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Page 4 May 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Town Hall Reports

Thurmont and Emmitsburg April 2016 by James Rada, Jr.

Emmitsburg order to be able to have the budget bridge. The town now has all of the

Pool Management Contract approved before the end of June. permits and easements it needs to
move forward on the project.
Approved Town Votes to Accept a Trail The town is also considering creating
The Emmitsburg Town Conservancy Grant a mini-park near a lime kiln that was
Commissioners approved a contract The Emmitsburg Town discovered by the bridge. This hinges
to have RSV Pools manage the town Commissioners voted on April 4 on the town obtaining land currently
pool this year. As per a request to accept a $30,000 grant from owned by Dan Ryan Homes.
from the commissioners, this new the Trail Conservancy for trail Discussions are ongoing to make this
management company will have improvements in town. There is a happen.
its staff wear uniforms and offer chance that the grant could increase
swimming lessons if there is sufficient to $40,000 if the town includes Farmers Market Opens in June
interest. The company will also make new signage and a parking lot in The Thurmont Farmers Market will
efforts to hire staffing for the pool the improvements. However, this restart on June 4, and be held each
from among local residents. The new increase would also require the town Saturday through September. The
contract will cost the town $47,028, to put forward a matching portion hours for the Farmers Market will be
which is 2.5 percent higher than last of $2,000. The commissioners can 9:00 a.m.-noon at the town parking
year’s contract. revisit this portion later if they lot on South Center Street.
choose to do so.
Town Deeds a Small Portion of For more information on the town of
Land to the State For more information on the town of Thurmont, visit

To aid the bridge improvement Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. or call the town office at 301-271-
work of the Flat Run bridge, the gov or call 301-600-6300. 7313.
Emmitsburg Town Commissioners
voted to deed 250 square feet to the
State of Maryland temporarily. The Thurmont Shop Local!
land near the bridge is needed in Support Your Community
order to build up a sufficient slope Key Sanitation Will Continue Trash
for the bridge. When the work is Pick-up in Thurmont Pratronize your local
completed, the land will be deeded The Thurmont Mayor and businesses.
back to the town. The town will Commissioners approved a bid
receive $250 for the land. from Key Sanitation of Dickerson,
No Tobacco Products in Town Maryland, to provide curbside trash
removal and bulk trash pick-up
Vehicles for Thurmont. Key Sanitation is
The Emmitsburg Town the current provider of this service
Commissioners voted on April 4 and the commissioners are quite
to prohibit the use of any tobacco happy with the service the company
products in town vehicles. Tobacco provides. When the contract was put
use is already prohibited on town out for bid, the town received two
property and buildings. bids and Key Sanitation was the low
bidder. The amount of the contract
Haller Retiring is $135,960 for the first year and
Emmitsburg Town Manager, Dave $138,000 for the second year. The
Haller, will be retiring at the end second bidder, Republic Services
of June this year. The long-time in Frederick, was roughly $60,000
manager will be replaced by an more each year.
interim town manager until the John Bean Reappointed to the
mayor and town commissioners Board of Appeals
decide on who to hire as a permanent
replacement. Town Clerk, Cathy John Bean was the only person
Willetts, will be serving as the interim to apply to fill his expiring term
town manager. on the Board of Appeals. The
commissioners re-appointed him to
Two Meetings in May and June a third term. The Board of Appeals
Town Manager, Dave Haller, told the still has one member vacancy and a
town commissioners during the April vacancy for an alternate member.
town meeting that they will be asking
for two town meetings in May, and Moser Road Bridge Work
possibly, June. The town has only Continues
recently switched to a single town Work on the Moser Road Bridge,
meeting each month, but reserved which will also include a pedestrian
the right to meet twice a month if bridge, is continuing. The 90-feet
needed. With the town entering its long and 5-feet wide pedestrian
budget season, town staff feels that bridge will run alongside the 60-
the extra meetings are needed in feet long and 23-feet wide vehicular
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