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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper October 2016 Page 51

T h e P r e s e n t P a s t — Continued from page 50

a converted portion of the home’s assistant to the Doctor, survived her
garage at the rear of the lot. In the husband by nearly one year before
apartment was a large northern she passed away on July 23, 1988,
skylight put in for the delight of aged ninety-one.
the doctor’s artistic Aunt. Mrs.
King taught art to many Thurmont Four months after Dalene
children in her studio. Margaret Gray’s death, the Gray’s handsome
E. King had her first stroke in home was sold to Norman D. and
December of 1941 and passed in Monique P. Otis, the three Gray
1943 of her ailing health. children saying goodbye to the house
their parents called home for sixty
Dr. Gray was the best man in years. The Otis’, who remain at the
his son James Jr.’s 1959 wedding residence twenty-eight years later,
to Florida’s Shirley Ann Vinkle maintain the home with immaculate
after which an elegant reception detail and care and continue to
was held at the Francis Scott Key manicure the surrounding hedges
Hotel in Frederick. Come 1961, Dr. recalled in Thurmont residents’
Gray was nominated by Thurmont memories dating as far back as
residents as a mayoral candidate, the 1940s. The Otis’ have, too,
but immediately declined the constructed a handsome addition
nomination. Gray was also in his life to the home’s rear façade lined with
President of the Frederick County windows overlooking gracious
Medical Association, Thurmont gardens that accommodated Mrs.
Lions Club, and the Thurmont Otis’s mother for a time.
Bank, of which he was an active
board member for forty-three years. Elmer C. Kefauver, 502’s
Dr. Gray retired in 1971 at seventy- originator, died in 1950 and his
six years old, but continued to make wife, Mary, in 1957. They were
house calls and welcome visits at his survived by their daughter, Lillian,
home until he let his medical license who was celebrated by the Frederick
expire at age eighty-nine and a half. News Post in March of 1998, when
James King Gray died in 1987 at turning one hundred years old. She
ninety-two and is buried in Union passed away in the year 2000. Dr.
Cemetery at Leesburg, Virginia. Kefauver was eighty-two at the time
Dalene Gray, devoted wife and of his death, his wife two months
shy of ninety.
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