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Page 8 April 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Bu s i n e s s news

Harmony Healing is the Place for Playground Specialists, Inc.
Your Ener gy Makeover Welcomed to Thur mont Community

Deb Spalding Anita DiGregory

We all have energy! Some days, business Harmony Healing. “This is On Monday, Photo by Anita DiGregory

we may feel so energetic that we’re what I’m meant to do.” February 27,
2017, Maryland
ready to rule the world! Most of the Heather explained, “We’re and town of
time, though, the number of days all in the middle of life—we’re
that we may feel tired and ready for stressed, we’re overstimulated, and Thurmont officials
proudly welcomed
a nap far outnumber our energetic days. life experiences have damaged our Playground
Did you know that our body has chakras. We feel sick, tired, and in
energy centers called chakras, energy pain. A chakra may be connected to Specialists,
Inc., to the
centers within the human body that those feelings, but we can’t see it.” community with
help to regulate all its processes, One of Heather’s clients went to
from organ the doctor a grand opening
function to Photo by Deb Spalding several times celebration which

the immune over the included an
official ribbon-
system? course of cutting ceremony.
A Reiki several years. Playground
practitioner She was Playground Specialist’s spacious 21,000 sq. foot warehouse in Thurmont.

is like an always told Specialists, Inc.,
a full-service recreation company at the ceremony, he stated,
electrician that there owned and operated by Jeff “Ensuring hard-working citizens
who fixes was nothing
our body’s wrong. After Barber, is a dynamic company, in every region of the state have
specializing in assisting clients with access to new job opportunities is a
chakras by trying a all commercial park and playground top priority of our administration.
lightly laying Reiki session,
hands on us the client’s needs, including sales, design, Playground Specialists is a
and installation. At the welcome homegrown company, and it
in areas that symptoms ceremony, many local leaders were is welcome news that they are
are near our decreased,
chakras, to and after on hand, including Frederick County continuing to grow and add jobs
help heal Heather Heier, owner of Harmony Healing. another Office of Economic Development right here in Maryland.”

and cleanse them. During a Reiki session, went away entirely. Director Helen Propheter, Frederick Frederick County Executive Jan
County Council President Bud Gardner remarked, “I am delighted
session, clients may experience warm During a Reiki session, your Otis, Frederick County Executive that Playground Specialists is
sensations, tingling, and visually clothes remain on, you lay face up, or
“see” different colors. Everyone’s sit, in a comfortable space, covered Jan Gardner, Frederick County growing in Frederick County. We
Councilman Kirby Delauter, are proud that a local company has
experience is different, but all will with a snuggly blanket. Heather Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird, become a major supplier in the Mid-
agree that Reiki is relaxing and can doesn’t know, or inquire about,
be healing and often life-changing. your health history, ailments, or Thurmont Commissioner Bill Atlantic, and continues to add jobs
Buehrer, Thurmont Public Works for our workforce.”
Benefits can include a deep symptoms. Since Reiki is divine, it is Department Superintendent Founded by Barber in 1998,
feeling of relaxation, reduced blood the relaying of healing energy for you
pressure, reduced anxiety, diminished from your divine light (YOUR divine Butch West, and Thurmont Playground Specialists, Inc. has
Chief Administrative Officer Jim continued to grow to become one
migraine pain, less depression, better energy source). The light repairs the Humerick. All in attendance were of the largest outdoor recreational
sleep, increased energy levels, relief chakra and fills the holes. Heather
from chronic pain, less arthritic is the conduit for that to happen. happy to welcome this thriving furniture distributors on the East
company, and Barber and his staff, Coast. Barber began installing
discomfort, and relief from the She doesn’t claim to be a healer, but into their new headquarters on commercial playgrounds in 1994.
side effects of chemotherapy and Reiki opens the power of healing.
radiotherapy. Reiki can also help She will not manipulate your body in Apples Church Road. Originally employing only himself
Although Maryland Governor and one other installer, Barber’s staff
release the toxins from the artificial any physical way. There will be a lot Larry Hogan was not in attendance
foods we eat in our average diet. of healing taking place that you just
Sounds a bit like a hoax to some, can’t see. After a session, you will be …Continued on page 9

right? Heather Heier of Thurmont relaxed, and healing will have taken
has been helped by the power of place. There is never an obligation to
Reiki. When she experienced a tragic have additional sessions.
death in her life, she went through Heather describes a Reiki
the process of grief and it changed session as your “energy makeover.”
her to the core. She wandered to Harmony Healing is located inside
find her life’s purpose. She had her the new Center of Life Holistic
“ahha” moment while taking Reiki Center offices on Park Lane in
classes. She liked Reiki so much Thurmont. To book your session,
that she decided to become a Reiki which usually lasts about an hour,
practitioner. “Trying to find myself, I visit HarmonyHealingByHeather.
found Reiki, and when I found Reiki, com, email Heather4Heier@gmail.
I found myself.” Her purpose is to com, or call Heather at 301-418-
help other people, and she wants 8842. View Harmony Healing’s
to give back. She named her Reiki advertisement on page 40.

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