, Hollinger, Assistant Treasurer William
this event successful. In addition, is Tower Engine 6, complete with and Elyssa Cool, 2011 Maryland D. Boyd Jr., Secretary Steven W.
twenty-six volunteers are career a 100-foot aerial tower, along with State Firemen’s Association Miss Fire Valentine, and Assistant Secretary
firefighters that give their time on their Engine Tanker 64 and Engine 63. Prevention, promotes fire education. Thomas Vaughn. Operational officers
days off. Heavy Rescue Squad 6, Utility Truck Because of its location in are Chief Chad M. Umbel, Deputy
Working together to protect the 6, Brush Truck 65, and Command Emmitsburg, the VHC is “the most Chief James E. Click, Assistant Chief
community has been a fact since Duty Vehicle 6 are also available for visited fire station in the world.” Christopher A. Stahley, Captain
1757, when the “bucket brigade” various emergencies. Engine Tanker 64 Emmitsburg is the home of the Joshua Brotherton, Lieutenants Alex
was used to fight fires. According has the capability of using compressed National Fallen Firefighters Memorial McKenna, Derek Rosensteel, and
to Powell, everyone who was able- air foam, which is an important and the Foundation’s headquarters Douglas Yingling. Fire Police officers
bodied was expected to be involved addition to the resources for fighting as well as the National Emergency are Captain Lynn Orndorff, 1st
in support of fire protection in the fires. Foam and air are interjected into Training Center and the National Lieutenant Stephen Orndorff, and 2nd
community. When the bell rang, they the hose and then sprayed on the fire; Fire Academy. Visitors to these Lieutenant Samuel Cool. Auxiliary
formed a line from the well to the fire when the foam hits the fire, it removes locations also drop by the station officers are President Tina Ryder, Vice
and passed buckets down the line. the oxygen and quickly knocks where the doors are almost always President Sharel Boyle, Treasurer Jo
Although the methods and equipment down the fire, which also reduces the open. I looked through the guest Ann Boyd, Recording Secretary Joyce
have evolved, the sense of community possibility of rekindling. This system book and found hundreds of entries Glass, and Financial Secretary Mandy
service has remained strong. uses very little water and causes less from Vermont to Hawaii, Texas to Ryder. Board of Directors members
The original Emmitsburg Fire damage. Alaska, Pennsylvania to Germany and are Hugh Boyle, Elyssa Cool, Randy
Company was located on North Although fighting fires is their everywhere in between. Some special Myers, Douglas D. Orner, Thomas
Seton Avenue, and was operated priority, the many volunteers don’t guests to the station include Presidents Ward, and Carl A. White.
by the town. The Vigilant Hose stop there. They are also committed Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Although they already have a
Company was founded in 1884 and to all aspects of fire prevention and Powell said, “When people visit, we terrific group of dedicated volunteers,
has been in its current location on fire safety education. Examples range make them feel right at home.” new members are always welcomed,
West Main Street since 1922. The from fire extinguisher demonstrations Fundraising is a joint venture wanted, and appreciated. Call
VHC serves a 45-square mile area at Mount Saint Mary’s University to between the fire company and the the fire station at 301-447-2728
as its first due responsibility. They fire safety education at Emmitsburg eighty-member auxiliary. Due to the or e-mail [email protected]. To
also provide mutual aid in many Elementary School and Mother tremendous support of the community join the auxiliary and help with
areas in Pennsylvania, as well as in Seton School. VHC volunteer Karen and the dedication of all members, fundraising, contact any member for
Maryland. The apparatus in the bays Myers provides CPR/AED training the auxiliary donates approximately an application.