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Page 6 July 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Beloved Local Theater Company Schedules its Last
Show at the Thurmont American Legion
The Thurmont Thespians Closes its Final Season with a 1980s-themed Musical
The Thurmont “We want the
Thespians, a local kids to really know
theater company what it takes to put
based in Thurmont, on a show—how
will mount its final much work there
show, Footloose, is going on behind
at the Thurmont the scenes,” said
American Legion, Watson.
ending its three- The Thespians
shows-a-season selected Footloose
format after eighteen as its final show
years of local for its great music
productions. The and upbeat spirit.
musical is based off “It’s going to be
of the 1984 movie, bittersweet, saying
Footloose, starring goodbye to a group
Kevin Bacon, and that influenced
features some of the The Thurmont Thespians cast of Footloose- Back row (left to right): Rachel Johnson, Veronica not only me, but
most iconic songs Smaldone, Nathan Kopit, Daniel Miller, Sean Miller, Elijah Miller, Evelyn Pecher, Alissa Zentz, countless other
Adrianna Bussey; Second row (left to right): Mallory Donaghue, Samantha Nigida, Nicholas
from the 1980s, Miller, Maddi Tatum, Addison Eyler, Faith Davis, Sara Street, Tara O’Donnell; Third row (left to local children,” said
including “Holding right): Isabella Scott, Daniel Puckett, Sammy Royer, Katelin Pinnell, Erin Kopit, Karsyn Shugars, Rosalyn Smaldone,
BY Out for a Hero” by and Annabelle Perry. a 2016 graduate of
Mount Saint Mary’s
Bonnie Tyler and
E PLUS COPY CENTER “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins. Spence, started the Thurmont University and the director of the
The Thurmont Thespians
Thespians to give local youth
Bridey Puvel and Dan Miller,
Is your website Need a new performed their first show, He Lived and adults the opportunity to both of Thurmont, star as the leads
participate in all stages of theater,
a Good Life, in 1998, under the
out of date? direction of the foundress, Beth from performance, to set design, to in the show. Puvel is studying Music
Watson. Watson and her husband,
Therapy at Shenandoah University
LET US in Winchester, Virginia. Miller is a
sophomore at Colgate University in
HELP Hamilton, New York. Both expressed
sorrow that the theater company is
closing, but also excitement for the
YOU! show. “I’ve loved being a member of
the Thespians. We are putting our
best efforts forward to have a great
last show,” expressed Puvel.
Footloose will be performed at
We specialize in great the Thurmont American Legion on
customer service at the following dates and times: July
21-23 and July 28-30, at 7:30 p.m.;
affordable prices. July 24 and 31 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets
are $15.00 and can be reserved in
Customized Web Design advance or purchased at the door.
Web Development The Legion is located at 8 Park Lane
in Thurmont. Call 301-271-7613 for
Web Hosting ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com tickets. View the advertisement on
page 15.
Domain Registration Woodsboro Mower Repair
Search Engine Optimization 301-471-6420 Cornhole
E-Commerce Solutions Tournament
A Cornhole Tournament,
Website Maintenance benefiting the Thurmont Guardian
PHP Forms Hose Company, will be held on
Saturday, August 27, 2016, at the
DO WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? SUMMER SALE! Thurmont Carnival Grounds. Event
Then stop by, or give us features handmade cornhole board
a call for more info! 10% OFF All Repair raffle, tip jars, music, and more!
View the advertisement on page 31
301-447-2804 (Must Present Coupon At Time Of Repair) for more information.
E PLUS COPY CENTER Play our games on Page
In the Lobby of Emmitsburg’s Jubilee Mon. - Fri.: After 5:30pm • Sat. & Sun.: 9:00am - 5:00pm 5! You could win a gift 200 N. Main Street • Woodsboro, MD 21798 • [email protected] certificate!
Beloved Local Theater Company Schedules its Last
Show at the Thurmont American Legion
The Thurmont Thespians Closes its Final Season with a 1980s-themed Musical
The Thurmont “We want the
Thespians, a local kids to really know
theater company what it takes to put
based in Thurmont, on a show—how
will mount its final much work there
show, Footloose, is going on behind
at the Thurmont the scenes,” said
American Legion, Watson.
ending its three- The Thespians
shows-a-season selected Footloose
format after eighteen as its final show
years of local for its great music
productions. The and upbeat spirit.
musical is based off “It’s going to be
of the 1984 movie, bittersweet, saying
Footloose, starring goodbye to a group
Kevin Bacon, and that influenced
features some of the The Thurmont Thespians cast of Footloose- Back row (left to right): Rachel Johnson, Veronica not only me, but
most iconic songs Smaldone, Nathan Kopit, Daniel Miller, Sean Miller, Elijah Miller, Evelyn Pecher, Alissa Zentz, countless other
Adrianna Bussey; Second row (left to right): Mallory Donaghue, Samantha Nigida, Nicholas
from the 1980s, Miller, Maddi Tatum, Addison Eyler, Faith Davis, Sara Street, Tara O’Donnell; Third row (left to local children,” said
including “Holding right): Isabella Scott, Daniel Puckett, Sammy Royer, Katelin Pinnell, Erin Kopit, Karsyn Shugars, Rosalyn Smaldone,
BY Out for a Hero” by and Annabelle Perry. a 2016 graduate of
Mount Saint Mary’s
Bonnie Tyler and
E PLUS COPY CENTER “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins. Spence, started the Thurmont University and the director of the
The Thurmont Thespians
Thespians to give local youth
Bridey Puvel and Dan Miller,
Is your website Need a new performed their first show, He Lived and adults the opportunity to both of Thurmont, star as the leads
participate in all stages of theater,
a Good Life, in 1998, under the
out of date? direction of the foundress, Beth from performance, to set design, to in the show. Puvel is studying Music
Watson. Watson and her husband,
Therapy at Shenandoah University
LET US in Winchester, Virginia. Miller is a
sophomore at Colgate University in
HELP Hamilton, New York. Both expressed
sorrow that the theater company is
closing, but also excitement for the
YOU! show. “I’ve loved being a member of
the Thespians. We are putting our
best efforts forward to have a great
last show,” expressed Puvel.
Footloose will be performed at
We specialize in great the Thurmont American Legion on
customer service at the following dates and times: July
21-23 and July 28-30, at 7:30 p.m.;
affordable prices. July 24 and 31 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets
are $15.00 and can be reserved in
Customized Web Design advance or purchased at the door.
Web Development The Legion is located at 8 Park Lane
in Thurmont. Call 301-271-7613 for
Web Hosting ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com tickets. View the advertisement on
page 15.
Domain Registration Woodsboro Mower Repair
Search Engine Optimization 301-471-6420 Cornhole
E-Commerce Solutions Tournament
A Cornhole Tournament,
Website Maintenance benefiting the Thurmont Guardian
PHP Forms Hose Company, will be held on
Saturday, August 27, 2016, at the
DO WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? SUMMER SALE! Thurmont Carnival Grounds. Event
Then stop by, or give us features handmade cornhole board
a call for more info! 10% OFF All Repair raffle, tip jars, music, and more!
View the advertisement on page 31
301-447-2804 (Must Present Coupon At Time Of Repair) for more information.
E PLUS COPY CENTER Play our games on Page
In the Lobby of Emmitsburg’s Jubilee Mon. - Fri.: After 5:30pm • Sat. & Sun.: 9:00am - 5:00pm 5! You could win a gift 200 N. Main Street • Woodsboro, MD 21798 • [email protected] certificate!