Page 36 - Nov 2016 BNP ALL
P. 36
Page 36 November 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Our Neighborhood Veterans

by Jim Houck, Jr. of so many small businesses, or and some take a year or more. When
whatever reason, they cannot find the individual is ready to take on a
What We Can Do As jobs that pay enough to support a job and live clean in an apartment
Neighbors for the U.S. family. The Veteran is proud and or house, they are helped to achieve
does not want people to know he these goals.
Veterans Over the is in need of a handout. There are
Thanksgiving and Christmas organizations to which you can There is a group that collects
contribute food, clothing, and furniture and all living essentials
Holidays financial aid; these organizations for that person to get a new start.
will see to it that the Veteran The furniture and essentials are
The U.S. Veteran needs your so often with cake and ice cream— families in need receive one hundred donations from people like you that
support at all times, and especially again, furnished by the nursing percent of what is donated. In have different types of furniture
during the Holiday season. There home—even if there is no one on addition, these organizations give to taking up needed space or wanting
are older Veterans in nursing homes that particular day with a birthday. I the Veterans in a way that the proud to replace a piece of used furniture
that would really enjoy your visiting also know people that pass out craft family in need will not be exposed. with new. These are warehoused
them to just simply listen to their projects to resident Veterans, such as Check with your local Veterans until someone is released from the
stories or to have a meaningful snap-together bird houses and little organizations, and they will direct program and needs them and then
conversation with them. You don’t plaques to paint, to aid in making you to the right donor organization. their new place will be completely
need to personally know them to them feel useful and active. Veterans furnished. You can contact these
spend time with them. Most nursing Day is coming up on November The last group of Veterans I am places through your local Veterans’
homes encourage you to visit with 11, and what could be better than going to mention that need your organizations.
their resident Veterans, as long as stopping in at a nursing home and help are the homeless Veterans.
you call ahead and let them know thanking a Veteran for their service, These Veterans have come home I really hope that these few
you are coming. Many places will standing back and watching their and from the things they have faced suggestions have given you some
have residents in the lounging area eyes light up. while during their tours of duty, incentive to help a veteran, veteran’s
and have coffee and donuts for you The next group of Veterans that could not face life without the use of family, or a Veterans’ organization.
to enjoy along with them. I think need your help—and not just over drugs or alcohol or both. With everyone pitching in, with a
that in this busy world we live in, we the holidays, but year round—are little effort, we can help so many
can find an hour of time to comfort Veteran families that are struggling They spend their lives on the in need. I cannot think of a more
the people who have put their own with keeping a roof over their heads streets and cannot face living a worthy cause than helping our
lives in jeopardy so that we have the and food on their tables. These normal life, with a place to live and U.S. Veterans. Please try contacting
a job. Well, the good news is, there local veteran organizations for the
are places that take these homeless information you need and if you
Veterans in, if they agree to try and have difficulty please email me at
clean their lives up, and give them [email protected] and I will
a clean place to live, clean clothing, respond with as much knowledge as
three good hot meals a day, and I’m able to give your inquiry.
guidance to a new way of life. The
time spent there is entirely up to the God Bless the United States of
individual, some take a few months America, God Bless the American
Veteran, and God Bless You.

freedom to visit them. families, through no fault of their
I personally know individuals own, have come back from their
who are so dedicated and thankful tours of duty to a country suffering
for our Veterans, they make a point from the highest rate of unemployed Patronize Our Advertisers!

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by holding birthday parties every to another country or the closing due to the advertising support of

those featured in each issue.

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