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Page 10 November 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Community news
Thurmont Receives Prestigious Sustainable Maryland Certified
Award at Maryland Municipal League
The Environmental Finance Center at and leadership in this worthwhile endeavor.
the University of Maryland announced The projects and initiatives implemented by the
that the Town of Thurmont was one of Thurmont Green Team has set our town on a
fourteen Maryland municipalities honored course of environmental awareness, renewed
at the Sustainable Maryland Awards our sense of community and most importantly
Ceremony at the Maryland Municipal will help insure a healthier and economically
League’s annual Fall Conference viable future for Thurmont’s residents.”
on October 17, 2016, in Solomons,
Maryland. “Every year, the Environmental Finance
Center is proud to welcome more municipalities
Highlights of Thurmont’s to the Sustainable Maryland community,”
accomplishments include: said Dan Nees, director of the Environmental
Finance Center. “The incredible growth of
• Adopted a Sustainable Procurement this program demonstrates that so many
Policy in 2016 that ensures that town communities across the state are dedicated
staff considers sustainability when to healthier, more sustainable futures. The
purchasing products and/or services shared commitment of local elected officials,
to be utilized within the town’s municipal staff and Green Team volunteers in
operations. these diverse towns and cities are a testament to
• Began an LED street light retrofit (from left) Chief Administrative Officer Jim Humerick, Green Team Assistant Maryland’s vision of resilience.”
Leader Cindy Poole, and Mayor John Kinnaird are shown with the Sustainable
Maryland Certified award at the Maryland Municipal League Conference in
program in 2015, which has thus far October.
installed 62 new downtown LED street
lights and 30 new subdivision LED street lights.
• Hosted a Farmers Market since 2005.
• Promotes “Thurmont Business Bucks” as part of a “Buy Local” campaign.
This program allows residents to purchase “coupons” that can be used at
any participating business in town, keeping more money circulating locally.
• An average of 320 households made up of over 1,300 individuals receive
food each month from the Thurmont Food Bank.
• Established a Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Ordinance,
which details specific characteristics that must be met including building
design, street alignments and design, and architectural details.
“I am very proud of the joint resident and municipal effort that has
resulted in Thurmont being recognized as a Sustainable Maryland Certified
municipality,” said Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird. “I specifically want to
thank the Thurmont Green Team for their tireless investment of time, energy
Play the Where Am I? and Hidden Object games on page 6.
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Community news
Thurmont Receives Prestigious Sustainable Maryland Certified
Award at Maryland Municipal League
The Environmental Finance Center at and leadership in this worthwhile endeavor.
the University of Maryland announced The projects and initiatives implemented by the
that the Town of Thurmont was one of Thurmont Green Team has set our town on a
fourteen Maryland municipalities honored course of environmental awareness, renewed
at the Sustainable Maryland Awards our sense of community and most importantly
Ceremony at the Maryland Municipal will help insure a healthier and economically
League’s annual Fall Conference viable future for Thurmont’s residents.”
on October 17, 2016, in Solomons,
Maryland. “Every year, the Environmental Finance
Center is proud to welcome more municipalities
Highlights of Thurmont’s to the Sustainable Maryland community,”
accomplishments include: said Dan Nees, director of the Environmental
Finance Center. “The incredible growth of
• Adopted a Sustainable Procurement this program demonstrates that so many
Policy in 2016 that ensures that town communities across the state are dedicated
staff considers sustainability when to healthier, more sustainable futures. The
purchasing products and/or services shared commitment of local elected officials,
to be utilized within the town’s municipal staff and Green Team volunteers in
operations. these diverse towns and cities are a testament to
• Began an LED street light retrofit (from left) Chief Administrative Officer Jim Humerick, Green Team Assistant Maryland’s vision of resilience.”
Leader Cindy Poole, and Mayor John Kinnaird are shown with the Sustainable
Maryland Certified award at the Maryland Municipal League Conference in
program in 2015, which has thus far October.
installed 62 new downtown LED street
lights and 30 new subdivision LED street lights.
• Hosted a Farmers Market since 2005.
• Promotes “Thurmont Business Bucks” as part of a “Buy Local” campaign.
This program allows residents to purchase “coupons” that can be used at
any participating business in town, keeping more money circulating locally.
• An average of 320 households made up of over 1,300 individuals receive
food each month from the Thurmont Food Bank.
• Established a Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Ordinance,
which details specific characteristics that must be met including building
design, street alignments and design, and architectural details.
“I am very proud of the joint resident and municipal effort that has
resulted in Thurmont being recognized as a Sustainable Maryland Certified
municipality,” said Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird. “I specifically want to
thank the Thurmont Green Team for their tireless investment of time, energy
Play the Where Am I? and Hidden Object games on page 6.
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