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Page 4 November 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
T&MCrane Rentals, Inc. Tow n Ha l l Re p or t s
September 2016
Em1mCitrsebaumrge,rMy DWa21y727
by James Rada, Jr.
FAX: 301-447-1722 Emmitsburg
Town Now Accepting Credit Cards comes out of a food-processing plant
The Emmitsburg mayor and and is eventually applied to fields.
New regulations in the state do not
commissioners approved a more allow this to be applied during the
user-friendly method for accepting winter, so it must be stored. The
credit card payments at the town $80,000 rental would offset some
office. Payments can be made with of the operating costs of the new
the addition of a $5.00 flat fee per wastewater treatment plant, at least
transaction. Payments cannot be for the first year.
accepted over the phone.
Town Considering Renting “Chemicals alone have essentially
Wastewater Lagoon tripled the cost to maintain it, as
well as the maintenance,” said Town
The Emmitsburg mayor and Manager Cathy Willets.
commissioners are considering
renting out an unused wastewater The agreement would also
lagoon that the town owns to Enviro indemnify the town through EOT’s
Organic Technologies (EOT). The insurance.
lagoon has not been used since the Rain Eased Water Shortage
new wastewater plant went into
operation. EOT currently hauls the Rains in September and October
town’s sludge, but it is in need of a eased the water shortage in
place to store food process residuals Emmitsburg. Rainbow Lake was less
from mid-November until the than two feet below the spillway at
beginning of March. The material the beginning of October, as opposed
to normally being 16.6 feet below.
For more information on the town of Emmitsburg, visit or
call 301-600-6300.
Protecting Utility Lines Considering New Signage
Ashley Shiwarski with Utility The Town of Thurmont is seeking
Service Partners, Inc. spoke to the grant money available to Main Street
Thurmont commissioners recently communities to replace the four
about the National League of Cities “Welcome to Thurmont Main Street
Service Line Program. The program Community” signs around town
partners Utility Service Partners over the coming years. The town will
with municipalities and participating also add signs directing visitors to
residents to protect water and sewer landmarks
lines that break. The commissioners
are considering offering the program The existing signs will be
in Thurmont. repurposed and new, more-attractive
signs will replace them.
For more information on the town of Thurmont, visit or call
the town office at 301-271-7313.
T&MCrane Rentals, Inc. Tow n Ha l l Re p or t s
September 2016
Em1mCitrsebaumrge,rMy DWa21y727
by James Rada, Jr.
FAX: 301-447-1722 Emmitsburg
Town Now Accepting Credit Cards comes out of a food-processing plant
The Emmitsburg mayor and and is eventually applied to fields.
New regulations in the state do not
commissioners approved a more allow this to be applied during the
user-friendly method for accepting winter, so it must be stored. The
credit card payments at the town $80,000 rental would offset some
office. Payments can be made with of the operating costs of the new
the addition of a $5.00 flat fee per wastewater treatment plant, at least
transaction. Payments cannot be for the first year.
accepted over the phone.
Town Considering Renting “Chemicals alone have essentially
Wastewater Lagoon tripled the cost to maintain it, as
well as the maintenance,” said Town
The Emmitsburg mayor and Manager Cathy Willets.
commissioners are considering
renting out an unused wastewater The agreement would also
lagoon that the town owns to Enviro indemnify the town through EOT’s
Organic Technologies (EOT). The insurance.
lagoon has not been used since the Rain Eased Water Shortage
new wastewater plant went into
operation. EOT currently hauls the Rains in September and October
town’s sludge, but it is in need of a eased the water shortage in
place to store food process residuals Emmitsburg. Rainbow Lake was less
from mid-November until the than two feet below the spillway at
beginning of March. The material the beginning of October, as opposed
to normally being 16.6 feet below.
For more information on the town of Emmitsburg, visit or
call 301-600-6300.
Protecting Utility Lines Considering New Signage
Ashley Shiwarski with Utility The Town of Thurmont is seeking
Service Partners, Inc. spoke to the grant money available to Main Street
Thurmont commissioners recently communities to replace the four
about the National League of Cities “Welcome to Thurmont Main Street
Service Line Program. The program Community” signs around town
partners Utility Service Partners over the coming years. The town will
with municipalities and participating also add signs directing visitors to
residents to protect water and sewer landmarks
lines that break. The commissioners
are considering offering the program The existing signs will be
in Thurmont. repurposed and new, more-attractive
signs will replace them.
For more information on the town of Thurmont, visit or call
the town office at 301-271-7313.