Page 20 - Nov 2016 BNP ALL
P. 20
Page 20 November 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

by Theresa Dardanell


Spotlight Emmitsburg Public Works Department crew: Chris Wantz, Dave Wantz, James
Click, and Steve Fissel.

Emmitsburg Public Works Department

Before I met with the Director weed killing; and maintenance of Fisher, Operator. The town benefits
of the Emmitsburg Public Works playground equipment, pavilions, from this working relationship;
Department, James Click, I thought picnic tables, ball field fences, and when snow removal requires
I knew all of the responsibilities of restroom buildings. additional help, the crew works
the department. I was amazed at together to get the job done as
what I didn’t know. “Water and sewer” includes quickly as possible. They also take
reading, repairing, and replacing turns working at the yard waste
According to the website, the water meters; repairing water leaks and recycling drop-off center at
public works department “consists and sewer backups; and staffing the wastewater treatment plant
of the following public services: the wastewater treatment plant and on Creamery Road; this service is
water and sewer, streets, lights, monitoring it every day, around the available to residents all year on
maintenance to all parks and clock. There are 7 miles of sewer the first and third Saturday of every
recreation facilities, and snow pipe, 10 miles of water pipe, and month, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
removal, as well as operating the 133 fire hydrants in town.
yard waste and recycling site.” Because they share the
In 2005, James Click combined responsibilities, members of the crew
That might not sound like a the Department of Public Works need to know how to operate the
lot until you find out more. One and the Water/Sewer Department many different vehicles in the fleet,
example is “streets,” which includes so that the employees could work as well as how to use all the various
keeping streets clean, repairing and together as a team for a more equipment. Along with the 4x4
replacing street lights, painting efficient operation. There are only trucks, there are trucks for plowing,
crosswalks and curbs, repairing and eight employees to handle all of the salting, and hauling; a sludge truck
replacing signs, trimming trees, and jobs in both departments. Along for cleaning sewer lines and septic
putting up banners and flags for with James Click, the Public Works tanks; a backhoe; a pull-behind
holidays and events. There are 12 department members are: Steve trailer lift; several mowers; as well
miles of roads/streets and 350 street Fissel, Building Maintenance; as other equipment.
lights in Emmitsburg. Dave Wantz, Public Works; Chris
Wantz, Public Works. The Water/ According to James Click, the
“Parks and Recreation facilities” Sewer Department members are: members of the crew enjoy their
consists of the Community Park, Dan Fissel, Water and Sewer work and want to do a good job for
Memorial Park, Silo Hill, and Superintendent; Wayne Sharrer, the community. “We look out for
Emmit Gardens—a total of 70 acres Senior Operator; Matthew the townspeople whatever they may
of parkland. Some of the work at Desmond, Lead Operator; Jacob need. That’s the biggest thing.”
these locations includes mowing;

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